I like how things were set up, with a lot of books for different preferences and tastes and Hickman writing one shots that set up stories for those books or for bigger things in the future.
But this Inferno stuff is gonna put this strategy to the test. He's gonna blow Moira's cover pretty early into "Reign of X" and it's hard to picture a cohesive line of books dealing with that shyt AND set up the supposedly final stage of this run. Not to mentón the new X-men will be barely starting.
I'm very intrigued in how Hickman handles Inferno and the consecuences that come out of it. On one hand it should be something big after 2 years of set up, but on the other ha d it can't be THAT big that rushes things to the end (I think).
Imagine if Moira loses her powers and the whole "reset reality" stuff is thrown to the bushes