Uncanny X-Men was good...Uncanny Avengers is next and ONE WAY or ANOTHER, I will be reading some damn Batman titles before this day is over

Okay. It's now just fukking stupid how much the rest of the x-men hate on Scott for something he did while under the influence of the Pheonix. I'm fukking done with it. It's fukking stupid that no one will simply be like, "Uhh...guys, the Phoenix DOES do some messed up shyt to you. He kinda DID jump start the return of mutants. Actually...fukk you guys. I'm going with them."
Have I mentioned lately how the Avengers are incompetent a$$holes? Captain America in particular is being written like his ultimate counterpart who's willing to shoot first and ask questions later.
I had that same feeling after reading the issue that came out today. This team is just about the most incompetent bunch of boobs in comics. I give Hickman credit for big ideas that are intriguing but he really doesn't make it easy to root for this team that jumps the gun constantly and seem to not have a clue as to what the hell they are doing.
: mindblown: @ how they're trying hold adam and the starbrand responsible for shyt they aren't responsible for. Are they purposely writing Cap and Tony as the biggest hypocritical a$$holes in the 616?
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Everything about it reads like Cap is still salty about how shyt played out with Cyclops and his crew. Lately the Avengers have just been rolling up on people demanding they turn themselves in and Cap is always the one taking the more aggressive tone.
Half the shyt that happened in the latest Avengers arc could have been solved if Cap and the other just took the time to explain to the kid what was going on. The only times Starbrand hurt anyone (after the initial manifestation) was when some dumbass came at him aggressively.
Great mentions on the Green Lantern events
What's the thought on Fearless Defenders so far?
It's been stupid.
It requires that the reader either doesn't know or must forget HUGE chunks of X-Men history.
A clear minded Charles Xavier committed countless horrible acts but they always (eventually) forgave him.
Scott has a cosmic entity that is KNOWN to drive people insane forced into him and he get ALL the blame.
I had to throw the fukking comic across the room when they had Krakoa appear WHILE they were talking shyt about "evil" Scott killing "innocent" Charles. They had a cameo by the island that Xavier sent a bunch of untrained students to die on before he wiped everyones memory of his "mistake".