I’m a fan of Rorschach, but I dislike Tom King. I’ll still read it.
Dr. Batman Who Laughs
I hated that so much.Dr. Batman Who Laughs
anything and everything hoping it sticks. metal should have been an event instead of drawing it out like they have
I hated that so much.
Snyder is just writing anything in service to his shytty creation.
Snyder's pushing of BWL has become way worse than how Bendis used to shove The Hood down everyone's throats.It doesn’t feel like a big event. Maybe because I haven’t been reading JL.
At first I waswhen it debuted, now I’m
I didn’t even finish the mini-series. Is he getting royalties off the creation? I’m sure comic geeks are horny over it.
I forgot that book even existed. Last thing I remember is they were in a nightclub fighting fairies.So Strikeforce got cancelled as well.
I thought the cast of characters were better than the AoWakanda crew but half the squad was basically wallpaper status. Literally nothing for Bucky or Spider-Woman to do. Monica wasn't much better off, and should be a bit beyond this type of team anyway. Which kinda goes back to the formation of the team.. which felt a bit random. And the overall plot being a bit of a snooze-fest that doesn't seem to be a larger part of anything relevant going on.
With characters like Voodoo, Wanda, Monica, Hercules, Wonder Man, Blue Marvel, etc not having shyt to do (being wall paper in strange academy and "savage avengers" non-withstanding), that's a hell of a free agent list