I be forgetting about Wonder Man. Feels like he's just largely ignored the last 15 years, or at least from mainstream avenger books and events.
The other names i agree with. I guess Photon/Spectrum counts in the temporary power-up category? She had a hot... 6 years? From when Ewing started Mighty Avengers... through Ultimates... and until he kinda/sorta depowered her in No Road Home? A planet buster who was light speed/FTL and could instant kill anyone not named Thanos by entering their brain through their eye socket.
At her peak, she seemed kinda "Flash" like but if Flash were a D-list character not allowed to do anything to move the plot along
I would add Monica Rambeau/Spectrum/Photon/Pulsar/Whatever the hell her current super-hero name is to that list.
I had Monica on the list, but she got edged out by Magneto. Shoulda added her anyway.
I've been advocating for Beast to leave the X-Men and never looks since forever. The character has never been treated well in the X-books and even worse has been written as an entirely different character than what he had been for the majority of his existence (which was outside of the X-Men world). So an Avengers books with folks who've had issues/are looking for redemption/a fresh start would be cool. My roster would be:
Wonder Man
Hank Pym
Machine Man
Monica Rambeau