It is the textbook case for a writer not knowing how to edit himself. This whole thing is like 10 issues past it's sell-by date and needs to be wrapped up ASAP.I don’t even bother to read JL Odyssey anymore.
I plan on buying the issues when they’re in cheap boxes, So I’ll just hold off on actually reading the last few issues. (I hope it ends soon.) Until then, I’ll just look at the art and read a panel or 2.
New Mutants #10 came out yesterday.haven't been keepin up.. any new X-men issues release?
I don’t even bother to read JL Odyssey anymore.
I plan on buying the issues when they’re in cheap boxes, So I’ll just hold off on actually reading the last few issues. (I hope it ends soon.) Until then, I’ll just look at the art and read a panel or 2.
It is the textbook case for a writer not knowing how to edit himself. This whole thing is like 10 issues past it's sell-by date and needs to be wrapped up ASAP.
Zdarsky on Nightwing would be great especially after the terrible Ric Grayson bullshyt that has been going of for what feels like 100 years.DC Comics celebrating first appearance of Batman with 144-page ‘Detective Comics’ #1027
Chip Zdarsky working on a story with Matt Fraction for Detective Comics #1027.
This is the second DC book he's been announced to be working on (after the Dark Nights: Death Metal sourcebook). If DC grabs Zdarsky for even a non-exclusive deal, that would be such a great get.
A Chip Zdarsky run on Nightwing or Green Arrow would be. Could even give him Flash since Williamson is leaving in September.
They have been trying to plant seeds for the next crisis, but I think the combination of DiDio getting fired/ Doomsday Clock delays/5G being scrapped/ Death Metal changing has had the book in a weird holding pattern.
haven't been keepin up.. any new X-men issues release?
I'm really looking forward to that Black Label Constantine series by Tom Taylor and Darick Robertson.Excalibur was good I guess.... but I feel like I missed an issue or some shyt. London under attack? 1980's like Mutie hate propaganda? they're not in Otherworld? What's Kate doing there? Get it together, Editorial. I don't wanna see this turn into a "Mutant Lives Matter" type thing.
New Mutants:. First
Daredevil: Chip killing this shyt. Imagine this whole run on Netflix. Did they ever show Matt swatting bullets on netflix?
The Death of Nancy Drew: I'm a HUGE fan of these Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew comics. I think I posted about The Big Lie twice. Best original noir comics since Madrox solo limited series (Parker:The Hunter owns tht crown, but it's not original)
Tom Taylor got a Hellblazer story on deck. I can't wait.
Death Metal is still coming. I think it comes out in July or August.Thought they were still going through with 5G, just with changes?
Also what happened with Death Metal? you got any links?