do you mind dropping the names of some of the indie ones? I made it through the first six of Excellence and just thought it was okay. The son/father story seemed cool, but I wasn’t feeling them being a society of magicians that were protecting white people. I know there was more to the story than that, but I felt some of the decisions are forced to push a certain narrative.
specifically if you know of any indie comics with a strong black lead. Thanks
I like Divinity. Try Divinity its different
"Divinity begins with the space race at the height of the Cold War in the 1960s, when the Soviets send a guy out into the galaxy where no man has really gone before. While out there, he is transformed into a being that can manipulate space and matter, so when he crash-lands in the Australian Outback decades later, those who meet him consider him a god.
Divinity (which isn't his real name) is also the first black astronaut — Russia is intent on beating the USA into space and at civil rights as well, according to Kindt. The story is splintered so we're going to see him in each issue at every stage in his evolution, from youngster to hopeful astronaut with a personal life to a cosmically aware being by the time he gets back.
"By the time that he becomes Divinity, we'll already understand him," Kindt says. "Like the child being father to the man, we'll see that his humanity is father to the superhuman. The power he gets is almost incidental to the other things that have gone on in his life.
"He's a character that's obsessed with his past and mistakes he's made so when he gains some incredible power, he ends up focusing that ability into the things he's already obsessed with — regret over past mistakes and making things right."