Essential The Official Comic Book Discussion Thread [Support @Neuromancer’s book!]


Jan 24, 2016
To your earlier post, which I will get to later...

The Bolded is just another example of why I can tell you aren't very familiar with X-Men comics. That was a major plot point of the X-Men for nearly a decade and still to this day. Yet because you personally didn't read it when it happened "you have a hard time making sense of all of that"?

You gotta understand, just because you didn't catch something or understand/agree with the motivations of a person/character, it doesn't mean that the actions of those people/characters don't make sense. I sincerely hope you don't take the same POV in real life that you do in comics...

16 million in general is more than believable. especially since worldwide wanda is responisble for near a million

but 16 million on an tiny island that looks like a blip next to madagascar? mutants would be living on top of each other and that would be impossible to hide to tourists visiting the island no matter how far they were from the mutant side

im not gonna even address the personal attack. moving on

Because there is very little subtlety to your phrasing and posting style, you reveal way too much with what you say and how you feel on the topics and characters. In particular, you seem to imply the X-Men are creating their own problems and that the humans would leave them alone if they didn't take action...

You are speaking of this particular situation as if its an isolated incident.

It is not.

There are a lot of death Sabertooth is responsible for that cannot be defended. These particular deaths are not in that category.

If you don't trust the X-Men, who in the Marvel universe do you trust more? I'd truly love to hear this answer :sas1:

the xmen/brotherhood are definetely the catalysts to the mutant situation. but nowhere did i blame them for the actions of sentinels, purifiers and reavers unless they put people in harms way like they did the depowered kids

the xmen have the means to defend themselves in groups, but singular mutants that dont want to be xmen are left to their own devices which makes them prey to monsters.

as for trusting the xmen, why on earth should i? blindly trusting any group will get you fukked. especially ones that constantly ally with so called enemies or those who dont have the same vision. the shield fallout should be the major example to take from. hydra was all up in that

You are telling on yourself here bruh. Inhumans aren't the same as mutants. And if you don't understand the Wanda stuff... its clear you haven't been keeping up.

Its fine if you don't read or didn't know certain details man, but you don't have to come in antagonizing when majority of the cases you are presenting have already been answered or are incorrect....

You are incorrect. They were ALWAYS mutants.

Wanda specifically and maliciously altered all effected mutants' genetic code.

im referring to the terrigen mists being poisonous to mutants. the event that killed cyclops, and probably had more actual mutant deaths than no more mutants did. and wanda never decieved anyone. she didnt know she wasnt a mutant orthat max wasnt her father. and on top, she was never on a mutant team, so who is she pretending to?

she didnt maliciously alter genetic code, she turned the x gene off.

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
and yeah, this was the first issue of Immortal Hulk I :francis: at.

Doomsday Clock came out after being on some Wetworks/Planetary type release schedule. I actually :francis: at it, too.

Amazing how they basically handwaved/dropped the loooooong running Saturn Girl subplot the same week as the horrendous Bendis Legion book drooped.

But that's enough "fukking up long running continuity/story/plots cause Bendis is here" talk for today :francis:


Jan 24, 2016
We can argue about numbers but this looks like it is canon so the argument is mute

The numbers....this is a comic book and that is what stated unless you believe Xavier or some other mutant made it up? At this point it's like arguing 2+2=4

canon doesnt make something infalliable though. like turning wanda and pietro into high evolutionaries kids..
and yeah, this was the first issue of Immortal Hulk I :francis: at.

Doomsday Clock came out after being on some Wetworks/Planetary type release schedule. I actually :francis: at it, too.

Amazing how they basically handwaved/dropped the loooooong running Saturn Girl subplot the same week as the horrendous Bendis Legion book drooped.

But that's enough "fukking up long running continuity/story/plots cause Bendis is here" talk for today :francis:

i feel like ive missed an issue of immortal hulk


May 3, 2012
16 million in general is more than believable. especially since worldwide wanda is responisble for near a million

but 16 million on an tiny island that looks like a blip next to madagascar? mutants would be living on top of each other and that would be impossible to hide to tourists visiting the island no matter how far they were from the mutant side

im not gonna even address the personal attack. moving on

Well first of all, let's get one thing clear... I made no personal attack on you, bruh. I'm criticizing your thought process. That's something you are in full control of and choose to have. That's not a slight to you as a person.

And you are kind of doing the same thing in the last part of your post here... Your understanding of the circumstances is not accurate. First of all, have you been to a major city? People live on top of each other all the time, I don't understand why that would even be a valid criticism in your POV of the story. Its as if you are trying to dismiss the quantity that were killed by saying you don't understand it...

the xmen/brotherhood are definetely the catalysts to the mutant situation. but nowhere did i blame them for the actions of sentinels, purifiers and reavers unless they put people in harms way like they did the depowered kids

the xmen have the means to defend themselves in groups, but singular mutants that dont want to be xmen are left to their own devices which makes them prey to monsters.

as for trusting the xmen, why on earth should i? blindly trusting any group will get you fukked. especially ones that constantly ally with so called enemies or those who dont have the same vision. the shield fallout should be the major example to take from. hydra was all up in that

The X-Men and the Brotherhood are not the same group. At all. That's like comparing the NAACP to the KKK. The simple idea that you'd equate the two, is once again, a telling point that you don't really understand/respect the X-Men characters or their history. That's like blaming ALL of humanity for the actions of those separate groups, which is something the X-Men DO NOT do.

And if you don't trust the X-Men in that case, then why are you complaining about it? It was clear Creed was not being given a fair trail, which even a cold blooded killer deserves to have in America. And almost every other time Creed was imprisoned, he either broke out because they couldn't hold him or they used him as a weapon for their own purposes, often to hunt down mutants. It would be a tactical and moral error to allow Creed to be unfairly tried.

im referring to the terrigen mists being poisonous to mutants. the event that killed cyclops, and probably had more actual mutant deaths than no more mutants did. and wanda never decieved anyone. she didnt know she wasnt a mutant orthat max wasnt her father. and on top, she was never on a mutant team, so who is she pretending to?

she didnt maliciously alter genetic code, she turned the x gene off.

The X Gene is a part of their genetic make up. They are genetically NOT humans, as you stated earlier. And her actions caused nearly 1 million deaths. The Terrigen Mists probably would have caused even more deaths had Wanda not killed so many in the first place AND had the Avengers or ANY other heroic team taken action much earlier.


Aug 14, 2015
Picked up the Joker today from th DC Black label series, oh my :wow:


All Star
Aug 3, 2017
I hate what DC did to 90s replacements like Wally, Kyle, and Tim Drake. A whole generation of folks grew up with Wally as The Flash, Kyle as Green Lantern, and Tim as Robin only to turn around and bring back Barry, Hal, and making bytch ass Damian Wayne Robin. :scust:

I agree with some of this because Wally and Kyle are my flash and gl but tim need to move on to a different mantle showing his maturity instead of taking another Grayson title Red Robin. I think he should of been made into the next question because he was always so supposed to be the best detective of the robins.

Damian is a great Robin when you pair him with dikk as Batman. DC really dropped the ball when they essentially had a great new Batman family formed with dikk, Damian, Barbara, and Steph brown with Tim as the question it could had been something really special


Jan 24, 2016
Well first of all, let's get one thing clear... I made no personal attack on you, bruh. I'm criticizing your thought process. That's something you are in full control of and choose to have. That's not a slight to you as a person.

And you are kind of doing the same thing in the last part of your post here... Your understanding of the circumstances is not accurate. First of all, have you been to a major city? People live on top of each other all the time, I don't understand why that would even be a valid criticism in your POV of the story. Its as if you are trying to dismiss the quantity that were killed by saying you don't understand it...

The X-Men and the Brotherhood are not the same group. At all. That's like comparing the NAACP to the KKK. The simple idea that you'd equate the two, is once again, a telling point that you don't really understand/respect the X-Men characters or their history. That's like blaming ALL of humanity for the actions of those separate groups, which is something the X-Men DO NOT do.

And if you don't trust the X-Men in that case, then why are you complaining about it? It was clear Creed was not being given a fair trail, which even a cold blooded killer deserves to have in America. And almost every other time Creed was imprisoned, he either broke out because they couldn't hold him or they used him as a weapon for their own purposes, often to hunt down mutants. It would be a tactical and moral error to allow Creed to be unfairly tried.

The X Gene is a part of their genetic make up. They are genetically NOT humans, as you stated earlier. And her actions caused nearly 1 million deaths. The Terrigen Mists probably would have caused even more deaths had Wanda not killed so many in the first place AND had the Avengers or ANY other heroic team taken action much earlier.

theres living on top of each other, and theres impossible numbers. people in new york city live on top of each other and their population was 8 million. 16 million on an island that small doesnt make sense for a variety of reasons. waste management, as well as food maintenance would be major issues. theres also the fact that genosha was a tourist attraction as well. you would at least have a favelas situation but that doesnt appear the case either, so where were all the mutants housed

im aware that the brotherhood and xmen arent the same organization. my point was that they both represent mutants to the known world and even worse, many of the mutants on the brotherhood squad have been housed at the school the xmen live and work out of, so its easy to see why people would be confused. it doesnt help that the xmen like to act as if they speak for all of mutantkind

why do i have to have trust in something to complain? that doesnt make sense. what does fairly trying creed do? so if he was taking to any sort of judicial system, emma wouldnt have kicked in the door claiming diplomatic immunity?
its only because she felt he was being unjustly tried? and if shes pulling the diplomatic immunity card, then that means the trial has to hold up in someones court.

where has it ever been stated that wanda caused near a million deaths? where? because that has never been the case anywhere.

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
Brought Mother Mold online and it immediately starts talking that nutty shyt :pachaha:

If man...
If man made me, then they are God. And you are titans, their spoiled lineage...
But while you war, we children sit in judgement of those above us...
We judge and find you both wanting

Marvel humans are some dumbasses. Even the dude who made the Sentinels realized he fukked up when his Master Mold started talkin that shyt :skip:

Kurt and Logan :salute:

I do feel like the x-men got rocked too easily tho. But it's been awhile since I read a X-Men comic where the stakes actually felt like stakes :yeshrug:

What you mean "turned back"? :sas2:

That whole decimation shyt was done sloppy. Some mutants got reverted to human. Some just lost their powers but kept the fukked up abnormalities like Chamber or Stacy X


Jan 24, 2016
Brought Mother Mold online and it immediately starts talking that nutty shyt :pachaha:

If man...
If man made me, then they are God. And you are titans, their spoiled lineage...
But while you war, we children sit in judgement of those above us...
We judge and find you both wanting

Marvel humans are some dumbasses. Even the dude who made the Sentinels realized he fukked up when his Master Mold started talkin that shyt :skip:

Kurt and Logan :salute:

I do feel like the x-men got rocked too easily tho. But it's been awhile since I read a X-Men comic where the stakes actually felt like stakes :yeshrug:

That whole decimation shyt was done sloppy. Some mutants got reverted to human. Some just lost their powers but kept the fukked up abnormalities like Chamber or Stacy X

i forgot about chamber. that was pretty...wierd journey he went on after that


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
Man, Doomsday Clock fell the fukk off :francis:

It's gonna end up as a nice read once it's finally finished but there's so much stuff that was set up that went nowhere and that extended the series by 3-4 issues it didn't really need.

I did find hilarious that after 11 issues and so many delays, Ozzy had to explain bit by bit the whole damn story :mjlol:

i got thor and hyperion vibes from that scene

It was pretty much the same thing, just much less epic because it didn't have almost two years of build up surrounding it.

I kinda think that was intentional though, it's pretty evident they wont stay dead and that the "No More" from Charles is the new catalyst of what's to come for the X-Men once this mini series is over.


Dum Shiny
May 1, 2012
SoCal State Beaches
Brought Mother Mold online and it immediately starts talking that nutty shyt :pachaha:

If man...
If man made me, then they are God. And you are titans, their spoiled lineage...
But while you war, we children sit in judgement of those above us...
We judge and find you both wanting

Marvel humans are some dumbasses. Even the dude who made the Sentinels realized he fukked up when his Master Mold started talkin that shyt :skip:

Kurt and Logan :salute:

I do feel like the x-men got rocked too easily tho. But it's been awhile since I read a X-Men comic where the stakes actually felt like stakes :yeshrug:

That whole decimation shyt was done sloppy. Some mutants got reverted to human. Some just lost their powers but kept the fukked up abnormalities like Chamber or Stacy X

Even though they explicitly called it a suicide mission, they went in very much half cocked. Just the six or seven of them against an entire satellite dedicated to killing them with essentially one way in and one way out. The entire mission was a death trap, and I'm glad Hickman actually treated it as such (even if you could ask, for instance, why the most powerful mutant psychic in existence didn't use her powers to avert death).

As for the bolded, you could say that for the last 10-15 years of mainstream comics in general. :manny:

@Mr. Negative Sinister's history gets so twisted up that I honestly forgot that he was a human who gave himself powers when I wrote that post. To be fair, he's so wrapped up in mutant affairs and lore that most of the writers just treat him as a mutant outright. Hickman might be doing the same thing here.


All Star
Aug 3, 2017
Also, I picked Icon number 1 in the dollar box :ehh:and I just realized they made jean absolutely useless this issue she really is living up to the marvel girl name. Couldn’t even telepathically scan the space station to see where the threats were:usure:

I do expect some sort of Phoenix esque outburst that wrecks the space station otherwise they can just go back to building another mother mold.

Immortal Hulk was lack luster but I think 24 and 25 are the heavyweight issues.

Still wolverine riding mothermold into the sun while clawing at it to make sure the job is done is:whoo::salute::mjcry:

I loved that Kurt and Logan went out together though, such a good callback to their friendship over the years with Kurt ensuring Logan he is a good man before he goes.

The Uncanny X-men is what got me into comics when I was 10 brehs and reading this brought back them old :ooh: moments I had when I was a younging.

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
I do feel like the x-men got rocked too easily tho. But it's been awhile since I read a X-Men comic where the stakes actually felt like stakes :yeshrug:
That was my only problem with the issue. The X-Men got housed by a bunch of security guards and a lady scientist with anger issues.