Essential The Official Comic Book Discussion Thread [Support @Neuromancer’s book!]


Jan 24, 2016
Were sentinel activity limited to Genosha? Either way that's what stated so it is CANON. Regardless if you believe that happened or not. How do you fell about those numbers? Should mutants still play nice if that's true?

but those numbers are strictly for genosha. the "pretender" and others have different number values, so its a good question to ask

i mean they also have a picture of house of m wanda in their headline too. so how did they come across that when she was just about to revert back to normal reality?

Wanda should of been hunted down and brought to Justice. X Men was too soft

they would have had to deal with the avengers and would have lost. but theyve had magneto on teams since


All Star
May 1, 2012
but those numbers are strictly for genosha. the "pretender" and others have different number values, so its a good question to ask

i mean they also have a picture of house of m wanda in their headline too. so how did they come across that when she was just about to revert back to normal reality?

they would have had to deal with the avengers and would have lost. but theyve had magneto on teams since

Is the human population under 200 or mutant? This reeks of white America after they freed the slaves. Feeling threatened due to propaganda they react and cause genocide then those you committed genocide on react and they are the bad guys now...because it's History not what actually occurred.

As far as X-Men losing not sure about that, Black Panther is in love with a mutant and can take out the avengers not named Thor or Hulk by himself


Jan 24, 2016
Is the human population under 200 or mutant? This reeks of white America after they freed the slaves. Feeling threatened due to propaganda they react and cause genocide then those you committed genocide on react and they are the bad guys now...because it's History not what actually occurred.

As far as X-Men losing not sure about that, Black Panther is in love with a mutant and can take out the avengers not named Thor or Hulk by himself

the numbers still dont add up. so what happened to the resurgence of mutants post AvsX? and why isnt any of the terrigen mist stuff added here? and why is wanda deemed a pretender when she never deceived mutants

panther would get stalemated by cap. but why would he fight for her? love is love, but hes shown thats not above duty

What you mean "turned back"? :sas2:

they started their lives human, so they returned to being human.


May 2, 2012
I hate what DC did to 90s replacements like Wally, Kyle, and Tim Drake. A whole generation of folks grew up with Wally as The Flash, Kyle as Green Lantern, and Tim as Robin only to turn around and bring back Barry, Hal, and making bytch ass Damian Wayne Robin. :scust:

At least Tim has Young Justice (for better or worse). Wally was erased from existence and came back only to become a mass murderer, and Kyle's in limbo with Guy, Simon, and the rest of the Green Lantern Corps. :francis:


May 3, 2012
i read the splash panel. but i have a hard time making sense of all that. 16 million is a lof of people, yet genosha is about the size of hawaii and they only have about a million people on the collective island, so where did genosha fit the remainding 15 million?

and the avengers were out doing their own thing im sure.

To your earlier post, which I will get to later...

The Bolded is just another example of why I can tell you aren't very familiar with X-Men comics. That was a major plot point of the X-Men for nearly a decade and still to this day. Yet because you personally didn't read it when it happened "you have a hard time making sense of all of that"?

You gotta understand, just because you didn't catch something or understand/agree with the motivations of a person/character, it doesn't mean that the actions of those people/characters don't make sense. I sincerely hope you don't take the same POV in real life that you do in comics...


May 3, 2012
how do you gauge my knowledge on the xmen from the back and forth here? im not looking for any answers outside of the ones hickman is dropping in his series. just because i dont agree with the way the xmen move sometimes doesnt mean i dont understand the xmen

Because there is very little subtlety to your phrasing and posting style, you reveal way too much with what you say and how you feel on the topics and characters. In particular, you seem to imply the X-Men are creating their own problems and that the humans would leave them alone if they didn't take action...

should you have remorse for the people you kill? should you feel bad for your actions? you act like sabretooth is only killing mercenaries

You are speaking of this particular situation as if its an isolated incident.

It is not.

There are a lot of death Sabertooth is responsible for that cannot be defended. These particular deaths are not in that category.

hes being pressed because hes a serial killer whos been actively killing for decades. i would have more faith in creed being in an undisclosed prison away from the general populace then at the revolving door that is the xmen. even more so when i know what emma is capable of.

If you don't trust the X-Men, who in the Marvel universe do you trust more? I'd truly love to hear this answer :sas1:


May 3, 2012
the numbers still dont add up. so what happened to the resurgence of mutants post AvsX? and why isnt any of the terrigen mist stuff added here? and why is wanda deemed a pretender when she never deceived mutants

panther would get stalemated by cap. but why would he fight for her? love is love, but hes shown thats not above duty

You are telling on yourself here bruh. Inhumans aren't the same as mutants. And if you don't understand the Wanda stuff... its clear you haven't been keeping up.

Its fine if you don't read or didn't know certain details man, but you don't have to come in antagonizing when majority of the cases you are presenting have already been answered or are incorrect....

they started their lives human, so they returned to being human.

You are incorrect. They were ALWAYS mutants.

Wanda specifically and maliciously altered all effected mutants' genetic code.


Dum Shiny
May 1, 2012
SoCal State Beaches
Anybody else find it strange.....

that Wanda's on that list as a "pretender"....

But Mister Sinister isn't on that list at all?

If I'm thinking correctly, isn't it because Wanda was revealed to not be a mutant (complete bullshyt on Marvel's part, but I guess they're sticking with it) while Sinister, for all intents and purposes, still is one?

In any event, House of X #4...

If I were to give this a score, it would be like a 7/10, maybe a 6.5/10 if I were feeling particularly miserly. And I don't mean to damn the issue with faint praise, because I thought it was fine even though my usual issues with Hickman's writing were still present. But of the big issues I had with the comic, 90% of them have exactly nothing to do with Mr. Hickman, which may be surprising coming from me.

The comic really shows how poisonous decompressed comics have become as a trend, because there was absolutely no reason why this and HoX #3 should be two separate issues. In addition to being a massive ripoff, in that I shouldn't have to pay $10-12 for you to make a singular point (suicide mission means suicide mission, no matter the timeline or lifetime), it actually blunts the effectiveness of the overall event. If this would have been just one issue, where they plan the mission only for it to go pear shaped with the suicide bombing, then spent the rest of the issue scrambling to finish the mission and failing to get out alive, I would have appreciated it a lot more as a complete statement. As it is, I'm just left a little cold by it, and not because Hickman is a flawed writer of emotionally engaging stories or because of my massive "hated and feared" fatigue. Separating this into two issues really kills the pacing for me, which I think is really key for this issue hitting (or not hitting) home.

Also, I really wish they hadn't released the solicits for the new series so this had more weight. Since we know they're not really dead dead, it just feels like a pit stop in the story instead of a real event of significance (an actual problem with Hickman's writing, but I'm again putting more of the blame on editorial and con culture in general here). Yes, we can be reasonably sure that the Cyclops and Marvel Girl we'll be dealing with in X-Men are either from another "lifetime" or (more likely) the pod mutants we saw in HoX #1, but preserve the drama a little bit, please.

What was there wasn't bad at all, though. Nice little parallel with the PoX #3-4 suicide run (as well as the original X-Men dystopian suicide run, Uncanny X-Men 141-142), and Larraz is a really fantastic artist to put on this series. Also, as much as I hate the data pages, the final insert was very well done.

Again, I did not hate the issue at all, and thought it was quite well done at points (I honestly may have given this a 10 if Scott had just spit in Mr. Gregor's face after her spiel regarding her husband. You're trying to exterminate all of mutantkind and you're worries about one person who chose to die? Myopia is something else...). But it really encapsulates many of my problems with comic book publishing these days.

Also, Immortal Hulk is leaning toward uninteresting again. Less punching (and this Fortean nonsense in general, really), more psychological and body horror please. I don't even give the tiniest of shyts for this fight they're having right now.


All Star
May 1, 2012
the numbers still dont add up. so what happened to the resurgence of mutants post AvsX? and why isnt any of the terrigen mist stuff added here? and why is wanda deemed a pretender when she never deceived mutants

panther would get stalemated by cap. but why would he fight for her? love is love, but hes shown thats not above duty

they started their lives human, so they returned to being human.

We can argue about numbers but this looks like it is canon so the argument is mute

The numbers....this is a comic book and that is what stated unless you believe Xavier or some other mutant made it up? At this point it's like arguing 2+2=4


All Star
Aug 3, 2017
Wanda should of been hunted down and brought to Justice. X Men was too soft

Absolutely, she always has been made above approach about M-day when she shouldn’t have. Hell they even tried to act like she was innocent when rogue was spitting hard facts at her doing the avengers/x-men unity squad days. Trying to paint rogue as unreasonable and insane because she and the other mutants were :pacspit: when it came to her.

The axe murderer

For I am death and I ride on a pale horse
Aug 27, 2015
Absolutely, she always has been made above approach about M-day when she shouldn’t have. Hell they even tried to act like she was innocent when rogue was spitting hard facts at her doing the avengers/x-men unity squad days. Trying to paint rogue as unreasonable and insane because she and the other mutants were :pacspit: when it came to her.
so people were on antman's case for that incident with wasp that happened decades ago but wanda gets a pass :unimpressed:

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
If I'm thinking correctly, isn't it because Wanda was revealed to not be a mutant (complete bullshyt on Marvel's part, but I guess they're sticking with it) while Sinister, for all intents and purposes, still is one?

Yeah, but Sinister isn't a mutant. So Mutant Massacre should be on that list.

edit: unless hickman counting it as even though Sinister gave the order, mutants did the killing