One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
He's their new Morrison.
That's a really good comparison but Hickman tends to lean toward Science/multiple realities whereas Morrison gets caught up in magic more
He's their new Morrison.
That's a really good comparison but Hickman tends to lean toward Science/multiple realities whereas Morrison gets caught up in magic more
Probably a few weeks.So, how long before someone translates the back issues of the Kraokan (sp?) language?
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it's out when I wake up later.Probably a few weeks.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it's out when I wake up later.
They spent all their $$ on Bendis lol
I wish Hasbro gave Transformers back to Marvel so I could get Hickman on a TF book. @Marc Spector Could you imagine
I really don't want Hickman at DC. They would totally waste his talent.I think transformers does better with wittier writers. Hickman's stuff always seems too serious and morose. IMo Al Ewing would be perfect for TF
As for Hickman I'd kill for him to be on Legion Of Super Heroes. They're dying for a fresh reimagining from a writer who understands BIG, not fukkin Bendis of all people
Is this recent?I haven't watched Raw yet.
Because something more important came up that needs to be acknowledged...
And there's a good chance they'll probably make more money for it in the long run. Books won't be good or appeal to new audiences, but mainstream comics have mostly not been worried about that for 15 years now.
But anyway, House of X #3...
Fine, I guess? Initial stages of a battle comic, and the first time I ever explicitly thought any of this was getting boring (not because I hate superhero fights, but because those fights lack any sort of dramatic or thematic function beyond just moving the story along. Joe Casey and Matt Fraction actually had a interview where they talked about this a while ago; if I can find it I'll post it). If it keeps up like this, I actually will end up dropping it before HoX/PoX are over.
Also, Hickman's Cyclops sucks. His dialogue is hilariously stilted and I just can't see him having the "personality" Hickman's written for him. Then again, it might be better than being 90% cipher like most of the rest of the cast...
Best part was the whole diplomatic immunity bit with Emma and the Cuckoos getting Sabretooth out of prison. If I'm remembering correctly (without going back and re-reading it), that immunity's connected to the drug trading in HoX #1; I'd like to see more of that please. This AI/Sentinel/Nimrod deal does absolutely nothing for me, I'm just not interested at all in death robots (though I am wondering why he's skipping over the Prime Sentinels or the Wild Sentinels in his taxonomy. I can see the latter being a part of the earlier Sentinel types, but I would think that the Prime Sentinels would be slightly different from what he designates as an Omega Sentinel).
I'm fairly sure this won't happen, but it would be really interesting if Hickman actually did kill all the X-Men in that explosion and revealed that they are, indeed, a bunch of pod babies that Xavier regrows when they die. They probably just ejected though.