One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
1. That's what I thought initially, and that's still my dominant thought based on the dialogue and data pages. But I wouldn't put it past Hickman to have Years 1 and 10 be in life 10, and years 100 and 1000 be Moira's memory of life 9. There's just enough ambiguity for him to pull a trick like that. Although WHY it or anything else he does needs to be so ambiguous is another question entirely (who cares whether you plan your entire run out from start to finish if you can't write a satisfying and complete single comic issue in the process. These books are $4 a shot now, come the fukk on already).
2. You play politics like any other person, you just happen to have mutant powers. Just because you have them doesn't mean you have to use them in every aspect of your life (that could make for an interesting story regarding the burden of power and when to use them when advocating for your rights as an empowered person, but alas, superheroics and technobabble and shyt...).
3. Don't act as if Xavier has this great moral compass when it comes to using his powers, especially when the last 15-20 years of stories have told us differently.
I still think him being a politician doesn’t stop sentinels being built which would eventually lead to his death. Also don’t say they wouldn’t be built because we Know Magneto alone is justification for their creation and all of that isn’t taking Apocalypse into consideration.