might hate me breh but I don't mind the remake at all. But I looked at it like this: When I'm comparing a movie to cinematic greatness such as Jason Takes Manhattan or Friday the 13th 3D, I fail to see how the remake is garbage. It was visceral, it didn't hold back, it had a coherent story unlike Jason takes Manhattan and still maintained some of the tongue in cheek flavor of the series. I think it got a bad rep due to it being a remake but to me, it's better than a lot of the movies in that series or at least equal to them
First, the remake was made by Platinum Dunes, so it is already on my shyt list. Second, there was absolutely no reason on earth that the movie should even exist...what did it want to show? What did it accomplish? Nothing. Third, it totally killed the tone of the other Jason movies...those were fun, and engaging films, never boring...
the remake was extremely boring, tried to be TOO SERIOUS at times, and made Jason a corny ass kidnapper, trying to humanize him or some shyt; it was absolutely terrible in every way. Its not fun and like I said, it didn't do anything to justify its existence. There was no tongue in cheek except for making the human characters too obvious in them being a send up of past teen victims...shyt didn't even try to be clever. Jason Takes Manhattan was FUN and pure fukkery. And Jason Takes Manhattan had a coherent storyline, one of the most coherent ones in the series to be truthful.