Essential The Official Coli Horror Film Thread: Discussion, Recommendations And Murder.


Live Or Let Die
Jun 12, 2012
The Black Community
:manny: might hate me breh but I don't mind the remake at all. But I looked at it like this: When I'm comparing a movie to cinematic greatness such as Jason Takes Manhattan or Friday the 13th 3D, I fail to see how the remake is garbage. It was visceral, it didn't hold back, it had a coherent story unlike Jason takes Manhattan and still maintained some of the tongue in cheek flavor of the series. I think it got a bad rep due to it being a remake but to me, it's better than a lot of the movies in that series or at least equal to them:manny:

First, the remake was made by Platinum Dunes, so it is already on my shyt list. Second, there was absolutely no reason on earth that the movie should even exist...what did it want to show? What did it accomplish? Nothing. Third, it totally killed the tone of the other Jason movies...those were fun, and engaging films, never boring...

the remake was extremely boring, tried to be TOO SERIOUS at times, and made Jason a corny ass kidnapper, trying to humanize him or some shyt; it was absolutely terrible in every way. Its not fun and like I said, it didn't do anything to justify its existence. There was no tongue in cheek except for making the human characters too obvious in them being a send up of past teen victims...shyt didn't even try to be clever. Jason Takes Manhattan was FUN and pure fukkery. And Jason Takes Manhattan had a coherent storyline, one of the most coherent ones in the series to be truthful.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
First, the remake was made by Platinum Dunes, so it is already on my shyt list. Second, there was absolutely no reason on earth that the movie should even exist...what did it want to show? What did it accomplish? Nothing. Third, it totally killed the tone of the other Jason movies...those were fun, and engaging films, never boring...

the remake was extremely boring, tried to be TOO SERIOUS at times, and made Jason a corny ass kidnapper, trying to humanize him or some shyt; it was absolutely terrible in every way. Its not fun and like I said, it didn't do anything to justify its existence. There was no tongue in cheek except for making the human characters too obvious in them being a send up of past teen victims...shyt didn't even try to be clever. Jason Takes Manhattan was FUN and pure fukkery. And Jason Takes Manhattan had a coherent storyline, one of the most coherent ones in the series to be truthful.

I disagree on the boring aspect but I will agree that they managed to make it serious although some of the kills to me where still funny but maybe that was because I understood the intent rather than just going with what was on screen.

As far as why it existed, you could ask yourself the same question about Friday the 13th 3-8 breh lol..We been over this before: Movies, damn near all movies, are made for profit. Especially horror movies. Truth be told, Friday the 13th would've been great as a standalone and or just a two part series to tell the story of Jason but after that they were all made because a studio wanted to milk the icon and keep printing money. The same question you're asking is the same question fans were asking then. Remakes/Sequels serve the same function to me especially when the original isn't made to be a part of a larger story. I can't dump on them because you and I both know this is a business first and foremost, for better or for worse. Once you realize that, then you can just go into anything judging it on its merits, not whether it needs to exists or not.

Wes Craven was absolutely right when he said that there shouldn't have been a sequel to Nightmare on Elm St but you know what? Had the studio followed his orders, there wouldn't be a Nightmare 3 which I love or a New Nightmare which I really love
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Live Or Let Die
Jun 12, 2012
The Black Community
I disagree on the boring aspect but I will agree that they managed to make it serious although some of the kills to me where still funny but maybe that was because I understood the intent rather than just going with what was on screen.

As far as why it existed, you could ask yourself the same question about Friday the 13th 3-8 breh lol..We been over this before: Movies, damn near all movies, are made for profit. Especially horror movies. Truth be told, Friday the 13th would've been great as a standalone and or just a two part series to tell the story of Jason but after that they were all made because a studio wanted to milk the icon and keep printing money. The same question you're asking is the same question fans were asking then. Remakes/Sequels serve the same function to me especially when the original isn't made to be a part of a larger story. I can't dump on them because you and I both know this is a business first and foremost, for better or for worse. Once you realize that, then you can just go into anything judging it on its merits, not whether it needs to exists or not.

Wes Craven was absolutely right when he said that there shouldn't have been a sequel to Nightmare on Elm St but you know what? Had the studio followed his orders, there wouldn't be a Nightmare 4 which I love or a New Nightmare which I really love

I know about that profit is the only reason movies are made in America, as I am an anti-capitalism, but I'm talking about the writing and story here... real movie makers, like the ones that made the OG series made them to be fun and campy...the remake was too serious and boring, plain and simple. Same with the OG Nightmare series...they were made with a fun, campy scripts to entertain audiences...I don't know what the fukk the remake writers were trying to do, but they failed wasn't thrilling, fun, exciting, or even interesting, and I'm talking about both the Friday and Nightmare remake; they are equally useless, dreadful films that provided nothing to the audience


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
I know about that profit is the only reason movies are made in America, as I am an anti-capitalism, but I'm talking about the writing and story here... real movie makers, like the ones that made the OG series made them to be fun and campy...the remake was too serious and boring, plain and simple. Same with the OG Nightmare series...they were made with a fun, campy scripts to entertain audiences...I don't know what the fukk the remake writers were trying to do, but they failed wasn't thrilling, fun, exciting, or even interesting, and I'm talking about both the Friday and Nightmare remake; they are equally useless, dreadful films that provided nothing to the audience

The nightmare remake I don't like at all but the Friday one I fukk with breh :yeshrug: and those original Nightmare scripts? Nah man can't cosign it. Nightmare 2 is awful and 4 is ok. Freddy's Dead is terrible. 3 works because someone had something to say with it and did something different that worked and it was entertaining. Same reason New Nightmare works for me although I know it's not everyone's cup of tea.


Live Or Let Die
Jun 12, 2012
The Black Community
The nightmare remake I don't like at all but the Friday one I fukk with breh :yeshrug: and those original Nightmare scripts? Nah man can't cosign it. Nightmare 2 is awful and 4 is ok. Freddy's Dead is terrible. 3 works because someone had something to say with it and did something different that worked and it was entertaining. Same reason New Nightmare works for me although I know it's not everyone's cup of tea.

See I loved Wes Craven's New Nightmare as it was able to make a serious Freddy film, like the first one. THe script was excellent and the directing was amazing; The other Nightmares in the OG series were pretty bad, yes, but they were campy and somewhat fun;

But there's no way I will say anything positive about that Friday remake; it was so off-putting, unoriginal, and bland that it is unwatchable


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
See I loved Wes Craven's New Nightmare as it was able to make a serious Freddy film, like the first one. THe script was excellent and the directing was amazing; The other Nightmares in the OG series were pretty bad, yes, but they were campy and somewhat fun;

But there's no way I will say anything positive about that Friday remake; it was so off-putting, unoriginal, and bland that it is unwatchable

Meh agree to disagree on that one but completely agree on New Nightmare.



Live Or Let Die
Jun 12, 2012
The Black Community
For the most part, can't argue with you. In my book they're 1.5 for 6..or 7. Their Hitcher remake is still the worst thing I've ever seen from them

Wow, that Hitcher remake....just wow:wow:I just keep telling myself Sean bean needed money, Sean bean needed money:snoop:

But to be honest, its just the runniest shyt turd in a toilet bowl of semi-hard to more runny shyt turds..its the 4 Krystal's burger shyt turd in the bowl


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012

@MartyMcFly @kp404 @hexagram23

Yall seen this one; Below?

It was written by darren aronofsky and directed by david twohy. Its a ghost story on a submarine in WWII.

I've always loved it.


Never even heard of it. Let me snatch this up before I forget.



Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
I hated the thing prequel. Cgi ruined it.

John carpenters thing >>>>>>>>>>

The fukked up thing is they had a bunch of practical effects for the prequel, which looked great, but for some inexplicable reason switched to CGI. There's a "making of" video floating around the internet.

Regardless, the movie didn't need to get made.
