I get the sequels are trash compared to the original argument in horror now.
Halloween (1978)
Let me start first by saying Jamie Lee Curtis, Donald Pleasence, and John Carpenter not only make this film what it is-- but the entire series as well. Yes, the highlight of the entire series is Micheal Myers, but watching the first film and analyzing the movie to figure out why it's so goat, I realized something. It's the combination of small details and creative director techniques the first Halloween feeds off that the other movies in the series can't replicate (well they try to copy I'm hinting more towards originality). And without those three as major contributors to the first movie, I say we don't have the Halloween series we have today.
I won't dive deep into Jamie Lee Curtis and Donald Pleasence a lot into what makes them great, but I simply want to say it feels like they were destined for their roles. Perfect casting in Jamie who had the look for a typical girl in the 70s. She's wasn't ridiculously hot nor ugly but she did have that girl next door vibe or if you pulled out a grandparent's yearbook and went to a random page you'd see her. I think that's important because nobody ever thinks about the representation of a specific time in film aging badly. For example, you ever watch a film that tries to recap a time that you lived through and you know that they were off the mark or overexaggerated details? Well, they were spot on with Jamie. Also, for someone who was 19, she must of had beginners luck because her facial expressions and vocal usage during screaming was on point as much as her acting was. I guess that's what happens when your parents are talented people in the business. As for Donald Pleasence, he made his role believable and iconic. It felt like 1.) he was born to play the role of Loomis, 2.) you believed the character about how bad Micheal was and that the character of Loomis was honorable for dedicating his life to stopping him.
John Carpenter deserves his own paragraph. This man was hungry

with the decisions he made. His choices really made the film/series and without it, the same story or not, I'm going with the thought this series isn't as big as it is. We have to bring up the iconic theme song-- when and where to play the music was spot on. To summarize the greatness of Carpenter's decisions for this film, I'm a pick a particular scene. In the beginning where Laurie is walking with her friends so much shyt is happening on a creative level.

. Micheal comes around the corner in the stolen car, we get great facial expressions from Laurie that tells it all (concern, something's not right) and the theme hits. Laurie friends shout at Micheal so he stops driving dead in the middle of the street and something about that with the long pause reaction made it

. The girls walk down the block, one friend leaves and it's Laurie and Lindsey left. Micheal randomly appears behind the bushes, they pan back to Laurie's worried facial expressions, they go back to Micheal and he's gone. Laurie warns Lindsey so Lindsey goes to check behind the bushes. No Micheal. Both walk past the bushes and you can see in the far upper right-hand corner Micheal stands up. You can't confirm it's him but you know it's his physical outline. The shyt is so simple yet so scary and creative. And it's like this throughout the entire movie.

Halloween 4: The Return of Micheal Myers (1988)
Now, these Halloween films have a soft spot in my heart. Ever since I was a kid, AMC marathons every October with my mom will forever be those small moments in life I will cherish. But you can really see the dropoff/cash grab in the other films leading up after the first. I want to point out these "family connections" are ass pulls that I don't know if others address it or not. Like the idea of Laurie being Micheal's sister is stupid because it's nowhere hinted at in the first one. They just add all this shyt in the others to create a story. There would be no possible way for Micheal to know that Laurie was his sister in part 1. In the first film, he randomly decided that he would kill Laurie and her group and that's what makes part 1 even better. So just knowing that to random pulls with each film makes it

Part 4 seems like the start of getting away from being a slasher film to adding other horror elements. For example, Jamie having these weird hallucinations that Micheal is there but actually isn't or she can sense Micheal's presence and actually feel the horror of him killing people.

And to add on to adding random shyt, Laurie has a random ass daughter. I mean Jamie is iconic in a scream queen allure but damn you just gotta accept the random illogical nonsense

. The film is decent for what it is but the directing not even close to picking up the first's films shoes nor is the story itself that great. At this point we just in it for Micheal Myers/Loomis and company.
Vampires (1998)
I only know James Woods acting for 2 or 3 films outside of Hercules. And I swear every time he's playing some "cool" character

. Now I don't know if he was considered cool during this era of films but shyt feels forced. On the film itself, it was okay don't think I'll ever watch it again though. I like the aspect of a gang of vampire hunters, the motivation for Woods in the film, casting, and most of the beginning. With all that being said, shyt feels flat somewhere so I couldn't say this is a rewatchable film nor would I really recommend it to someone as a must-see.
Hills Have Eyes (2006)
Hills Have Eyes 2 (2007)
I watched the original over the summer so everything is still fresh in my mind. The remake is basically is no different from the original other than small minor details towards the end. I guess you can consider it an homage to the original and also a gateway to bring a new audience to the series during that time. Guess I can't really have an opinion since it's not really any different from the OG. It is what it is

. No emotion to the movie so it was a nice way to waste some time. I can recognize the original for it's importance but the Hills have Eyes series not really a favorite of mine.
But yo... those people got the effects of the atomic bomb and became Trump supporters

I actually hated the Hills Have Eyes 2. Half-way through the movie I wanted to turn it off but felt like since I was already half-way might as well finish it. The strongest compliment I could give is the casting. Everything else I hated. The villains were mid as fukk, not even rememberable. They all looked like level 1 monsters with that Gary Busey lookalike as the final boss. I also HATE WITH A PASSION when scary movies spend a majority in the dark like they do in the cave. It's like you can see shyt yet at the same time you can't see everything so you really can't grasp what's really happening coherently. Dunno just didn't like it.
It had the goat Lee Thompson in it. RIP.