Silver Bullet (1985) - IMDb
Tried to continue my recent run on Werewolf films with the 1985 adaptation of a Stephen King book (one I didn't read though)
Silver Bullet. I think my error is that I'm coming off of some absolute piff like
Ginger Snaps and
American Werewolf in London; so this one didn't keep my interest. It felt solid across the board from performances to bits of build-up to kills, but it just didn't have any extra gear comparable to the top notch wolf movies or even modern day second tier wolf flicks like
Howl It's quintessentially 80's with Gary Busey and Corey Haim. It also carries most of the King tropes; small town, coming of age, kids seeing what adults overlook...all that fun with Gary Busey being Gary Busey while a werewolf catches bodies.
It's just that the stand out stuff wasn't the "scary" stuff so much as it was the 80's charm and treating Stephen King like an auteur all his own. The scares and effects haven't aged as well as I'd have liked. So this one gets a
If you want to do run through good wolf horror, I wouldn't say to stay away. But keep this early on the list because while it hits the beats decently and has some added charm; it's not gonna live up to the better wolf stuff.