Woulda been nice if we coulda did it as a group and discuss things on here. I tried starting a sci-fi thread like this but y’all weren’t feeling it.
Just post in this thread. We discuss things as a group all the time. Start it up- are you scared or something. you better start living up to your name.

I’m in for a sci fi horror thriller whenever when your ready. No pressure but don’t wait too late
fuk it my Halloween month was ass, it was shyt full of disappointment and sadness -the months leading up to it succccckkked. I’ve decided that Halloween will extend until December 31st. Let’s go- Halloween themed thanksgiving, Halloween Christmas, Halloween New Years…., all black Halloween everything. Let’s go

- I’m decorating the house in 50%off Halloween decorations and putting Halloween ornaments on the tree. Halloween arts and crafts with a Christmas theme - the mommy Halloween- Christmas/New Years hybrid takeover -, I’m going odee- I’m wrapping all of their presents in black, throw around some fake snow, ghosts and ghouls of Chrimmas. my kids are going to be so annoyed with me, but the memories are what matters

Start us off
@The Collector whats the first sci fi movie b??