Essential The Official Coli Horror Film Thread: Discussion, Recommendations And Murder.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
This has to be the worst Amazon original series released besides “them” - worst “thriller” series that I’ve seen in a minute. I struggled through 5 episodes so you won’t have to. Do Not waste your time- it does not get better. 1/10. (A group of 30-35 with wrinkles trying to play high school seniors - :deadrose:and this is not like the early -mid 2000s where the students/friends could pass as young enough to play teenagers and look believable; this is on the “why tf are 36 year olds hanging out at high schools??” Until you realize they ARE the high schoolers. Some of them look like they could pass as high school
parents - casting decisions were horrible and that’s just the beginning). Avoid

No exaggeration, some of the “teenagers” in the series look older than current age Bianca Lawson and she could still pass as a college student in comparison.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
The Blob:skip:

...haven't seen this FUKKERY since WPX11 used to show Saturday night B Horror flicks:banderas:

Gotta suck to get FATALITY by acid jelly, tho:ld:

which Blob did you watch?
That scene where dude gets bent in half the wrong way is etched in my memory.

The 80s blob death scenes were inventive for that time - I’ll give it that much



The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
The Blob:skip:

...haven't seen this FUKKERY since WPX11 used to show Saturday night B Horror flicks:banderas:

Gotta suck to get FATALITY by acid jelly, tho:ld:
Kids today have all of these nice/creative slime craft kits and diy slime toys - all of the fun activities that you can do with slime. Back then kids were taught that slime and jelly based substances will murder you.


I look at the craft kits that I buy for my kids and get triggered. Children these days know nothing about what we had to see so they could live.

Being afraid to say “I don’t know” for fear of flashbacks


May 23, 2012
@storyteller oh my gawd!!!! Last episode - too much to process in Episode 7 of Mare. Those are some sick twisted people - the whole series was disturbing. But the ending though

I let out at least three audible "oh shyt"'s through the course of that one episode. I watched that ish like this dude the whole way through


May 23, 2012
Horror gang, it's been a while since I had time to dive into some new horror properly. But this weekend, I got to have some fun on Shudder and hit the theatres for the first time since quarantine...because I NEEDED to feel A Quiet Place 2 with a theatre vibe.

Starting with the streams...I loved Psycho Goreman! It's got humor and gore that took me back to the old Toxic Avenger movies. An alien who destroys whole galaxies lands on Earth to kill humanity...but a little girl gets a hold of a jewel that gives her full control over him. So we have a murderous alien being controlled by a little girl and her brother. It's pure jokes and fun with effects make-up. It has spontaneous timing and humor that takes advantage of tropes with the Adult Swim stoner humor stylings. That's right up my alley. Scary? No, it's not trying to be. Funny? I laughed at a bunch of the bits. Ridiculous? Absolutely.

The Unholy was a dope concept. A mute girl is healed and then begins healing people around her community, all in view of a disgraced journalist who's a skeptic that embellished supernatural stories for money. The spin is that, while everyone thinks the girl is possessed by Mary Jesus' mother...there's something more nefarious at play. So they've taken some common beats and tweaked them just enough to feel original. The good all comes down to the play on belief and faith turned on its head. People are genuinely healed and hopeful, the area is suddenly livened up with new support for the local parish. The people are getting played in a way that's fully understandable.

Then there's the bad...which I'll call rushing. Everything feels rushed, from the plot developments to the actual scares. That helps tighten up the run time and hit us with a constant flow of "scare" moments, but most don't build up enough to have full effect. They also have a habit of showing the "monster" too much...she appears for a lot of jump scares but doesn't catch enough bodies and when that happens, the creature stops feeling dangerous to me. If the jump is just gonna startle a character, then I won't be as worried about the threat of the next jump scare sequence. Oh and that's basically the heart of almost every scare, they're 90% jump scares. It's very Hollywood imo, which is too bad because there are good actors and some nice plot ideas that don't get to fully breath. Still, I thought this caught more flack than it deserved when it dropped. I saw critics hating on it, but it's actually not a bad horror to throw on when you want something new and a quick run time.

A Quiet Place 2 had too much of a hype train for me to ignore. I enjoyed the first one but also thought it got a little bit overrated by the time I checked it out. That said, I was excited to see how they handled a sequel and honestly...I think this one improved on the original and also served to make the first one worth a rewatch with even deeper appreciation. That's because the world expands to include more characters, showing us how others have handled life after invasion. It also gives us a window into the first days of the creatures arriving, which is one of the best scenes of the two movie set. That's not to call this perfect though...far from it.

One of my issues with the original was that I didn't always like character choices and that expands to the growing list of people in the movie. Sometimes people do things that seem convenient for creating a scary situation and it feels a bit forced. It's never bad enough to ruin the vibe, but it can be frustrating when you're chalking up a bad choice to panic for the 10th time. It also ends a bit abruptly, leaving you hanging on some obvious resolutions and issues that I can't get into without spoilers. That said...this is a great theatre vibe of a movie. There was a scene that gave me the same energy as being a kid watching characters hide from the Raptors in the original Jurassic Park. The gut-clinching stress has been mastered by these creators and I would totally dive in for a third installment that finalizes the trilogy. This one definitely got my stamp of approval.

Now I just need to catch the Conjuring sequel next week.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
I let out at least three audible "oh shyt"'s through the course of that one episode. I watched that ish like this dude the whole way through
The most depressing and deprived ending that ive seen for a series in a long time.

the fact that she blamed Mare for the actions of her husband; it was all her
husband. I felt bad for the son actually; finding out your father had sex with his own niece and produced a kid- that’s incest wtf- that’s rape - of a minor , shyt!!! And I blame the mother!! She knew how her husband was but let her son bear the bront of his father’s sins. So much.


May 23, 2012
The most depressing and deprived ending that ive seen for a series in a long time.

the fact that she blamed Mare for the actions of her husband; it was all her
husband. I felt bad for the son actually; finding out your father had sex with his own niece and produced a kid- that’s incest wtf- that’s rape - of a minor , shyt!!! And I blame the mother!! She knew how her husband was but let her son bear the bront of his father’s sins. So much.

They really spun that whole damned series into the secrets people keep and the things people just don't want to see/know about the ones they love. That mother is perfect embodiment of it. The husband is def the reason for all that ish.

I kinda loved that it was Mare's mother that finally told her what she really needed to hear and that it happened in front of their daughter. Secrets and Communication, if I circled back through for a second lap (too heavy a series for me to do that any time soon), that'd be the two motifs I hone in on and search for.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Spiral - Saw is available for digital on demand FYI. Will be streaming on Starz in October.

has been nearly two weeks since Darren Lynn Bousman’s Spiral: From the Book of Saw made its theatrical release, and now The Hollywood Reporter brings word that Lionsgate has officially partnered with Starz for the streaming debut of the Chris Rock-led horror feature. The latest installment to the long-running horror franchise has been set to launch exclusively on Starz on October 8, just in time for this year’s Halloween season. This marks the film’s first U.S. pay window.

As part of Spiral’s exclusive streaming debut, it will be accompanied by the early arrival of the entire Saw franchise on Starz as part of Lionsgate’s new theatrical output agreement with Starz for its Lionsgate and Summit label films.

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
I haven’t seen Quiet Place 2 yet and trying to avoid spoilers until I do but I’m curious as to what the implication of this tweet is about.

Djimon Hounsou was the leader of an island of survivors who took the initiative to lead the aliens away from his community so that the little deaf girl could use her hearing aid reverb at the radio station on the island.
So he drives like he's one of Vin Diesel's crew in the Fast & The Furious with aliens hanging onto his convertible, gets the deaf girl and the white man she was with to the radio station and all of a sudden turns into a dumbass blond white girl in a slasher movie. Dude becomes so scared and dumb that he stands by the partially open garage shutter shaking like a leaf and talking about how scared he is for his family that he can't even walk the 3 feet to the door so he can unlock it and they can all go into the radio station to do the one thing that would save his family and everyone else on the island.
And while he's standing there like a bytch one of the aliens reaches under the partially opened garage shutter, yanks his goofy ass out of the garage and kills him.
He was basically in the movie to die one of the lamest and most nonsensical deaths I have ever seen in any horror movie.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Djimon Hounsou was the leader of an island of survivors who took the initiative to lead the aliens away from his community so that the little deaf girl could use her hearing aid reverb at the radio station on the island.
So he drives like he's one of Vin Diesel's crew in the Fast & The Furious with aliens hanging onto his convertible, gets the deaf girl and the white man she was with to the radio station and all of a sudden turns into a dumbass blond white girl in a slasher movie. Dude becomes so scared and dumb that he stands by the partially open garage shutter shaking like a leaf and talking about how scared he is for his family that he can't even walk the 3 feet to the door so he can unlock it and they can all go into the radio station to do the one thing that would save his family and everyone else on the island.
And while he's standing there like a bytch one of the aliens reaches under the partially opened garage shutter, yanks his goofy ass out of the garage and kills him.
He was basically in the movie to die one of the lamest and most nonsensical deaths I have ever seen in any horror movie.
Read it- I just went ahead and spoiled it for myself. Reading too much pushback online to even care about this movie going forward. This is fukked up, im furious that his character went out like that. This summary that you gave confirms my suspicions and based on the reactions that I’ve seen online for myself.

My enthusiasm for the movie completely evaporated - seems like we’ve taken a step backward in this horror genre this year. Between the trauma horror tropes and the black savior who fails to survive. Basically he pulled a Tyrese bugging his eyes and being bugging out, for no reason- just to make his character change course and go out bad. They did this same ish in that Netflix movie, Bird Box with Sandra Bullock. Wrong Turn 2021 was cringy along those lines, come to think about it. The Green Mile type vibes.
Djimon Honsou is taking any role for $$ it seems. With the exception of Gladiator and Biker Boyz; he’s been playing the same character for years. As soon as I saw his name being associated trending on my timeline today with this movie; I figured as much.


Real Talk
Jun 3, 2012
Read it- I just went ahead and spoiled it for myself. Reading too much pushback online to even care about this movie going forward. This is fukked up, im furious that his character went out like that. This summary that you gave confirms my suspicions and based on the reactions that I’ve seen online for myself.

My enthusiasm for the movie completely evaporated - seems like we’ve taken a step backward in this horror genre this year. Between the trauma horror tropes and the black savior who fails to survive. Basically he pulled a Tyrese bugging his eyes and being bugging out, for no reason- just to make his character change course and go out bad. They did this same ish in that Netflix movie, Bird Box with Sandra Bullock. Wrong Turn 2021 was cringy along those lines, come to think about it. The Green Mile type vibes.
Djimon Honsou is taking any role for $$ it seems. With the exception of Gladiator and Biker Boyz; he’s been playing the same character for years. As soon as I saw his name being associated trending on my timeline today with this movie; I figured as much.

When you planning on watching Spiral?