I really do think it is because Snyder is probably one of the most populist directors in the industry right now so most reviewers go into his films with a preconception that he's making pablum that is targeted to the lowest common denominator and they write their reviews with an obvious bias against him personally.@Jello Biafra what’s the controversy with this Zach Snyder? The film critics seem to have some type of targeted hate for him- with all the bad reviews or little snarky remarks? But the public reviewers seem to like it - I don’t see why the critics have unwarranted hate for this movie bc from what I’ve seen so far it’s better than most of the big releases from early this year. Seems like they have a vendetta for him, making it out to be a trash movie when it’s not.
I tend to like Snyder's work manly because I think he is a visually dynamic director but I have always said that he is really self-indulgent with his work especially stuff that he has final say over or writes and directs alone.
With a creative partner who could tamper down some of Snyder's bad tendencies I think he could have been a much more critically beloved director but the guy basically just makes the movies he wants to make and he has a core group of dedicated fans who will work overtime to make his stuff as successful as possible so I doubt he will ever see the need to make any changes.
But that's just my take on him.