Pill Gates
I like that brown color combination
Preciate it bruh, that's what really caught my eye
I like that brown color combination
Newest pickup TAR-15, nothing special
Looking to buy my first gun. What are your thoughts on the Springfield XD .40?
Went to the range with a friend and shot his 40 45 and ar15 and I was uninterested up until recently.
I have a Gen4 Glock 19 stock, want to put some mods on it, green laser sight/flashlight, and extended Mag. Money has been funny lately so haven't got around to it. Next gun will be a shot gun or maybe a AR.
Here's a tutorial for a cheap glock trigger job
The $0.25 Glock trigger job
I polished all the surfaces that touch each other on my Springfield with 1500 grit sandpaper and it's butter smooth now.
I just got a M&P Shield and I don't like the trigger. The Apex trigger mod cost a $150. I'm trying to find a cheaper solution
Get a good polishing compound and a variety pack of very fine sanding paper. Do a full strip and polish everything that touches each other, whether it's metal or plastic. I'm a fan of heavy but smooth triggers and if you're the same way, an all out polish may be enough to satisfy your desire for a trigger kit. Plus if you're not familiar with your weapon it'll be a great introduction to it. Picking up a punch kit with a brass hammer is recommended for disassembly and if you're good with your hands a dremal with cutting wheels and polishers can turn it into a one of a kind weapon tailored to your tastes.
I strip and clean my glock. Watched a few videos on M&P shield disassembly. I'll pick up a dremel and try this out. Thanks
I strip and clean my glock. Watched a few videos on M&P shield disassembly. I'll pick up a dremel and try this out. Thanks
im a felon..im only allowed to keep em in the house. up until 2010.....
my po n lawyer said to get 4-5 certificates from the chl classes..do the classes until the deferred adjudication pass by...then i can reapply n get my chl
had one of the coolest po's ever old hispanic lady.. at the time i was rydin slab...n she was always worried bout me gettin back in trouble..behind the ride..
when i got popped..all my shyt got processed guns n dope...
i wanted to get legit..i knew i couldnt get the background check
she told me about gun shows..n how i can also make money at them too while gettin what i wanted 5-800 bucks
purchase all of the guns at gun shows...avoid the vendors with booths..they do background checks..go for the dealers walkin around..they aint trippin background reciepts or nothin..
buy from them..go trade for somethin better... keep what u want resell the rest..buy better trade resell..
texas they tell u got a gun in ya car..cut ya interior lights on..when asked keep it 100..tell em where they at..they see everything new in boxes...they gone ask u how...show ya ticket..n keep it movin..
at night ya interior lights are ya bestfriend if u black...strapped in texas...out of habit i have always kept clip in one spot...gun in another away from it..if im rydin with my pistol..which is what i carry everyday....jus in case..
but if i know im goin to the range..up in kent..n i got my sig mcx and ar 556...i jus have the guns in cases with no clip..kuz the range i goto provides the clips n bullets..