All Star

Heat. Them 1911 sh*t on Polymers.
if u like shooting centerfire for groups u gotta get on fixed barrel pistols breh... i'm not a special shooter at all n here's a 33 yard group from my benelli mp3s, i can't even get results like this out of race gunsCrazy accurate guns. I’m a decent shot, but beyond 15 yards my aim is suspect as hell. With a 1911 I can still actually get what could be called groupings beyond 15 yards.
I know y'all are "civilians" but you really shouldn't be posting your serial numbers in here. Just one man's opinion.
I'm just picking up my Taurus 1911 tomorrow and this pic make me not even want it anymore. That Kimber is beautiful.
I'm trying to get weapons that look less gun nutty in case i ever have to go trial for self defense. so i figured instead of more ar's and ak's. I figured a semi auto shotgun might be a more wholesome look. But them benellis are very cost prohibitive. but i heard cheap ones jam alot.
Anybody got any got recommendations for a good budget semi auto 12 gage?
Awesome i’ll check it outTry to find an 870 wingmaster magnum set (bird barrel and slug barrel) mine is from the early 90's when quality control was at its peak. But you can probably still find them. I have never looked new so idk if they come in a set. But ive heard the quality has gone to shyt.
There's nothing tactical or "cool" or anything about it. Cops ever ask why you bought it or have it "hunting"
My boy has a nice benelli. He's a Gucci boy so really if a gun ain't over $1300 he's not trying to have it. He associates higher price with higher quality. Which a lot of the time it is, but when he goes to the range he makes sure cats aren't shooting the same shyt as him. I've shot his benelli, it's beautiful as extra extra smooth. But I'd take my 870 all day. I've hunted with the long barrel, which imo is very comparable to the smoothness of his benelli but I've also pounded hundreds of slugs, and 3.5 gave me a welt, the gun performs beautifully. Truth be told I'd take mine over a benelli any day of the week.
CZ's are awesome firearms, nothing like a metal frame pistolOK brehs research on 1911 landed me on the cz75 sp01. What are your thoughts?
yes i have a med kit in my bug out bagY'all carry a trauma kit or a tourniquet in your car?
Y'all carry a trauma kit or a tourniquet in your car?