Checking in with some 2021 plans...those of us with rifles I suggest getting .556 . .223 .762 300blackout atleast a box of each every paycheck as I have a bad feeling that soon they may stop selling these as soon as a assault rifle ban comes to fruition. It may not happen but I suggest being more safe than sorry. No pint in having rifles with no ammo or having only a small amount where u won’t be able to even practice because u gotta keep the shyt u got.
Next up I plan on getting the newest releases that I really want and I can’t fukk around like usual when it comes to “new releases” as I don’t want to be copping shyt during a future “capacity limit” law where all the mags that come with my gun are 10’s my list
1. Walther PDP: I looooove the ppq trigger and it’s one of the best striker fired triggers of all time if not the best....well, they just beat it with the pdp as well as making the ergos waaay better with deeper slide serrations, 18 round mags and a ported slide all for under $650. Must have
2. HK VP9 longslide: I like the vp9 and the longslide is a personal must have. No reason for me to give u guys other than the fact I love Hk. Guilty personal obsession. $900 retail price a lil steep.
3. Ruger PC 9mm Charger: came out a few years ago and I didn’t cop. Everyone who has it relates it above the super expensive pcc’s they have. I hear the trigger is exceptional. Another gun u wanna cop before an incoming ban on assault weapons just may include pcc’s and for the price this may be “the working mans” best option. Last time at the gun store I seen one for $650... also takes the Glock mags so u could go up to a 50 drum and magpul is releasing one later this year that will obviously work flawlessly, I’m excited...
4. HK USP 40: I had a usp 45 before which I sold and later I bought an HK45 which Was supposed to be an upgrade(basically a p30 shooting 45acp) and while I love that gun I still miss the feeling of the usp. It’s just something about it. I’m gonna get it in 40 which is the caliber the usp was made to use in the first place....once again Hk prices very steep I find these in stores in my area for about $800-$900
5. iWi tavor ts12 shotgun: 15 rounds of 12 g

this gun is a personal dream gun for me. A cat on this very site has one and he is the reason why I never copped when I had the chance because at the moment they are going for $1300 in my area and he told me he copped his for basically half of that. I understand the times were in but that shyt is ridiculous. Now however with things going the way they are, if I don’t cop this year I may never get another chance....
what u guys looking at for 2021? It’s some very cool shyt coming out...