might have to build one yourself using used parts to get that price.Anyone know where to find an AR 15 for under 550?
My M&P sport 2 was $700 like 8 months ago. now its $1795.00
might have to build one yourself using used parts to get that price.Anyone know where to find an AR 15 for under 550?
Them days is behind us, as far as retail you might find it for 700Anyone know where to find an AR 15 for under 550?
might have to build one yourself using used parts to get that price.
My M&P sport 2 was $700 like 8 months ago. now its $1795.00
Anyone know where to find an AR 15 for under 550?
S&W M&P15 Sport II AR-15 .223/5.56 NATO Semi Auto Rifle 16" Barrel 30 Rounds Black 10202 | Cheaper Than DirtDamn I copped a MP Sport II like three months ago for $700, seen em as high as $1200 now... but 1800 tho??
Anyone know where to find an AR 15 for under 550?
As a matter of fact it does make me a little nervousNow that Xavier Becerra (CA AG and big on gun control) is being tapped as HHS secretary, is anyone else a little nervous about anti gun policy being implemented federally by way of, "public health emergency"?
taking a ccw class on saturday. need a small bit of advice though. there will be a weapon training portion where we go to a gun range. and were supposed to bring our own handgun and 50 rounds to shoot.
Should i bring a full sized gun to the class like my glock 17 or a compact/subcompact like my glock 26?
I figure a big gun is better for learning on, but with a ccw i will most likely be carrying my 26 on me.
I fired one once or twice and the other zero. if your asking which i'm most comfortable with, i'm still new to both.which firearm have you been shooting the longest ?