Let's talk bug-out bag and what's in yours? I'm currently building mine up for 3-5 days in the event of a natural disaster. I'm not really much of a "prepper" but I think it's something important for all of us. Mine so far.
- IFAK Kit (Medical/Trauma)
- First Aid Kits with medicine, bandages, etc.
- Water / Water Purification Tabs
- Paracord
- Batteries
- Flashlights
- Flares / Chem Lights
- Waterproof Matches
- Utility Knives
- Firearms
- Ammo
Still wanna build it out more for stuff like shelter and more food (outside simple stuff like tuna) but I'm thinking 3 - 5 days natural disaster bug out bag.
I also put condoms in your bug-out bag because they can be used to as a container for water or other items.
I pretty much have all of that.
There's some links to field guides in there. I'm pretty sure I linked them myself, if not then pm me.
I have a field guide PDF that if you can get a hold of a hard copy, it's worth it.
It literally hand feeds you all the info you need from identifying which plants are what, what you can eat, what you cannot eat, which ones are good for first aid...how to build shelters in different climates, how to build traps and snares, weapons, how to harvest animals for food...what to do in emergencies I.e you boat sinks or you get stranded, break an arm/leg, burns....what clothes to wear etc.....
these are my shyt
I had 90 of them but some of them are due to expire in 2021 so I've been eating a can or two every couple of days. They are fire. If you buy them today they usually don't expire until 4-5 years. They have herring, mackerel and salmon. The herring is piff

. The salmon is nice too. I won't buy the mackerel anymore. Unless I get desperate....it's ok but it's greasy and eating it right after one of the other choices is

We can talk MRE's all day but the reality is they are trash. A lot of them are not meant to be eaten in one sitting and a lot of them have shyt in them that'll fukk your system up. Like you'll either have the shyts or be constipated. They usually give you something like a piece of gum which will help you digest those shyts.
There's a time when you can eat those to sustain but you can't eat them too soon or too late. Eat them too soon and youll fukk your system up, eat them too late and they'll kill you. It's like rabbit. You cannot live off rabbit. It has such little fat and so much protein your body will shut down trying to process it. It's just like being in a hot desert and chugging cold water or being close to hypothermia and sitting next to a hot fire or heater and heating up too fast, both big no-no's.
Most mre's have a calorie goal, but that's going to differ depending on your situation. If your body is trying to maintain temp, like your cold for days, or you're travelling on foot for miles on end, an MRE can fukk you up.
If you really want to be bout it. Put on your backpack, with your vest and all your gear, get your sidearm (pistol) and your rifle then walk or jog 5 miles on a treadmill or ride a stationary bike. That's when you find out if your bout it or not.
I don't know what peoples plans for buggin out is....especially when they have safes full of guns and filled with boxes of ammo. You can't carry that it you, and you need to have a plan for ditching your car and hoofing it.