Link me to themyou just don’t want to get a nice crimsons joint that’s what I have for my CZ P10C and Glock 45 and they are relatively inexpensive
Link me to themyou just don’t want to get a nice crimsons joint that’s what I have for my CZ P10C and Glock 45 and they are relatively inexpensive
feels great in hand, decent trigger out the box. i shot the 4" rental at my range and love the grip in hand. As a carry many people online say the grip is too agressice and can rip up soft cotton and leave rashes from sandpapering your skin carrying all day. Ive never carried it but it so i cant complain about it personally but it has to be a huge facotr as far as why i did not buy it as the real star of the gun is the out the box grip texture and in hand feel out the box greatness so it kind of is redacted if you will get tired of carrying it all day. It also has a great slide that will help you remain accurate if u want to add a heavy weapon light or laser....i bought the glock 19 mos fs instead btw and dont regret it so far.
get the Glock if your thinking about putting new grips on the m&p. To me the whole “2.0” upgrade was about the new slide and grip in the first place. I feel like talon grips and other after market grips are usually for grips that are too slick and slippery. So strange to cover up a grip that’s “too aggressive and grippy” just my opinion. Get a gen 5 glock and put the beaver tail on it u won’t have any issues. I may personally get a 2.0 just to add to my collection but I won’t touch the grip because I love the feel in hand. As soon as I think it is getting too rough against my skin or clothes I’ll just take it out the carry rotation. Maybe I’ll get the full size switch out the sights put a mini olight on it and make it a strictly open carry and home defense back up pistol. That slide is revolutionary to the polymer game as far as weight distribution goes. I’ll say it again the “2.0” may be the most accurate gun after “tactically accessorizing” your gun. Tough decision ahead for u my friend but like I said I ultimately chose the Glock as my compact carry.Cool. Im battling getting that and the Glock 19. The grip scares me, but i saw a video from a reviewer mentioning falcon grips from amazon, which are rubber grips you can buythat can replace the rough grips of the S&W m&p 9mm. I also heard about the limp wrist failure thing from the Glock 19, that can harm new shooters who dont grip properly.
got me rethinking things.
I still gotta get a strap, but does anybody know where I can get a pan-african wrap for this joint.
get the Glock if your thinking about putting new grips on the m&p. To me the whole “2.0” upgrade was about the new slide and grip in the first place. I feel like talon grips and other after market grips are usually for grips that are too slick and slippery. So strange to cover up a grip that’s “too aggressive and grippy” just my opinion. Get a gen 5 glock and put the beaver tail on it u won’t have any issues. I may personally get a 2.0 just to add to my collection but I won’t touch the grip because I love the feel in hand. As soon as I think it is getting too rough against my skin or clothes I’ll just take it out the carry rotation. Maybe I’ll get the full size switch out the sights put a mini olight on it and make it a strictly open carry and home defense back up pistol. That slide is revolutionary to the polymer game as far as weight distribution goes. I’ll say it again the “2.0” may be the most accurate gun after “tactically accessorizing” your gun. Tough decision ahead for u my friend but like I said I ultimately chose the Glock as my compact carry.
Any black ran Youtube channels about firearms. Also, I’m think about getting a Sig p229 .40 handgun, would you all recommend that?
It feels damn good. Solid as firearm, not heavy, good amount of control. I definitely might cop this does the p229 feel in your hand ? Also i recommend 9mm over 40
getchu one of these, they're one of the biggest quality of life improvers for shooting UpLULA® – 9mm to 45ACP universal pistol mag loader watch out for fugazi ones esp on amazon, has real ones for the lowIt feels damn good. Solid as firearm, not heavy, good amount of control. I definitely might cop this weekend.
Why do you recommend 9mm over 40. For me the .40 are easier for me to load the 9mm felt too small.
I got that some case.I still gotta get a strap, but does anybody know where I can get a pan-african wrap for this joint.
I got that some case.Great deal for basic transport. Ditch that Chinesium sight though, breh.
Those are meant for airsoft, and won't hold zero worth a shyt under real recoil. I learned my lesson.
Edit: and get a rear iron sight