The Official Charlotte, NC Discussion Thread

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
1- cops here arent that bad.... I am coming from NYC though and I dont live IN Charlotte, Im in one of the towns on the edge of Mecklenburg County. That said I racked up hella speeding tickets and they tried to clip me for a DUI... but I curved that shyt :camby: Be on point for that

2- living near Uptown is a waste if you have a family IMO... you get so much more just a lil bit out. Just make sure u find a good school district for your kid though. Lot of neighborhoods in Charlotte are :scust:

3- Im a foodie so YMMV... Charlotte has a legit food scene though... off the top heres what I like

Lumiere's (French)
Good Food (Comfort)
Block & Grinder (Comfort)
Boudreaux's (Low Country)
Cowfish (Burgers & Sushi- good luck getting a table tho :aicmon: )
Mac's Speed Shop (BBQ :blessed: )
etc. etc. there is plenty of good food here. That's what convinced me to move down here... a town with good food is good money.

4- really depends what u want... Im an old man, I dont really do lounges like that but there is a strong lounge scene here.

5- Im :ld: about the city's trajectory.... its clear they didn't plan for all this growth, and it's only going to get worse. But that also speaks well for the stability and desirability of this area. Its very diversified economically as well, so it should be able to weather downturns without too much issue. Overall though I will put it like this. The percentage of days where I say "I love Charlotte" are way higher than the percentage of days where I said "I love NYC" and I think that's saying something. Quality of life is so much better and it's easy to build wealth and make friends. Weather is perfect. Work environment is chill even at big corporations. It's a good mix. Its not EXCITING but its a good place to live which is way more important.

I will tell u wats gonna happen. U gonna move here, get comfy, see those West Coast real estate prices and end up staying. I put my ColiBuxx™ account on that whoadie. People don't leave Charlotte :shaq: :blessed: :takedat:

Super Future Luther King Jr.

You Deserve It
Dec 28, 2014
Rose Town
1- cops here arent that bad.... I am coming from NYC though and I dont live IN Charlotte, Im in one of the towns on the edge of Mecklenburg County. That said I racked up hella speeding tickets and they tried to clip me for a DUI... but I curved that shyt :camby: Be on point for that

2- living near Uptown is a waste if you have a family IMO... you get so much more just a lil bit out. Just make sure u find a good school district for your kid though. Lot of neighborhoods in Charlotte are :scust:

3- Im a foodie so YMMV... Charlotte has a legit food scene though... off the top heres what I like

Lumiere's (French)
Good Food (Comfort)
Block & Grinder (Comfort)
Boudreaux's (Low Country)
Cowfish (Burgers & Sushi- good luck getting a table tho :aicmon: )
Mac's Speed Shop (BBQ :blessed: )
etc. etc. there is plenty of good food here. That's what convinced me to move down here... a town with good food is good money.

4- really depends what u want... Im an old man, I dont really do lounges like that but there is a strong lounge scene here.

5- Im :ld: about the city's trajectory.... its clear they didn't plan for all this growth, and it's only going to get worse. But that also speaks well for the stability and desirability of this area. Its very diversified economically as well, so it should be able to weather downturns without too much issue. Overall though I will put it like this. The percentage of days where I say "I love Charlotte" are way higher than the percentage of days where I said "I love NYC" and I think that's saying something. Quality of life is so much better and it's easy to build wealth and make friends. Weather is perfect. Work environment is chill even at big corporations. It's a good mix. Its not EXCITING but its a good place to live which is way more important.

I will tell u wats gonna happen. U gonna move here, get comfy, see those West Coast real estate prices and end up staying. I put my ColiBuxx™ account on that whoadie. People don't leave Charlotte :shaq: :blessed: :takedat:

1st off...GOOD LOOKS BREH and I appreciate you responding :salute:
You can't find info like this anywhere else :wow:

Trust and believe I know allllllll too well about that West Coast lifestyle luxury tax but that's still home :yeshrug:and hopefully it'll be home base once again

But I think that last paragraph of yours summed it up perfect

I moved to TX from Cali when I was 18 so I'm adjusted to the South but Just needed to know

some specifics

Anyways, We narrowing shyt down this week and hopefully we'll have a move-in date by the end of the

weekend :takedat:
I know some of y'all grown ass kids still leeching off moms :mjlol:

But say Breh what you think bout the South East side of town, Matthews area?

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk


Nov 22, 2013
Atlanta, GA
1- cops here arent that bad.... I am coming from NYC though and I dont live IN Charlotte, Im in one of the towns on the edge of Mecklenburg County. That said I racked up hella speeding tickets and they tried to clip me for a DUI... but I curved that shyt :camby: Be on point for that

2- living near Uptown is a waste if you have a family IMO... you get so much more just a lil bit out. Just make sure u find a good school district for your kid though. Lot of neighborhoods in Charlotte are :scust:

3- Im a foodie so YMMV... Charlotte has a legit food scene though... off the top heres what I like

Lumiere's (French)
Good Food (Comfort)
Block & Grinder (Comfort)
Boudreaux's (Low Country)
Cowfish (Burgers & Sushi- good luck getting a table tho :aicmon: )
Mac's Speed Shop (BBQ :blessed: )
etc. etc. there is plenty of good food here. That's what convinced me to move down here... a town with good food is good money.

4- really depends what u want... Im an old man, I dont really do lounges like that but there is a strong lounge scene here.

5- Im :ld: about the city's trajectory.... its clear they didn't plan for all this growth, and it's only going to get worse. But that also speaks well for the stability and desirability of this area. Its very diversified economically as well, so it should be able to weather downturns without too much issue. Overall though I will put it like this. The percentage of days where I say "I love Charlotte" are way higher than the percentage of days where I said "I love NYC" and I think that's saying something. Quality of life is so much better and it's easy to build wealth and make friends. Weather is perfect. Work environment is chill even at big corporations. It's a good mix. Its not EXCITING but its a good place to live which is way more important.

I will tell u wats gonna happen. U gonna move here, get comfy, see those West Coast real estate prices and end up staying. I put my ColiBuxx™ account on that whoadie. People don't leave Charlotte :shaq: :blessed: :takedat:

People do leave Charlotte bruh. Lots of them. I'm here on the paperchase and I still cant wait to leave. I cant tell how many times I've heard from white and Black people here who are just here for the money and cant wait to leave this city. The nightlife overall is boring, the Black nightlife is horrible-the ratchet shyt is wack and the upscale shyt tries to hard and is kinda country. And to top it off the broads are ugly, they cant dress and it seems like getting their hair done and working out on a regular basis is an afterthought to most of these chicks. Even the hoodrats and the strippers who are from here are trash. Most of the good strippers here from Miami or the A anyway. Corporate nikkas is eating but the local hustle is barely there. You pretty much gotta come here with a plan already mapped out and even then you basically just gotta network with other nikkas who moved here from somewhere else cuz the locals just dont see the vision. The white people here dont respect nikkas even when they in the hood, and if you halfway look like you getting money they stare at you like you're an endangered species when you in a mostly white spot. My girl likes to waste money on that Whole Foods nonsense and every time I go in there with here people just stare us like they shocked that nikkas in there shopping. That shyt really gets on my nerves.

And bruh the food here sucks. How are you a foodie from NYC saying the food here is good? I'm from the A and our scene is popping but it aint got shyt on NYC but the foodie scene in the A makes Charlotte look weak as hell. Charleston and Savannah got a better foodie scene than Charlotte, real shyt. Bruh I respectfully disagree with most of the shyt you said. Stop lying to that nikka from Texas bruh. Most people move here and hate it. They stay for a few years, stack the paper up and then go somewhere else. This shyt so dead the money wouldn't be worth it if I was single. I couldn't imagine being 20-25 on the cat chase in this city, you would hate it


Nov 22, 2013
Atlanta, GA
1 - How is the police presence overall compared to other metro areas in the South? Worse or better than SC? Dead Serious
2 - I'm impressed with the number of things to do for a city of CHL's size :gladbron:however, if a muthafucca lives close to the Panthers stadium/DT is that not a good look? I have mixed feelings about being that close traffic/noise/shady wise to everything

3 - Best spots to :eat:? Generic as fucc I know, but we do like to hit nice spots of all kinds at least monthly...not too much cuz The Wifey
can :cook: I'm blessed...GET MARRIED BREHS :blessed:

4 - Nicer/Upscale spots...lounge/bar/club etc. We're both mid twenties

5 - Finally, We're planning on staying here a minimum of 4-5 stop is back to the West Coast where I grew up and lived till I was 18
Gotta finish these moves and plays first though, hustlers of all kinds and family men can relate :win:Seeing as how this is going to be an

important chunk of time for us, how do you view CHL's growth currently? Pros/Cons? Do y'all love your city and ride for it? N/H:whoa:

Things I need to know. Thanks in advance Brehs/Brehettes and pos rep (if I can do that? New here) + daps for all!


1. The police here aint that bad, they are mostly white redneck looking dudes tho. I've only seen a few Black cops here which is crazy because Charlotte has a decent sized Black population so that kinda makes me noid a little. But overall I think they wont fukk with you unless you doing some super hot and reckless shyt.

2. Downtown is cool to live, I used to live on N Graham and on game days folks would park on the street in front of my building but I could still go out and run errands on a game day if I needed to. Plus it was fun sitting on my deck talking shyt to all the Panthers fan walking by. Now I live right outside the downtown loop and you can see BoA stadium from my porch and the traffic is still cool. There really is no shady factor in that area. A few things happen here or there but the downtown area is really safe. Charlotte as a whole a whole is pretty safe really.

3. The food spots here are awful, if you on the eating out with wifey demo a few times a week you will be disappointed. You will run thru the good spots here in a matter of weeks. The grocery stores suck too. They just got a Publix in town tho so there is some hope on that tip.

4. It probably depends on what you used to but me personally I found the club/bar/lounge shyt here stale and boring real quick. I see you fukk with Austin so Im guessing you on some all races, tattoo sleeve with a Pabst Beer dive bar or outdoor music festival type shyt and to be honest bruh that scene aint really here. The festivals I went to here last summer were real weak and the club scene here is real segregated. They got a few decent Austin type spots in NoDa and Plaza Midwood but if you go even on a semi regular basis you will end up seeing the same people real quick and overall its boring. Same thing with the upscale Black scene here, they got a few spots but you see the same people and even when they are crowded they are boring. People here dont mingle at all. Folk just post up on the wall and look at each other all night. Then you got a lot of nikkas on dates at clubs here which I still cant understand. This aint the town if you are singe and trying to get your rocks off. It even sucks if you like me and just like to go out with the gf sometimes and people watch.

5. Do you but 4-5 years here is too long for me. The money is good here but I can only give Charlotte 2 maybe 3 years at the most. But I see you in your mid 20's with a kid. As a 31 year old I think there are some better choices for someone your age. I wouldn't advise any Black person to spend their 20's in Charlotte. Stay in Texas or move to ATL or Chicago if you on a budget bro or move to NYC, DC or Cali if you can afford it.


May 1, 2012
People do leave Charlotte bruh. Lots of them. I'm here on the paperchase and I still cant wait to leave. I cant tell how many times I've heard from white and Black people here who are just here for the money and cant wait to leave this city. The nightlife overall is boring, the Black nightlife is horrible-the ratchet shyt is wack and the upscale shyt tries to hard and is kinda country. And to top it off the broads are ugly, they cant dress and it seems like getting their hair done and working out on a regular basis is an afterthought to most of these chicks. Even the hoodrats and the strippers who are from here are trash. Most of the good strippers here from Miami or the A anyway. Corporate nikkas is eating but the local hustle is barely there. You pretty much gotta come here with a plan already mapped out and even then you basically just gotta network with other nikkas who moved here from somewhere else cuz the locals just dont see the vision. The white people here dont respect nikkas even when they in the hood, and if you halfway look like you getting money they stare at you like you're an endangered species when you in a mostly white spot. My girl likes to waste money on that Whole Foods nonsense and every time I go in there with here people just stare us like they shocked that nikkas in there shopping. That shyt really gets on my nerves.

And bruh the food here sucks. How are you a foodie from NYC saying the food here is good? I'm from the A and our scene is popping but it aint got shyt on NYC but the foodie scene in the A makes Charlotte look weak as hell. Charleston and Savannah got a better foodie scene than Charlotte, real shyt. Bruh I respectfully disagree with most of the shyt you said. Stop lying to that nikka from Texas bruh. Most people move here and hate it. They stay for a few years, stack the paper up and then go somewhere else. This shyt so dead the money wouldn't be worth it if I was single. I couldn't imagine being 20-25 on the cat chase in this city, you would hate it

I left once the recession hit and the job market became flabby and sick. Everyone I know who left is making way more money in cities like Raleigh or Atlanta. Mainly because they don't deal with as much discrimination as they did in Charlotte. That city has definitely fallen off since it's hey day.


Nov 22, 2013
Atlanta, GA
I left once the recession hit and the job market became flabby and sick. Everyone I know who left is making way more money in cities like Raleigh or Atlanta. Mainly because they don't deal with as much discrimination as they did in Charlotte. That city has definitely fallen off since it's hey day.

Yeah Cacs here are racist as fukk. The Black people here are on some other shyt but thats a different thread. And I dont know what these nikkas in here saying about people moving here and not leaving, I guess that's just here on the Coli, In real life damn all the people I have met here cant wait to leave. My girl line sister was up here a few years ago and she was having trouble selling her house so she just let it go back to the bank and left because she couldn't take it anymore. I don't regret moving here because I knew what it was about before I came here, but I can't wait to leave. I just got back to CLT the other day after a week in Chicago. My last night there I was bar hopping in Hyde Park around a bunch of beautiful Black people and when I got back into the CLT I went a caught a drink with a cousin who was in town that same night at this spot in NC Music Factory and i was looking around at the folks in there and the overall vibe and just got depressed.