I finally rewatched Farmer/Ogawa (when it originally aired I only saw the last 6 rds)
Decent fight pace wise, but nothing special and no robbery. I had it 115-113 for Ogawa. At the most I can see is a draw, but Farmer didn't do enough to pull it off. His fukking offense sucked and he throws one of the sorriest left hands I ever seen from a southpaw. I thought he looked his best when he stood his ground and used his speed an angles to hurl shots at Ogawa and keep him from coming in. The 12th was his best rd to me. His punches aren't accurate and they seem like they have nothing on them, kinda like the way Margarito's punches look now in 2017.
Ogawa wasn't anything special, but he was solid and consistent. He always came forward behind the jab and threw punches in bunches for the most part. He struggled with cutting the ring off, but still managed to stay within good distance to punch at Farmer. He landed his share of right hands and would sometimes make Farmer just move and play defense for 10-15 seconds at a time.
Farmer has a major flaw where he telegraphs the jab by throwing it with his elbow not pointing towards the ground. It's easier to predict the punch trajectory when a nikka's elbow is pointing to the wall or some shyt. Plus he jabs with his hand down by his waist so if it's not thrown with any conviction, its easy to deflect it. All Ogwaa was doing was slightly moving his forearm to parry or deflect Farmer's jab and then fire his own. Farmer could never really get that punch going and it was falling short half the time. He also wasn't throwing snappy punches, but rather slinging them. He was basically winning his rds, by outhustling Ogawa.
Farmer won't level up until he makes his offense as good as his defense. I've seen him before and was impressed in spots, but this is the worst he's looked imo.
I don't even think his defense is great, but it's above average for sure. That nikka offense is like a 3 on a 1 to 10 scale tho.