Essential The Official Boxing Random Thoughts Thread...All boxing heads ENTER.


2x...and defending
Jul 31, 2013
@The Infamous, :salute: to the link. I tried to copy the most interesting stuff to add to what you did.

On ODH's offer to GGG:
Dlh isn't being honest though. They are sandbagging GGG

If they beat Canelo or GGG:
Don't be surprised if we take a little less money and fight Canelo. It's definitely an ego thing but man I will laugh if GGG has his face pressed against the glass. Ultimately it's Danny's call but we all signed off on it. We are super cool with Robert and Canelo. His whole team is professional. What a welcome change of pace.
We will not give GGG a shot if we win outside of him giving us all concessions in our favor and even then we will probably still tell him to fukk off. Would give Canelo a rematch and move up to 68.

Like I said before only about 10% of what you read in the media is true. Canelo calls his own shots. If it doesn't come from him (which it won't most of the time) it's likely bullshyt. I'd bet a large sum of money Oscar isn't even on most of the calls. He just shows up to fighter meeting
I did get a laugh out of Loeffer saying he was under the impression they would not negotiate in the media. That's all they have done with Danny lol

Talks with Canelo:
Cool. I actually welcome all you guys input for the most part. There's a lot of good conversation in here. It also helps to hear (good and bad) what people think of Danny.
I don't know about schooling him. I think we can win 8-4 though. Canelo is a really good fighter. I think he's become underrated here. We've talked with him for a while now and tried to make that fight. I think it makes sense for both sides. I have nothing but props for Canelo. He always wants to test himself against the best fighters. He's very involved in his talks and calls too. He's a throwback fighter

Past fights:
On Pirog, Danny shouldn't have ever been in the ring. He wasn't even in the gym for 2 weeks leading up to that fight. We called the fight off but it was his career high pay day and at the end of the day we work for him so it's his call. His grandma who raised him passed and he went into a shell. That's why he had "ladybird" on his trunks. Tyson is his hero and he came into the room before we walked and Danny just gave him a fist bump and kept his headphones on.
Mora didn't have him badly hurt. Danny just got stupid and walked into a perfect punch. He doesn't have a Morales chin but he doesn't have a bad chin either. I worry more when he puts his fukking back against the ropes. He's awful there

Canelo's contract:
Canelo gets paid regardless. His upfront guarantee from GBP is insane. He has them by the balls. We thought we had him (same with Ward) and looked at the numbers like :eek:.
BJS agreed to money with us twice and backed out. I dont typically shyt on fighters but he's a p*ssy. Scared shytless of Danny

On BJS vs. Jacobs or GGG:
He's scared.
Why should we think about taking that since GGG has nothing we want either? I told you multiple times we don't care about the belts. We are getting paid regardless. That's why we are with Al Haymon now.
Who fukking cares? He's nobody if we fight and beat Canelo. You think Canelo is going to let him get paid? All he's done is piss off the money. We don't need him. BJS is a fukking can. I don't begrudge him making money but if you think he's a legit contender i have a few Nigeran friends who would liie to share their fortune with you

GGG vs. Jacobs vs. Canelo:
I said before i don't honestly think any of these guys are scared of each other. It's business. Outisde of BJS. He's a p*ssy

And that's the thing. We legit thought the conversations were going to consist of us signing a contract. Were not under any delusions of trying to play some trump card. We took the B side and said cool. We didn't even give a shyt about promotion. All theirs. Have it.
People lose perspective when they talk about their favorite fighters. You saw it all the time with Floyd and Pac. That's what you love about boxing fans though. I never would have guessed that this would get so much traction
-gloves (they are cool with us wearing Everlast edge though)
- weigh in stipulations

Talking with Canelo at the same time:
We are already talking with Canelo. We don't need GGG to do that

If beating GGG is a big deal:
How on GGG? Nobody can tell me this. Canelo agree. Ward would beat us. No problem admitting that

Trying to figure out the split:
I'd probably sign off on it because we could work out getting the number we want on PPV percentages I think. I say I think because we didn't get that far when they didn't move off the 25%. Ultimately that is up to Danny though. My anger has pretty much subsided now. If they called me with 30% today I would sit down and have a serious conversation with Danny. That tells you how much we want the fight
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2x...and defending
Jul 31, 2013
What the revenue split for GGG and Jacobs would be:
8-9 million if it's on PPV.

On the fight:
They want it to be a PPV. We think it's a TV fight. Always have.
Danny will stop GGG or win easy 8-4. We've been watching his tape. I can tell you how his left foot turns before he sets up his uppercut or how he taps his lead foot twice before he throws his overhand right. He also goes flat footed and admires his punches.
The only guy I have never been able to place anything on is Ward. Nothing. He is basically the perfect fighter. No tells

On Jacobs and GGG fighting Canelo:
I don't think Canelo is an easy fight. We will beat him but to dismiss it as some of easy fight is ridiculous. Canelo is a really good fighter. You have to keep him outside to beat him. Easier said then done.
If GGG takes the fight you won't hear shyt from me.

On Jacobs options:
we really do want to fight GGG. Outside of him and Canelo the names are thin

Fight coming around:
Gennady and Danny are talking right now. I retract all my negative comments.
Last man standing. Props to him for manning up

His relationship with GGG:
I actually like the dude. He's fun to talk shyt with. I never take any of this personal

The terms:
We just agreed to 70/30, Fight should be announced Monday. Tell me we didn't fukking do everything to make this fight

Danny talking with GGG:
They are textiing. I'm texting with him too.
I think this could have gotten done a lot sooner. His team doesn't speak for him. He's a pretty cool dude. He's playing fantasy football lol

On Pacquiao:
Did PUO ever show the pic I gave him of Floyd signing the contract? Floyd and Pac are close friends. Arum always fukked Pac over. He's too nice for his own good. For the life of me I will never understand how people shyt on Pac here. He was fukking awesome to watch.
They actually became cool in Miami. Both are big basketball fans and Wade broke the ice. They both just started laughing and knew they were being cans. It's a lot like us with Gennady. I told him my bad lol. Now it's fun yo mess with him. It shouldn't have been a dikk measuring contest and I'm just as guilty
Flotd is about as cool as it gets. He'll stay around for hours to take pics abd sign autos for fans. Oscar isn't a dikk.

Making GGG fight:
I told you would make the fight. Props go to Gennady too. He told his team to fukk off and made a deal. We are going to kick ass but he's good people.

On the fight vs. Mora:
No excuses. If Danny gets his back against the ropes he will always look bad. It's his worst flaw. Mora is ok for rounds. Not ideal obviously but ok for 6. I think our sparring with Chad will be interesting.

Strategy vs. GGG:
We are going to keep him outside and tie him up when he tries to lead
When he sets up his uc that's where we will knock him out

On fight venue:
We are operating with Danny's date right now. That could change. MSG is the spot now but we conceded venue so it can change.
Like I mentioned earlier I should have just talked to to Gennady directly from the jump. He is 100% different when his team isn't around. We both have good fan bases in NYC.

Jacobs career:
GGG and Canelo were only fights left for us at 60 (including rematches). After that we are going to 68.

Contract status:
We already signed. It's just a matter of of more paperwork today. We were shooting the shyt with him about everything other than boxing (it's exhausting sometimes ) last night. We just have to get the venue and date right which isn't hard since they are running the promotion. It's literally them choosing and sending it over for us to sign. We are letting him use Danny's December date at the moment which is what the media is going ro be running with. It could get moved to January but Danny and Gennady both want to get it done this year so we can do a rematch and still have time to get a fight in with Canelo. The rematch clause is his so we could do it in February and still have plenty of time

On speaking with GGG:
He understands perfectly and can talk as well. It's somewhat broken English but completely understandable. He can text and it's clear too.
Lara speaks really good English too and nobody would ever know it.

In response to Roach working with Jacobs:
Right after the Pirog fight. He was only there for one camp. Freddie was good but he didn't have the time to really deal with Danny as personal as we wanted. He had too much on his plate with Pac so we moved him back

mr. smoke weed

Smoke Album Done......Wait n See #SmokeSquad
Resting in Peace
May 1, 2012
It would with great promotion
IDK about that Canelo/Cotto did 900k and Cotto is a PR with 100x the audience of triple g

Cotto/Sergio did about 400k Canelo/Mr Smoke Weed could do 350k, Triple G/le:scusthov:ieux did 97,000

I don't see a million unless the undercard is fireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

mr. smoke weed

Smoke Album Done......Wait n See #SmokeSquad
Resting in Peace
May 1, 2012
so there's a guy o there who's actually in regular contact with Haymon? :ohhh:
Breh..........we have a dude here who's in regular contact with "xxxxxxx" who's really close to "xxxxx" and he told us Floyd/Pac was being made before ANYONE on the internet knew. It's my A 1 @LeVraiPapi

Haymon doesn't talk on phones or have a smartphone though


Jun 7, 2012
IDK about that Canelo/Cotto did 900k and Cotto is a PR with 100x the audience of triple g

Cotto/Sergio did about 400k Canelo/Mr Smoke Weed could do 350k, Triple G/le:scusthov:ieux did 97,000

I don't see a million unless the undercard is fireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

It'll do a million breh

If this Jacobs fight is true N GGG slumps Jacobs there's goin be some buzz that's finally earned by GGG

GGG vs Canelo hype will be on ESPN, RocNation won't be there to fukk things up...HBO will go all out

I don't see it doing 1.5 tho ...N if GGG wants more then 10 Ms guarantee AND ppv its gotta do way more then 1 Milly imo

mr. smoke weed

Smoke Album Done......Wait n See #SmokeSquad
Resting in Peace
May 1, 2012
GGG kos Tito :mjlol:

GGG was shook of Lemeuix power tf he going do with Tito... "Bu bu bu but GGG can box tho" believe GGG struggle boxing is enough for Tito brehs :dead:

Floyd vs Cotto did 1.5 ppv 94 ms revenue... Canelo vs GGG ain't beating that

Fat bytch outta control saying this shyt out loud

Breh if Fat Daniel had three kids he'd name each of them G, what do you expect? :heh:


Jun 1, 2016
Breh..........we have a dude here who's in regular contact with "xxxxxxx" who's really close to "xxxxx" and he told us Floyd/Pac was being made before ANYONE on the internet knew. It's my A 1 @LeVraiPapi

Haymon doesn't talk on phones or have a smartphone though


Is he THAT paranoid?

Does he use the internet? How he'd communicate otherwise? Pigeons? :pachaha:


Jun 1, 2016
@The Infamous, :salute: to the link. I tried to copy the most

Like I said before only about 10% of what you read in the media is true. Canelo calls his own shots. If it doesn't come from him (which it won't most of the time) it's likely bullshyt. I'd bet a large sum of money Oscar isn't even on most of the calls. He just shows up to fighter meeting
I did get a laugh out of Loeffer saying he was under the impression they would not negotiate in the media. That's all they have done with Danny lol

Canelo's contract:
Canelo gets paid regardless. His upfront guarantee from GBP is insane. He has them by the balls.

So he basically say Oscar is Canelo's bytch? And that Canelo just carries him and the whole GBP for personal comfort/wellness? :deadrose:

This puts the last post fight interview in a new perspective. Not enough that Canelo is his boss he had to stand in that ring listening Max Kellerman openly slandering him like a sad clown. :bryan::russ:
to make it even ruthless Kellerman probably also exactly knew this but he kicked in him regardless... :mjlol:

mr. smoke weed

Smoke Album Done......Wait n See #SmokeSquad
Resting in Peace
May 1, 2012
It'll do a million breh

If this Jacobs fight is true N GGG slumps Jacobs there's goin be some buzz that's finally earned by GGG

GGG vs Canelo hype will be on ESPN, RocNation won't be there to fukk things up...HBO will go all out

I don't see it doing 1.5 tho ...N if GGG wants more then 10 Ms guarantee AND ppv its gotta do way more then 1 Milly imo
Canelo brings his 600k or whatever, where do you get the rest of the 400k?

Cotto was PR, had the title etc.

mr. smoke weed

Smoke Album Done......Wait n See #SmokeSquad
Resting in Peace
May 1, 2012
So he basically say Oscar is Canelo's bytch? And that Canelo just carries him and the whole GBP for personal comfort/wellness? :deadrose:

This puts the last post fight interview in a new perspective. Not enough that Canelo is his boss he had to stand in that ring listening Max Kellerman openly slandering him like a sad clown. :bryan::russ:
to make it even ruthless Kellerman probably also exactly knew this but he kicked in him regardless... :mjlol:
Dunno if I believe all of that. However, if it's true, HBO can kiss canelo goodbye.

Big Boss

Sep 26, 2012
GGG kos Tito :mjlol:

GGG was shook of Lemeuix power tf he going do with Tito... "Bu bu bu but GGG can box tho" believe GGG struggle boxing is enough for Tito brehs :dead:

Floyd vs Cotto did 1.5 ppv 94 ms revenue... Canelo vs GGG ain't beating that

Fat bytch outta control saying this shyt out loud

I don't know

Lowkey swiftset would beat tito