Essential The Official Boxing Random Thoughts Thread...All boxing heads ENTER.


The Culture
Aug 24, 2012

“He wasn’t favored going into the fight. He didn’t win the fight,” said Thurman about Brook in his fight against Golovkin. “They say he has a fractured orbital bone. Hopefully he has a full recovery. Nobody wants to see Kell Brook damaged with more left hooks. If he can’t make 147 and fights at 154, you’re looking at a fighter like Canelo . At 147, you’re looking at a fighter like me. Kell Brook’s biggest mistake was not to face a puncher like Keith Thurman, to not face a puncher like Canelo before facing a puncher at 160. We’re talking about a fight from multiple weight classes. He didn’t face a puncher from his own weight class. That was a big mistake; all that extra weight. You’re a world class athlete in your own weight division. Just grab 15 pounds and move around for 12 rounds, and try and say you’re not having a problem. I don’t think it was a smart move. They made the fight. They got punished for making the fight. I think all Triple G wanted to do was hit him with big punches and show like, ‘Yo, this is not your division. You don’t belong here.’ He [Brook] showed some skills. Does he have balls? Yes. Come back to reality, Brook, and let’s see what you do at 147,” said Thurman.

Thurman: Brook got punished for fighting Golovkin | Boxing News & Results

I agree:obama:

I dont really agree, or let me say, I have different views. I gotta give Kell all the props in the world.

The orbital bone was one of those things that happen and it pretty much was the end of the fight for him. Not too much else to say.

As far as facing Thurman or Canelo, its easy for the fighters to stand here and and call out other fighters but its a whole nother story for fights actually getting MADE. its just not that easy. I wish it was but it isnt. Was there a serious chance of a Kell vs Canelo/Thurman fight happening within the next 8-12 months? I dont know...I havent been following as much in the past couple years. The thing is, this game is brutal and some fighters have short shelf life or small windows of opportunity. Kell is trying to make his moves now because he probably doesnt want to be fighting when he is close to 40....I wouldnt.

Keith says it didnt boost his marketability, I disagree, I think it did...albeit at a cost. Also.....IMO, ESJ is the predecessor to Floyd (along with Bud). If you are talking business, Brook vs The Truth just isnt a smart move. He aint gonna get no points off beating ESJ really because he is still just a contender. I doubt he would beat ESJ anyway. GGG was the better move.

These fighters wait for opportunities that sometimes never come. Keith is happy with his position and rightfully so, so in his mind its dumb to step up to face GGG, but there isnt a market for him to make as much as Kell made off of GGG. Didnt Kell make more than GGG after his payout from SkySports? No way Keith Thurman gets $5 mil plus against anyone not named Mayweather. So different situation altogether.

Yes the game has changed but still, we have a lot more divisions than back in the day so I wouldnt say its stupid for Kell to do what he did. He's got balls, also, he is not waiting around to make money that may not pan out or lose his belt to a young lion like Spence before cashing out at the apex of his popularity.

As far as GGG just punching to show he was bigger, yes, and no.....When Kell didnt want to exchange, he was slipping most of GGG's shots and really exposed him IMO. This is why I think Canelo has an excellent shot at beating him. GGG's boxing looked very basic that night and his lack of a true body attack is obvious. He was basically head hunting against a smaller man. Not impressed at all with that.

I am a Thurman fan, but his situation just doesnt apply to Brook.


Jun 1, 2016
The only advantages in boxing are for the fighters right now.

Boxing will never die, but this is pathetic. PBC could do what the UFC does, but Hayman stinks.
Boxing is more mature, needs more skills. MMA is over the top based on entertainment and business.

Probably MMA fans won't like me for this but there's a truth in that MMA needs less skills or at least that the skillset what's needed for MMA is les clear and matured than in boxing. Boxing is between entertainment and a sport but rather an entertainment based sport.
While with MMA I rather feel that it's a sport based entertainment.

The other day this stuff came across me and I watched it

He finds two random club fighters who he liked when he saw them first ever in his life on live events. Eventually I looked after these guys (Mickey Gall, Randy Brown) whether they really got signed or not. As I found out both of them really got signed (good cause Dana White really kept his word and gave them opportunity) but what's more embarrassing that both of them has multiple wins already
WTF is this shyt? :what::heh:

Sorry but this speaks volumes about how immature and rudimentary this whole stuff is yet... (not to speak about the "regular" upsets)

You can interpret this as a good thing if you want, saying that the power relations are not still and there's more excitement, you're probably right in that but the problem is that I rather want to watch a sport than some "fool's gold", adventurer stuff mixed with WWE and with little actual professionalism.

I understand that it's much younger than boxing and it's still shaping but as of right now boxing needs more serous, matured skills and it's less based on luck so even if it's also partly entertainment it's a complete sport. MMA is not that. At least not yet.

Plus this whole Dana White phenomenon with his try hard machismo walking around, coked out of his mind, yelling that he wants blood and action, dissing "boring" fighters reminds me of the worst kind of boxing fans... :ufdup:

EDIT: I found out that the guy he beat was no champion I mixed it up, sorry for that, but it's still a clubfighter winning in what's suppose to be the most serous competition in MMA...
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Jun 1, 2016
Then he gets welcomed to NY by AB and it's gonna get ugly.......or he ducks AB like Burns did:manny:
You think Broner would just jump on this guy immediately and the guy would be ready for December? :ehh:
We will see if he wins, if he's not then I guess Burns vs Broner