wait....so all the Floyd vs Danny talk should cease because Danny is not a competitive fight for Floyd? Who the hell ever thought he was in the first place?

Canelo wasnt competitive

neither was Guerrero, Mosley, and Maidana wont be either.
its not about being competitive at this moment, its about credible and noteworthy opponents for Floyd. Danny is just that. He earned his shot just as much as anyone. Actually more when you consider Maidana was lucky enough to get to Broner. Guerrero fought a competitive fight with Berto. and Canelo struggled with Trout. The wins over Khan and Matthysse were better....not to mention the Zab fight was a decent win and Morales although past it.....was impressive KO....Danny did what he was supposed to do.
I'd like to know who else is deserving at this time. Better yet....who (within reason) would be competitive with Floyd?