@ChocolateGiddyUp .....more and more I think about it, it HAD to be the weight is finally catching up to him. No way Karim Mayfield can beat him, but Garcia cant (even though he won on the cards). I think Garcia goes up to 147 in September, stronger because he doesn't have to cut down as far, and destroys someone in his first fight.
The fukk is Mike Anchondo? He beat Herrera too as well as Mike Alvarado. Danny Garcia is better than all of them.
Just an off night for the Champ and the weight playing a huge factor in the fight for him.
Yes, he can be out boxed, but he didn't seem like the same Danny that fought Matthysse. I expect him to come back next time and punish someone. He was probably a little drained.
this wasn't an off night..not to me...i told nikkas in the beginning that herrera was not a pushover and a problem when ppl were like "who's mauricio herrera?

@Jello Biafra was more on point in saying that it was styles make fights..garcia maybe more talented that karim, alvarado, and anchondo but they had the styles to beat herrera...karim especially..his volume punching was a problem for herrera lol