what bhop did to joppy was downright criminal ..ive never seen a head expand in size like that.....its a miracle that joppy didn't pick up a brain bleed or a hemorrhage in that fight
boxing is a gladiator sport..every boxer knows that once they go into the ring they are putting everything on the line..alot of dirty stuff goes on...its nothing new its part of boxing's long storied history..sparring is part of boxing's long storied story...no successful boxer worth his salt has not sparred greatly in their careers in order to keep sharp.....boxing policing itself has been a problem for as long organized professional boxing has been around...its not something that will change anytime soon...even if you propose national commissions..big money in boxing thats has never been made by people with any kind of scruples and thats not going to change at all
we can look back and laugh about Joppy today sorta and make Elephant Man jokes but when I was watching the fight I was like.......