I think Maidana would be a tougher fight than Bradley. I don't ever want to see Floyd fight Bradley other than Floyd giving him the Marquez treatment for a whole 12 rounds to give that man his first L. Bradley is completely over rated to me. Bradley wouldn't get passed Garcia or Khan.
I think the only reason Floyd is scared. I just think he knows he wouldn't look as good against someone like Pac even if he wins.. Floyd would always look like he's running the entire 12 rounds even and picking his shots into a "boring" win and no matter what, he would get looked as being scared even with a ugly W. Floyd aint about to exchange blows with that man but then again, Ariza aint in that corner anymore.
… pacman been looking shaky ever since Ariza left that corny baby….
I think the only reason Floyd is scared. I just think he knows he wouldn't look as good against someone like Pac even if he wins.. Floyd would always look like he's running the entire 12 rounds even and picking his shots into a "boring" win and no matter what, he would get looked as being scared even with a ugly W. Floyd aint about to exchange blows with that man but then again, Ariza aint in that corner anymore.