So Many thoughts after Sat but wasnt around Sat night or Sun to shyt talk,
Bika Direll was the most exciting fight, this was no drawn though, Bika whipped that ass and folded this nikka up like a lawn chair in the corner in the 12th, great back n forth, solid showing from the young Direll but no Draw
Macklin vs ????????, didnt watch that bum fest
Kirkland vs Tapia, great slugfest, but you just had the feeling it would end early for the anticlimactic finish, although us fans love ko's not too early especially in a barn burner like that....
LMAO at Khan saying like 2 sentence the whole night then, sitting back waiting for the Alexander fight to talk shyt n trolll
Trout vs Lara, exactly how I suspected the fight would turn out, now once and for all people can see Trout aint shyt.........................
Alexander vs Porter, I had no idea this was the undefeated Shawn Porter that roamed the JMW/ middleweight divisions years back, Alexander should not only be ashamed of himself for losing to a sparring partner, I actually started to believe Alexander had some world class talent in him. He should have known this was a set up match though, Porter has been sparring big boys for years and he's a big boy himself, he weigh 158-164 range sparring in camp so mauling and out wrestling a former lww was easy work for him. Ugly ass match, and I dont blame Alexander on bit, they wanted him to lose, Porter wrestling and being dirty and Alexaner getting warned the whole damn night. I hate this match for the simple fact that they tried to use Porter as a reason to justify Khan duckage of Alexander, as if he's a better fighter than Porter....
Khan cant get a Mayweather match it's too much bad blood for him, him sitting at ringside was like the ghost of Christmas past for him, he ducked Alexander, only to have a sparring partner make easy work of Alexander. Garcia in the crowd getting pops, after being stopped from ending Khans career, but I digress..........
Paulie Zab, Paulie put a whipping on Zab something fierce, Paulie is getting better, more importantly he's getting stronger and punching with far more conviction these days at 147. Broner better not look Paulies way that lost fueled him............
And the Rigo fight......................