Where's Suikoden VI??????
-Canelo vs. Lara/Trout winner in March... (WBA "regular" title is at stake, so he'd be coming back with a title shot against the winner)...Canelo tweets he's fighting 3 times in 2014, all PPV
Here's how I think it should go down
-Canelo vs. Miguel Cotto/Carlos Molina/Alfredo Angulo in July... (if he can't get Cotto, settle with title holder Carlos Molina in an all Mexican bout and if that's impossible, Angulo)...
-Canelo vs. Miguel Cotto/Sergio Martinez/Molina/Angulo/Rosado/Smith/Rabchenko...(In order of importance depending on who he can and can't get as an opponent in July)...
So, in a perfect world...
1. Lara/Trout winner in March for the WBA title
2. Miguel Cotto in July
3. Sergio Martinez in November at middleweight for THEE middleweight crown.
Winning these three would make him #2 P4P in the world, the fighter of the year AND...........earn him a rematch with the GAWD in 2015 that would guarantee to break every boxing record in history