True Blue Moon
Y'all sitting on trillions of dollars somewhere?
We got a couple trillion between us if we get our mind right.
Y'all sitting on trillions of dollars somewhere?
We need to produce. Food is an obvious one. My buddy wants a food truck and we can grow some of the veggies for it. I think food should be the basis, because it's the most essential. House hold item's we use everyday.
Me and my nikkas are buying land next year. Gonna produce some food stuffs for local places.
What part? I'm in Cali, but Virginia is home for me.
757what part you from?
I did some research on urban gardens...Im not sure if you are up on this but Vertical growing helps people without a lot of land (or any fertile soil) to still grow gardens.
Shipping containers can cost you as low as 2500 - 5000.
There are DIYs for the portable farm. There are some DIY videos on how to make your own tower too or you could buy one.
See, this is why the Coli needs to be linking up. All the way across the continent and found a breh from my home
I'm from Newport News. Graduated from Denbigh.
Small world. I also went to denbigh. I lived in a woodside zone though.
What year you graduate breh
Home definitely could use some quality food options. I was home for two months in May and June and every time I visit it's crazy how a lot of major businesses uptown are drying up. The shopping center with the K-Mart near Denbigh is pitiful, but I remember growing up they had Pharm-Mor, Discovery Zone and all kinds of stuff.
A lot of that stretch of Warwick Blvd is turning into a mish mash of a lot of ethnic business, but none or few of them are black owned.
08. There building up the city center area and downtown by the shipyard. There building a tech center off oysterpoint and jefferson. Pricing nikkas out of those neighborhoods around there my rent was 830 couple months after I left it changed to 930.