A good start is finding as many black vendors and business as possible to shop/do business with. Blacks need to not only start more business but we need to support the growing black business infrastructure.
The major issue for blacks right now is that we don't circulate our money amongst each other. This means that once money comes into black people, it goes right back out. This means we spend almost ALL of our money with non-blacks, which enriches them and impoverishes us. No community can thrive without money circulation. Want good examples of money circulation communities? Well, everybody else except black people....namely Asians and Jews. Those communities have double digit money circulation cycles, which leads to why they tend to be among the wealthiest in the country.
Here are some starters for finding black business in some essential fields:
National Black-owned banks
National Black-owned hotels:
Black Lawyer Database with links to different black law firms/law associations
More are welcome
Good looking out dropping these lists. I found One United bank earlier when I stumbled upon the same National Black-owned banks link. Going along with what
@Poitier said about web presence earlier, a lot of these banks probably do well for themselves but have shytty, outdated websites. And based on my research, the banks on that list are pretty much the only ones we have.
Those two things really put a sense of urgency in me to open up an account, which I just finished doing about an hour ago. One United bank seems to be the most progressive thus far, so I hope to have a good report soon about their business practices and customer service.
I'm in Los Angeles and they actually have a few physical branches out here, so I look forward to stopping by in person also when I get a chance for an idea of how they do business. Hopefully I can chop it up with some good brothers and sisters in there also.
Of all the banks on the list, it appears that One United is America's black bank, leading the charge. The bank's president, Teri Wilson, seems to have a really good head on her shoulders:
Hopefully when me and my wife get our money straight, we will be financing our first home through a black bank.
I will most definitely be using that black hotel link you dropped also. I do a fair amount of traveling and would have no problem going out of my way to stay at one of those. Hell, I might use this as an excuse to surprise my lady with a weekend trip or something. I've been trying to hit San Diego for the longest.
Good looking out. Let's keep building.