Religion/Spirituality The Official Bible Study Thread

Chez Lopez

Nov 22, 2014
Ive reveiwed the book of Yasher a couple of times and it is the same basic story of genesis, except greatly expounded. Even going into The stealing of adams initial Yahuah-made garments by ham from Noah, which led to why nimrod was such a great warrior. Ill need to look over this info again, and all of the information in extra biblical material i like to have verified by canon, but still very interesting.

Chez Lopez

Nov 22, 2014
Both breh.

The book tells you why he claimed to have wrote it lol. So either you believe it or dont. I never take prophecy (or claimed prophecy) at face value because its written in parables and allegories.

Moses has nothing to do with the translations of the "Zondervan" bibles or whatever publisher you received your bible from.

The bible says some things about Sarah so obviously she was important enough to be included. Just take a look at the book of Yasher breh... You dont have to read it all,just tryna see what yall think about it.

Who questioned his work? I question the work of the elite who provided you those books. Do YOU trust them to give you the truth when they dont give it in other areas of life?

Im implying that Satan took things out of scripture. I mean why else do you think you refer to the Eternal One of Abraham as "god" and His son as "Jesus"? You dont think thats what they were originally referred to as do you? If not, WHY does the bibles we receive now, do that? Because someone took out the original name(s) and replaced them?

Wheres the proof concerning your last sentence? Can you read Hebrew?
Excellent. The Hebrew names of all the prophets have been changed in the bible, thats the purpose of the original king james version. NOt only that, these names were in most cases replaced with the names of pagan deities, so instead of calling upon the correct Name, we say their pagan doppleganger. This very fact in the bible proves the existence of Yahuah and satan at the same time, because as you said, why change anything if its not VERY important. Cheers, great comment.


Dec 8, 2013
It's sad that you automatically assume that the books and literature I read come from MICHIGAN and the Zondervan publication :heh:
What work of the elite reconstructed the Torah from it's original form? Noone reconstructed it.
There are over 3000 translations of the Old and New Testament which are wayyyyyyy off from the original.
We are debating Genesis from the TORAH. not any publication translation.... THE TORAH.
Are you implying that the Torah isnt in it's original form that Moses wrote?? That those words he truly wrote are lost? :usure:
How is that possible when the Torah has been anally protected to assure the words are accurate and not rewritten?

As far as you asking me if I can read Hebrew, I'm assuming you never read the Torah which centuries ago was published with Hebrew on the left of the book and English on the right.
You compare those books in its old form to NEW WORLD translations, and your mind will be blown.

I can't believe you actually think that the Torah, which is the basis of the 5 first books of the Old Testament, is fabricated by Satan's minions and rewritten.
To say that means you are claiming that Jesus read false books.

I do use the word GOD. That's what I choose to call him. Not any other original Aramaic or Hebrew word you think he should be called.
Do you know Jesus's real name? I do. But I still call him Jesus.
Do you prefer I say his real name instead?
And call God by his Hebrew name?

Please do not assume people are ignorant because they choose to type in words so people who are ignorant will understand.


Dec 8, 2013
Excellent. The Hebrew names of all the prophets have been changed in the bible, thats the purpose of the original king james version. NOt only that, these names were in most cases replaced with the names of pagan deities, so instead of calling upon the correct Name, we say their pagan doppleganger. This very fact in the bible proves the existence of Yahuah and satan at the same time, because as you said, why change anything if its not VERY important. Cheers, great comment.

Funny you say "Hebrew" names when that language wasn't the language the whole Bible was written in.
Please tell us all the books you feel have changed names in them.


Dec 8, 2013
Ive reveiwed the book of Yasher a couple of times and it is the same basic story of genesis, except greatly expounded. Even going into The stealing of adams initial Yahuah-made garments by ham from Noah, which led to why nimrod was such a great warrior. Ill need to look over this info again, and all of the information in extra biblical material i like to have verified by canon, but still very interesting.

You're a hypocrite bc the book of Jasher was written in GREEK during the rule of King David. :snoop:


Dec 8, 2013
I'm really amazed we are debating the Book of Jasher as a true biblical book.
There are 5 different translations of that book floating. Not only that, but the years and ages in that book are off frm the original dates in the Torah.
Yes, this mysterious book which was never truly written down as a whole during Noah's time but was TAUGHT in rabbinical tradition was mentioned in the book of Joshua and Samuel.
But do you realize that the dates are probably off because an Egyptian king years after King David made the Isrealites give their versions of the old testament to him, and they in turn gave him "the book of jasher" written down.
The Isrealites purposely gave only that to the king and flubbed a bunch of dates.
Jasher is good chronological writing material, but noone can be sure if it's 100% accurate
I'm not saying it isn't true. I'm just saying you have to wonder if it got misinterpreted and why it really was put in writing when prior it was orally taught in certain tribes.
Not all the tribes, only some. Other tribes relied on what Moses wrote down.
And the church of latter day saints sweats this book, while the rest shun it.
Makes you wonder about the book. :yeshrug:

Also, the greek and hebrew alphabet were being developed during King David's time.
Prior to that was the PHOENICIAN alphabet, which was being used all around for reading and writing.
I doubt King David and his educated rabbi's rewrote the first 5 books of Moses in Hebrew to NOT match the book of jasher.
Last edited:


Nov 21, 2013
It's sad that you automatically assume that the books and literature I read come from MICHIGAN and the Zondervan publication :heh:

What bible you got and who as it published by? :sas1:

And it aint just YOU Im referring to but me as well.

What work of the elite reconstructed the Torah from it's original form? Noone reconstructed it.
There are over 3000 translations of the Old and New Testament which are wayyyyyyy off from the original.
We are debating Genesis from the TORAH. not any publication translation.... THE TORAH.

Ok. Where have you seen the original Genesis in Hebrew? Can you read Hebrew?

Come on breh. What do you think the Catholic church is about? Keeping people blind. Thats what this whole world is about. To assume that thats what they are about, BUT they'd give you the truth in the bible's they publish is pretty naive.

Are you implying that the Torah isnt in it's original form that Moses wrote?? That those words he truly wrote are lost? :usure:

I'd assume that they are not lost. They're simply being withheld from the public. Isnt that what "Jesus" said about the pharisees in Matthew 23:13? Again, why else do you think they took out the name of the Being Abraham worshiped and replaced it with "god" and "lord"? Why else do you think they replaced His son's name with "Jesus"?

How is that possible when the Torah has been anally protected to assure the words are accurate and not rewritten?

Someone told you this and you believed it. Its nothing you nor I can verify. Meaning we dont have the originals to compare it to. Though Im sure they do.

As far as you asking me if I can read Hebrew, I'm assuming you never read the Torah which centuries ago was published with Hebrew on the left of the book and English on the right.
So where have you read a Torah version that was centuries old? Let me know breh....

You compare those books in its old form to NEW WORLD translations, and your mind will be blown.

I can't believe you actually think that the Torah, which is the basis of the 5 first books of the Old Testament, is fabricated by Satan's minions and rewritten.

Nah. You're clearly (and maybe purposely) misinterpreting what Im saying. What I am saying is that most if not all bible's people are reading from have been edited. I am pretty sure that the book of Jasher is closer to what was originally there than what we have today. For instance, how come Satan turns to this diabolical planner that wants to do everyone in in the NT? But in the OT he's depicted as a servant that simply tests people and thats it? In the book of Jasher, its known from the beginning who Satan was.

To say that means you are claiming that Jesus read false books.

No because that is not what Im saying. Im saying the translations we have now are edited. Its clear when we refer to the son of theMost High as "Jesus" and the Most High as "god/lord". Its clear when the adversary changes personalities from a simple servant in the book of Job, to this diabolical adversary that wants to do us in at all costs in the NT yet in the NT, its said that he has been a liar/murderer since the beginning. If thats the case, why want that depicted in the OT?

I do use the word GOD. That's what I choose to call him. Not any other original Aramaic or Hebrew word you think he should be called.
Do you know Jesus's real name? I do. But I still call him Jesus.
Do you prefer I say his real name instead?
And call God by his Hebrew name?

Please do not assume people are ignorant because they choose to type in words so people who are ignorant will understand.

Breh, I do the same. I didnt point that out to make you look ignorant. We are ALL ignorant of something. I pointed it out to exemplify how the bible has been edited. If it had not, we wouldnt be using these names at all. I mean didnt Paul say that people are saved by ONE NAME under heaven? Why arent we using this name instead using the names that men chose to translate the original name into?


Nov 21, 2013
I'm really amazed we are debating the Book of Jasher as a true biblical book.
There are 5 different translations of that book floating. Not only that, but the years and ages in that book are off frm the original dates in the Torah.

Original dates? Dont you know there are debates about the original date of the TORAH itself? Some say that it wasnt put together till King Josiah reigned on earth. Ya get it? Theres not much we can do to verify alot of things thats why its BEST if we are led in the Spirit. Didnt "Jesus" say that he would send a "spirit of Truth" after he left?Why would this be necessary when we would have the Torah and his words right in front of us?

Yes, this mysterious book which was never truly written down as a whole during Noah's time but was TAUGHT in rabbinical tradition was mentioned in the book of Joshua and Samuel.
But do you realize that the dates are probably off because an Egyptian king years after King David made the Isrealites give their versions of the old testament to him, and they in turn gave him "the book of jasher" written down.
The Isrealites purposely gave only that to the king and flubbed a bunch of dates.
Jasher is good chronological writing material, but noone can be sure if it's 100% accurate

Wait... So they gave the Egyptians a more detailed version of their stories and kept the watered down version for themselves? :snoop:

I think the thing that resonated most with me, was that the book of Jasher included EMOTIONS of people. We all think that Abraham as some robot that simply did everything according to the book but we see that he had emotions. He wept when he was on his way to "sacrifice" Isaac. It was a test from Satan (the angel of the "Lord" in our modern bibles) to even do that sacrifice. Why would they put that in the Egyptian version, then keep the atered down version for themselves?

No one can be sure that the modern day bibles are 100% accurate either. Because all we have is copies. The originals are hidden. Take for instance, Italy going to Ethiopia and running off with their scriptures

I'm not saying it isn't true. I'm just saying you have to wonder if it got misinterpreted and why it really was put in writing when prior it was orally taught in certain tribes.
Not all the tribes, only some. Other tribes relied on what Moses wrote down.
And the church of latter day saints sweats this book, while the rest shun it.
Makes you wonder about the book. :yeshrug:

Also, the greek and hebrew alphabet were being developed during King David's time.
Prior to that was the PHOENICIAN alphabet, which was being used all around for reading and writing.
I doubt King David and his educated rabbi's rewrote the first 5 books of Moses in Hebrew to NOT match the book of jasher.

Do you understand that there are NO originals of the Torah? All we have is copies of anything lol So without having the originals of ANY piece of scripture, its a crapshoot of whether they're telling the truth or not.Thats being real. It aint being real when you pretend as if the bible is based on original copies that we can go and compare them to today....


Nov 21, 2013
Ive reveiwed the book of Yasher a couple of times and it is the same basic story of genesis, except greatly expounded. Even going into The stealing of adams initial Yahuah-made garments by ham from Noah, which led to why nimrod was such a great warrior. Ill need to look over this info again, and all of the information in extra biblical material i like to have verified by canon, but still very interesting.

Whats "canon" though and who decides/decided that?

Chez Lopez

Nov 22, 2014
Whats "canon" though and who decides/decided that?
Absolutely, I completely agree. I reference the books through the other books and research their validity based on internal confirmation. The use of the word 'canon' or any catholic term is unneccesray. The Word of Yahuah stands on its own and is able to be verified on its own. Since I know that jesus was not the Messiah's name I did my own research, reading as much Hebrew and deciphering what I could. The Name definitively is YAHUSHA and ive been using it ever since. Needless to say this has brought a lot of conflict in my Christian family

matthew 10:22
And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

matthew 10
37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. 39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.


Dec 8, 2013
Original dates? Dont you know there are debates about the original date of the TORAH itself? Some say that it wasnt put together till King Josiah reigned on earth. Ya get it? Theres not much we can do to verify alot of things thats why its BEST if we are led in the Spirit. Didnt "Jesus" say that he would send a "spirit of Truth" after he left?Why would this be necessary when we would have the Torah and his words right in front of us?

Wait... So they gave the Egyptians a more detailed version of their stories and kept the watered down version for themselves? :snoop:

I think the thing that resonated most with me, was that the book of Jasher included EMOTIONS of people. We all think that Abraham as some robot that simply did everything according to the book but we see that he had emotions. He wept when he was on his way to "sacrifice" Isaac. It was a test from Satan (the angel of the "Lord" in our modern bibles) to even do that sacrifice. Why would they put that in the Egyptian version, then keep the atered down version for themselves?

No one can be sure that the modern day bibles are 100% accurate either. Because all we have is copies. The originals are hidden. Take for instance, Italy going to Ethiopia and running off with their scriptures

Do you understand that there are NO originals of the Torah? All we have is copies of anything lol So without having the originals of ANY piece of scripture, its a crapshoot of whether they're telling the truth or not.Thats being real. It aint being real when you pretend as if the bible is based on original copies that we can go and compare them to today....

Here's a thought though. Adam and Eve are created in the Ubaid period.
There were already village settlements as far as North Turkey and South Iraq compared to where the "garden of eden" is thought to be.

When the book of Japher was given to Ptolemy, he questioned it and knew it really wasn't the complete Old Testament.
I never said that copy was circulated in Egypt BUT we really don't know which version of that book was in that man's hand.
We honestly do not know which version is correct. There are 5 going around. Each were translated in different languages.
Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Spanish and English. Each are different, and it doesnt help that the English version was translated from old withered Hebrew scrolls.
Who knows what the book of Japher truly taught when it was mentioned in Joshua and Samuel... but we do know it was written down long after being first mentioned in the bible. :yeshrug:

If the book of Jasher includes emotions, is it possible that it was put together just to force feed the original 5 books of the Old Testament and make it more coherent bc it includes emotion and more detail?
Something to think about.
It also tried to teach the sons of Judah their purpose and correct lifestyle.

Modern day bibles aren't 100% accurate. The word Bible comes from a Greek word.
Right there is a red flag.

I can sit here and say that the dead sea scrolls are false and rewritten, but they were compared to scrolls found at the second destroyed temple in 70ad.
The new testament didnt exist in 70 AD.
The problem we are having is our doubt of the NEW testament is making us doubt the OLD testament.
And I honestly think that we still do have versions of the TORAH that Jesus read. It exists. He technically was walking around earth only 2000 years ago reading the Torah in Hebrew and Aramaic.
The rest of the books in the Old Testament too, but we can't put the Old testament and the New testament on the same page. no pun.
So much has happened in translation since Jesus died.
And if the Old Testament was truly messed with, I think the Rabbi's wouldve omitted the references to Jesus as the Messiah in it. :yeshrug:


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
The sons of God = The children of Abel
The daughters of men = The children of Cain

God punished Cain for not sending up his best offering so he one of Cain's punishments was he must leave the area. When Abel's bloodline started migrating throughout the earth they saw daughters of Cain and starting marrying them. Their offspring were Giants. See how easy that is when you follow the word of God and now lean on outside books that contradict the bible. You tried to make it seem like the bible doesn't explain their existence when it clearly did.

And the nerve of you to say im canceling the Word of GOD lol. I'm the one standing up for the bible and the words of his only begotten son. You are trying to make his direct words, of no effect because you are teaching the commandments of men and doing away with the bible.

Mathew 15:8-9

This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. :blessed:

There were other Adams created along with the chosen Adam...the chosen one who was given the breath of life, which is the commandments. That is what made the chosen Adam, the Son of God. Cain going off and killing Abel is what made him the wicked and he was given fully into the control of the serpent (Satan) and therefore his descendants became the sons of the wicked.

There are 3 orders of men:

The sons of God (Seth's line)
The sons of the wicked (Cain's line)
The sons of men (all other Adams)

These lines were created in the first and second generation of men.

Those same orders of men continued after the flood. The lines before the Flood were simply reincarnated after the Flood. The difference is that after the Flood...the order was done in reverse order with the sons of God being completed last through Jacob. By process of elimination it should be easy to tell which lines after the Flood became the sons of the wicked and the other lines that are the sons of men.


Dec 8, 2013
Absolutely, I completely agree. I reference the books through the other books and research their validity based on internal confirmation. The use of the word 'canon' or any catholic term is unneccesray. The Word of Yahuah stands on its own and is able to be verified on its own. Since I know that jesus was not the Messiah's name I did my own research, reading as much Hebrew and deciphering what I could. The Name definitively is YAHUSHA and ive been using it ever since. Needless to say this has brought a lot of conflict in my Christian family

matthew 10:22
And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

matthew 10
37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. 39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

Do you understand why his name was turned into Jesus?
Yehoshua (Yashua for short) - Ihsous - Iesus - Jesus.

Same perso though.

Also, he spoke Aramaic. Why ask about his HEBREW name?
Mary named him with an Aramaic name.

Chez Lopez

Nov 22, 2014
Do you understand why his name was turned into Jesus?
Yehoshua (Yashua for short) - Ihsous - Iesus - Jesus.

Same perso though.

Also, he spoke Aramaic. Why ask about his HEBREW name?
Mary named him with an Aramaic name.
Different person. The greek language would not change His Name, it would be Yahusha in greek, just like it would be Yahusha in Hebrew. Also Greece was a pagan nation with a pagan dialect dedicated to worshipping false deities. The thing about ancient languages is they are all centered around what deity they worshipped, the language itself was a way to worship. For instance jezebel (Yisabel or Isabel in hebrew) shows the deity she worshiped directly in her name- bel, which is the conjugate for baal the Canaanite deity. The suffiz -sus is the same, a contraction for zeus, as in Pega-sus, Dionysus, Ephe-sus etc. Calling Yahusha jesus, is the modern equivelant to calling jesus muhammad. It is a satanic language trick that those who are deep in the Word will spot.

Aramaic is the Babylonian corruption of Hebrew, which Hebrews coming out of exile in Babylon spoke for abt one hundred years before the Messiah. The Qumran dead sea scrolls proved that there were text in both Hebrew and Aramaic, as there wasn't much difference anyway. The most major difference was taking the Name of the Father and corrupting it, so the name Yahusha becomes y'shua. The full Hebrew Name maintains the Name of the Father, Yahuah, in His name, as most of the prophets were named. This is why Yahusha states, "I come in the Name of my Father."- this is literal AND figurative.

John 5
43 I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive .