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Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Do you understand why his name was turned into Jesus?
Yehoshua (Yashua for short) - Ihsous - Iesus - Jesus.

Same perso though.

Also, he spoke Aramaic. Why ask about his HEBREW name?
Mary named him with an Aramaic name.

Aramaic is the old Syrian language that is a close dialect to the pure hebrew. The proximity of Syrians and the Israelites lands is what made the languages although different close enough. The original Syrians came from the line of of the sons of Shem.

Genesis 10
2 The children of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram.

The Israelites come from the line of Arphaxad. There are two types of writing systems used to write in that region back then: paleo hebrew and aramaic. I know both and its easy to read both if you understand the characters. The characters are different but the meaning is the same. So no...he was not given an aramaic name...he was given a hebrew name which can be spelled out in paleo hebrew or aramaic characters.
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Dec 8, 2013
Different person. The greek language would not change His Name, it would be Yahusha in greek, just like it would be Yahusha in Hebrew. Also Greece was a pagan nation with a pagan dialect dedicated to worshipping false deities. The thing about ancient languages is they are all centered around what deity they worshipped, the language itself was a way to worship. For instance jezebel (Yisabel or Isabel in hebrew) shows the deity she worshiped directly in her name- bel, which is the conjugate for baal the Canaanite deity. The suffiz -sus is the same, a contraction for zeus, as in Pega-sus, Dionysus, Ephe-sus etc. Calling Yahusha jesus, is the modern equivelant to calling jesus muhammad. It is a satanic language trick that those who are deep in the Word will spot.

Aramaic is the Babylonian corruption of Hebrew, which Hebrews coming out of exile in Babylon spoke for abt one hundred years before the Messiah. The Qumran dead sea scrolls proved that there were text in both Hebrew and Aramaic, as there wasn't much difference anyway. The most major difference was taking the Name of the Father and corrupting it, so the name Yahusha becomes y'shua. The full Hebrew Name maintains the Name of the Father, Yahuah, in His name, as most of the prophets were named. This is why Yahusha states, "I come in the Name of my Father."- this is literal AND figurative.

John 5
43 I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive .

I found this. I hope it helps:

When the Greeks wanted to turn a Hebrew name into a Greek name there were two ways to bring it across the language barrier. One way was by translation, which tries to capture the meaning of a word ... but in the process, loses it's sound. The other way was by transliteration, which tries to capture the sound of the Hebrew word ... but in the process, loses it's meaning.

Let's look at the most probable scenario of how the four Hebrew letters in the name Y'-Sh-U-A (Yod-Shin-Vav-Ayin) were transliterated to Koine Greek.

  • The first Hebrew letter YOD has a “YE” sound. Unfortunately, the Greek language does not have a letter nor a diphthong that has the "Y" sound as in YES! The Greek solution was to pair the two letters IOTA-ETA to produce the sound “EE-AY” which was deemed to be close enough to the Hebrew sound "YE."
  • The second Hebrew letter SHIN has the "SH" sound. This was an even bigger problem because the "SH" sound does not exist in Greek. The Greek solution was to employ the "S" sound made by the letter SIGMA.
  • The third Hebrew letter Vav has a "U" sound. The Greek diphthong "ou" OMICRON-UPSILON is an exact match because it has the same "OO" sound.
  • The fourth Hebrew letter AYIN has the "AH" sound. According to the Greek rules of grammar, masculine names never end in a vowel sound, and when they do, the name should always be closed with the letter "S" whenever possible. The Greek solution was to drop the final "AH" sound and close out the name with an "S."
  • These four steps produce the name "Iesous" which is pronounced "EE-AY-SOOS." The name Jesus now has an isopsehia value of "888" units which conjured up the "888" power structure of the whole Greek alphabet.
Joshua is mentioned two times in the New Testament (Acts 7:45; Heb 4:8), and in both places the Greek text spells his name "Ihsous" ... the same as Jesus. The original Hebrew translation of the name of Yeho (Yahweh) - shua (saves) is alluded to in the following gospel passage where an angel of the Lord tells Joseph what to name his future son: "you are to name him Iesous because he will save his people from their sins" (Matt 1:21). This passage shows Matthew knew that the first two vowel sounds (ee-ay) in the name of Jesus were meant to be a transliteration of the vowel sounds in the name Yahweh, the almighty monotheistic God of the Hebrews. The gospel of John echoed that knowledge by having Jesus say "I come in the name of my Father" (John 5:43). The last syllable in the name of Jesus (eeay-soos) was probably recognized by the Greeks for it's similarity to the name Zeus (dzoos), the most powerful God in the polytheistic Greek pantheon. Putting the two word plays together, the name Ee-ay-sous oozed with supernatural power because that name implies "Yahweh-Zeus."

The Latin name Iesus
The entire New Testament was written in “Koiné” or common Greek, but as the gospel spread into areas where Greek was not spoken, missionaries made translations in other languages such as Coptic, Slavic, and Latin. By the end of the second century many different Latin versions were in circulation. In 382 Jerome translated a standardized Latin Bible called the “Vulgate,” or common Bible. The Latin Bible transliterated the Greek name of Jesus by bringing across all of the Greek sounds in his name. His name was written as "IESUS." The Latin spelling differed from the Greek because the two alphabets are not identical. The Latin pronunciation however was still identical to the Greek "ee-ay-soos." Theodosus made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire in 391. Jerome's Latin Vulgate soon became the undeclared “official” text of the Roman Church. The Council of Toulouse in 1229 made the Latin Bible official by "expressly forbidding it's translation into vulgar tongues." In 1234 the Council of Tarragona declared: "No person except a cleric may possess the books of the Old and New Testaments and if anyone is found to possess them he must be turned over to the local bishop so that he may be burned at the stake" The Latin spelling and pronunciation of Iesus dominated the Western Christian world for almost 1,000 years.

The English name Jesus
The Norman invasion of 1066 introduced the letter "j" to England but the sound of the letter did not exist in the Old English language until the early 1200's. Over the next 300 years the hard "J" sound started to replace male names that began with I or Y because it sounded so masculine. Names like Iames became "James," Iakob became Jacob, and Yohan became "John." During the time the letter J was starting to gain acceptance, John Wycliffe became the first person to translate the New Testament from Latin into English in 1384. He preserved the Latin spelling and pronunciation of IESUS but his translation was unread by the common man because only a few hand-written copies of his Bible were produced which were quickly banned by the Church.


Dec 8, 2013
@Chez Lopez

You mentioned that saying the name Jesus is the equivalent to calling him Mohammed?? :usure:

You seem to forget that the name Mohammed didn't have to get transliterated.

Did you know that "MUHAMMED" is a transliteration of مُحَمَّد ??

So technically, calling Jesus JESUS is only writing his name in a transliteral way.
It's not blasphemous and it makes no sense to say that.
Your family shouldn't get mad you call Jesus another name... but if I say JESUS, it's not me saying مُحَمَّد


Nov 21, 2013
Here's a thought though. Adam and Eve are created in the Ubaid period.
There were already village settlements as far as North Turkey and South Iraq compared to where the "garden of eden" is thought to be.

To my recollection, noone in the bible says that Adam was the FIRST man created. Well maybe Paul did, but I take what he says with a grain of salt anyways.

When the book of Japher was given to Ptolemy, he questioned it and knew it really wasn't the complete Old Testament.
I never said that copy was circulated in Egypt BUT we really don't know which version of that book was in that man's hand.
We honestly do not know which version is correct. There are 5 going around. Each were translated in different languages.
Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Spanish and English. Each are different, and it doesnt help that the English version was translated from old withered Hebrew scrolls.
Who knows what the book of Japher truly taught when it was mentioned in Joshua and Samuel... but we do know it was written down long after being first mentioned in the bible. :yeshrug:

No. You dont KNOW that just as you dont KNOW when the Torah was written. You know there are hypotheses out that say King Josiah wrote it right? How do you go about proving that wrong without referencing what other men tell you?

If the book of Jasher includes emotions, is it possible that it was put together just to force feed the original 5 books of the Old Testament and make it more coherent bc it includes emotion and more detail?
Something to think about.

Absolutely. Or the flipside could be that they took out the emotions and other things so that the truth wouldnt be readily accessible to people. Isnt that something to think about too?

I can sit here and say that the dead sea scrolls are false and rewritten, but they were compared to scrolls found at the second destroyed temple in 70ad.

Unless you did the comparing, you're trusting what someone else said

The new testament didnt exist in 70 AD.
The problem we are having is our doubt of the NEW testament is making us doubt the OLD testament.
And I honestly think that we still do have versions of the TORAH that Jesus read. It exists. He technically was walking around earth only 2000 years ago reading the Torah in Hebrew and Aramaic.
The rest of the books in the Old Testament too, but we can't put the Old testament and the New testament on the same page. no pun.
So much has happened in translation since Jesus died.
And if the Old Testament was truly messed with, I think the Rabbi's wouldve omitted the references to Jesus as the Messiah in it. :yeshrug:

Its like I said, the simple fact that they didnt put the TRUE NAME in there is proof of editing. The fact that Satan doesnt show the character that is present in the NT TILL the NT is saying something if one believes both are inspired.

And how do you know they didnt omit more overt references to Jesus? We dont know that breh. :manny: Now Im not acting as if there isnt any truth in the bible. There is. But its been touched you can bet that. If they're doing it now with all these new translations like the "gay bible" and whatever other mess they have out there, they were probably doing it before too.....


Nov 21, 2013
Absolutely, I completely agree. I reference the books through the other books and research their validity based on internal confirmation. The use of the word 'canon' or any catholic term is unneccesray. The Word of Yahuah stands on its own and is able to be verified on its own. Since I know that jesus was not the Messiah's name I did my own research, reading as much Hebrew and deciphering what I could. The Name definitively is YAHUSHA and ive been using it ever since. Needless to say this has brought a lot of conflict in my Christian family

matthew 10:22
And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

matthew 10
37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. 39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

Well I can dig it though I wouldnt rely on internal confirmation though I get what you mean and Im guilty of this as well. Just that this scripture was brought up to me recently:

Proverbs 14:12
There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.

I guess Im saying we should be careful thats all. As well, how did you come to that name?I personally feel that all the names are thrown around guesses at what it really is and there is no definitive way to know for sure but Im up for some learning if you're willing to teach...

Chez Lopez

Nov 22, 2014
there are several points which need to be addressed in order to correct what are incredible historical assumptions and outright falsehoods, based on the text and the history of Hebrews in Israel. This is not a fault of yours, this is taught and accepted deception.

I found this. I hope it helps:

When the Greeks wanted to turn a Hebrew name into a Greek name there were two ways to bring it across the language barrier. One way was by translation, which tries to capture the meaning of a word ... but in the process, loses it's sound. The other way was by transliteration, which tries to capture the sound of the Hebrew word ... but in the process, loses it's meaning..

First the greek people were not the original people that Yahusha intended to reach, His messege was spread to the greeks AFTER His death, not during His life. Yahusha states He came specifically for the lost children of Israel, His lost sheep and there is a reason for this. This goes deeper than just translation, it is conforming to a Hebrew style of life altogether. Yahusha came to the jew first, then the greek, for the specific purpose of reteaching the jew how to follow the commandments so the Hebrew could then teach these commandments to the world. Remember that the jews of the old testament were meant to preach salvation to the world, which is why Yahusha says to the samaritan 'salvation is of the jews', so His purpose was retraining in order for the retrained jews to properly teach the law and adherence to the Word of Yahuah.

matt 10
22And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. 23But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us. 24But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

What this means is that Hebrew wasn conforming to meet a greek standard, greeks were conforming to meet a Hebrew standard. This also means that learning Hebrew in order to worship as Yahusha worshipped was expected by the followers of the Messiah, this is the reason why the early church was so against paul, because they believed he didn follow the law properly. In the book of acts he clears that up by stating that all greeks would stick to four basic laws, until they could be properly trained in the synagogue on the commandments and keeping the law. So the context here is completely backwards, greeks who were following the commandments would not change the names of anyone in the text in order to make it easier for them to worship, the would humble themselves and learn enough Hebrew to worship as Yahusha did and by the only Name that could save them.

Let's look at the most probable scenario of how the four Hebrew letters in the name Y'-Sh-U-A (Yod-Shin-Vav-Ayin) were transliterated to Koine Greek.

  • The first Hebrew letter YOD has a “YE” sound. Unfortunately, the Greek language does not have a letter nor a diphthong that has the "Y" sound as in YES! The Greek solution was to pair the two letters IOTA-ETA to produce the sound “EE-AY” which was deemed to be close enough to the Hebrew sound "YE."
  • The second Hebrew letter SHIN has the "SH" sound. This was an even bigger problem because the "SH" sound does not exist in Greek. The Greek solution was to employ the "S" sound made by the letter SIGMA.
  • The third Hebrew letter Vav has a "U" sound. The Greek diphthong "ou" OMICRON-UPSILON is an exact match because it has the same "OO" sound.
  • The fourth Hebrew letter AYIN has the "AH" sound. According to the Greek rules of grammar, masculine names never end in a vowel sound, and when they do, the name should always be closed with the letter "S" whenever possible. The Greek solution was to drop the final "AH" sound and close out the name with an "S."
  • These four steps produce the name "Iesous" which is pronounced "EE-AY-SOOS." The name Jesus now has an isopsehia value of "888" units which conjured up the "888" power structure of the whole Greek alphabet.
Joshua is mentioned two times in the New Testament (Acts 7:45; Heb 4:8), and in both places the Greek text spells his name "Ihsous" ... the same as Jesus. The original Hebrew translation of the name of Yeho (Yahweh) - shua (saves) is alluded to in the following gospel passage where an angel of the Lord tells Joseph what to name his future son: "you are to name him Iesous because he will save his people from their sins" (Matt 1:21). This passage shows Matthew knew that the first two vowel sounds (ee-ay) in the name of Jesus were meant to be a transliteration of the vowel sounds in the name Yahweh, the almighty monotheistic God of the Hebrews. The gospel of John echoed that knowledge by having Jesus say "I come in the name of my Father" (John 5:43). The last syllable in the name of Jesus (eeay-soos) was probably recognized by the Greeks for it's similarity to the name Zeus (dzoos), the most powerful God in the polytheistic Greek pantheon. Putting the two word plays together, the name Ee-ay-sous oozed with supernatural power because that name implies "Yahweh-Zeus."

Again here we are starting with a completely false premise, and ending with blasphemy. I actually produced a three part video series concerning this very topic. When a person outside of the jewish tradition wants to become jewish, they do not change every jewish custom in order for it to fit their language or lifestyle, they adhere to the rules of the culture, learning and listening to study on how to worship. this is the same with every cultural religion . Changing the sounds of the letters that represent The Name of the Messiah instead of studying to learn how to say them is not how to worship Him. This is known all around the world. Caucasian muslims grow beards and learn to make the guttural 'ack' sound in order to properly praise, greeks were expected the same in ancient times. Yahusha states that He came in His fathers Name, the Fathers Name is Yahuah, spelled like this in Hebrew יהוה . these four letters spell Yod Hei Vav Hei and spell Yahuah, reading from right to left. The prophet Jeremiah's Hebrew name is spelled like this ירמיהו , which is Yod Reish mem Yod hei Vav and pronounced Yermiyahu. This name means Yahuah is exaulted, which bears keen significance because of the prophet Yermiayhus prophecy and persecution due to his exaulting of Yahuah. As you can see at the end of Yermiyahu's name is the conjunction of YAHU, which is how the Name of the Father is properly conjugated in a Hebrew name. So not only does a name worship the Father everytime its spoken, it also is prophetic, symbolizing what this particular person is going to do in the Name of Yahuah.

So applying the Hebrew train of thought ot the greek translation of the Name of the Messiah we would find that destroying the meaning IS destroying the sound and there is not laxidasical application here.As stated the Hebrew names of jesus and Joshua are the same name and are spelled differently in Hebrew and Aramaic, while it is assumed that Yahusha spoke Aramaic and preached in Aramaic, that is impossible given that the students of the word of Yahuah spoke in Hebrew, read in Hebrew and had a respect for the language given by Yahuah. The text also states that Yahusha spoke Hebrew to Paul when converting Him on the road to Damascus, not chaldee, which was Aramaic/Babylonian corruption of Hebrew. You spell the name Joshua like this in Aramaic ישוע and like this in Hebrew יהושע. See the difference? The Name of the Father, Yahu is taken out, which is common for invading or conquering nations to do of their captured slave nations. This is to make a subjugated nation forget their deity to worship another deity, we find an example of this common cultural practice with the nation of Babylon in the book of Daniel, chapter 1. Not only that is changed either, an extra Vav is put at the end of the name, which changes the word completely from salvation to cry for salvation or to cry. The letters, Shin and Ayin are also the way to conjugate the Hebrew word 'yahsha' which is the root word for salvation, and is seen in another old testament name Elisha in the 2nd book of kings. The five letter spelling for the Name Joshua appears in the old testament over 200 times, and is designated as the Name of the Messiah in zechariyahu chapter 6.

Lastly and most importantly the article you researched gave some truth that id never seen admitted before, the conjugation of iesus is a short hand form for pronouncing the name of a greek god, zeus. This is NO LIGHT THING, calling the Name of the Saviour of the World by the name of a greek god is blasphemy. The bible states specifically that other gods are demons and fallen angels, calling themselves gods. In the book of acts chapter 14 a greek city that paul and barnabas preached to, and healed a crippled person in, mistook paul and barnabas for hermes and zeus, two greek gods and would have sacrificed to them, but paul BEGGED them not to commit such atrocity. So is it ok to call your Savior by the name of a greek god? NO, the greek gods were tools of the devil and the greekk nation was a nation that worshipped these demonic entities. Calling Yahusha by that name is blasphemous by any standard. This is how we know that these aren just language mistakes, or laziness in pronunciation, this is calculated deception intended to usurp the Name of the Messiah Yahusha, and replace it with a name for the devil. It is key that you understand this.

This is a hard hard lesson in bible study, but it is a fact. The church of today so often bends and breaks to allow new worshippers in and keep the monetary value flowing, but the intended use of the church was only to teach the law of moses. We have been MASSIVELY lied to in the Christian church, which is why there ar idols, pagan images, and solstice celebrations happening in it. Christians have been worshipping the wrong way for over a thousand years. It is mind blowing, but has been predicted. I pray that your heart is open and you understand. Cheers!

Chez Lopez

Nov 22, 2014
Well I can dig it though I wouldnt rely on internal confirmation though I get what you mean and Im guilty of this as well. Just that this scripture was brought up to me recently:

Proverbs 14:12
There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.

I guess Im saying we should be careful thats all. As well, how did you come to that name?I personally feel that all the names are thrown around guesses at what it really is and there is no definitive way to know for sure but Im up for some learning if you're willing to teach...
Cheers bro! Will do, I went over some of it with @DoinkTheClown but I can continue in explanation. I understand being careful, which is why I am adamant about sticking to what the word says. I can clear up anything I left out in my response to her(?) in the morning, cheers brother.

Chez Lopez

Nov 22, 2014
It is MIND BLOWING that people don realize the severity of blasphemy happening in the Christian church. In rio there is a huge idol of jesus facing the entire country, when the entire bible preaches against idol worship. the devil is real, its impossible to come to any other conclusion


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
It is MIND BLOWING that people don realize the severity of blasphemy happening in the Christian church. In rio there is a huge idol of jesus facing the entire country, when the entire bible preaches against idol worship. the devil is real, its impossible to come to any other conclusion

And people wonder why its hard for the oppressed natives and blacks in Brazil to take a stand against Edomite supremacy. They have a big statue of Cesare Borgia over their favelas reminding them the Esau is their Savior. That idol is a heavy brainwashing tool.


All Star
May 30, 2012
I use the KJV so i can use the strongs numbers along with it, to understand the hebrew. Ive heard that the geneva bible is an older bible and has some varying old testement scrpture within it. What are some of the difference? I will watch the videos when i get the chance, could you explain some of them for me? thanks
I don't like to copy and paste but here you go.

The Geneva Bible is an early English translation of the Bible. Its name comes from the fact it was first published in Geneva in 1560. The work of Protestant exiles from England and Scotland, the Geneva Bible is well respected and was an important Bible in Scotland and England before and even after the King James Version was published in 1611. For some forty years after the King James Version was published, the Geneva Bible remained the most popular English translation of the Bible.

In 1553 Mary Tudor became Queen of England. As Queen she was committed to eliminating Protestant influences in England and restoring Roman Catholicism as the official religion. Under her rule there was a time of intense persecution of Protestants known as the Marian Persecutions, which earned her the nickname “Bloody Mary.” She had over 300 Protestant believers burned at the stake, and many others fled to other countries rather than face certain death for not supporting Roman Catholicism.

During this time period, several key English Protestant leaders fled to Geneva, Switzerland, to avoid the persecution in England. Among them were Miles Coverdale, John Foxe, Thomas Sampson, and William Whittingham. With the support of John Calvin and the Scottish Reformer John Knox, these English Reformers decided to publish an English Bible that was not dependent upon the approval of English royalty. Building upon earlier English translations such as those done by William Tyndale and Myles Coverdale, the Geneva Bible was the first English translation in which all of the Old Testament was translated directly from Hebrew manuscripts. Much of the translation work was done by William Whittingham, the brother-in-law of John Calvin.

In 1557 they published an English New Testament. A few years later, in 1560, the first edition of the Geneva Bible was published in Geneva, Switzerland, containing both the New and Old Testaments along with significant translation notes. This new English Bible was dedicated to Queen Elizabeth I, who had been crowned Queen of England in 1558 after the death of Queen Mary I. Under Queen Elizabeth, the persecution of Protestants stopped, and she began leading England back toward Protestantism. This led to later editions of the Geneva Bible being published in England beginning in 1576. In all, over 150 editions were published, with the 1644 version being the last.

Pre-dating the King James Version by 51 years, the Geneva Bible was one of the earliest mass-produced English Bibles commonly available to the public. It was the primary English Bible used by 16th-century English Protestant Reformers and was the Bible used by such people as William Shakespeare, John Milton, John Knox, and John Bunyan.

Often considered one of the earliest examples of a study Bible, the Geneva Bible contained detailed notes, verse citations that allowed cross-referencing of passages, and also study aids such as book introductions, maps, and woodcut illustrations. It was printed in at least three different sizes and was reasonably affordable, costing less than a week’s wages even for the lowest paid workers.

The annotations or notes in the Geneva Bible were distinctly Calvinist and Puritan in character, which made the translation unpopular with some of the pro-government Church of England leaders as well as King James I. This led King James I to commission the new translation that would become known as the Authorized Version or the King James Bible. Surprisingly, though, some of the Geneva notes were found in a few editions of the King James Bible up to the 1715 version. The Geneva Bible was also seen as a threat to Roman Catholicism, as some of its notes, written by Protestant Reformers during a time of intense persecution by the Roman Catholic Church, are distinctly anti-Roman Catholic.

Chez Lopez

Nov 22, 2014
I don't like to copy and paste but here you go.

The Geneva Bible is an early English translation of the Bible. Its name comes from the fact it was first published in Geneva in 1560. The work of Protestant exiles from England and Scotland, the Geneva Bible is well respected and was an important Bible in Scotland and England before and even after the King James Version was published in 1611. For some forty years after the King James Version was published, the Geneva Bible remained the most popular English translation of the Bible.

In 1553 Mary Tudor became Queen of England. As Queen she was committed to eliminating Protestant influences in England and restoring Roman Catholicism as the official religion. Under her rule there was a time of intense persecution of Protestants known as the Marian Persecutions, which earned her the nickname “Bloody Mary.” She had over 300 Protestant believers burned at the stake, and many others fled to other countries rather than face certain death for not supporting Roman Catholicism.

During this time period, several key English Protestant leaders fled to Geneva, Switzerland, to avoid the persecution in England. Among them were Miles Coverdale, John Foxe, Thomas Sampson, and William Whittingham. With the support of John Calvin and the Scottish Reformer John Knox, these English Reformers decided to publish an English Bible that was not dependent upon the approval of English royalty. Building upon earlier English translations such as those done by William Tyndale and Myles Coverdale, the Geneva Bible was the first English translation in which all of the Old Testament was translated directly from Hebrew manuscripts. Much of the translation work was done by William Whittingham, the brother-in-law of John Calvin.

In 1557 they published an English New Testament. A few years later, in 1560, the first edition of the Geneva Bible was published in Geneva, Switzerland, containing both the New and Old Testaments along with significant translation notes. This new English Bible was dedicated to Queen Elizabeth I, who had been crowned Queen of England in 1558 after the death of Queen Mary I. Under Queen Elizabeth, the persecution of Protestants stopped, and she began leading England back toward Protestantism. This led to later editions of the Geneva Bible being published in England beginning in 1576. In all, over 150 editions were published, with the 1644 version being the last.

Pre-dating the King James Version by 51 years, the Geneva Bible was one of the earliest mass-produced English Bibles commonly available to the public. It was the primary English Bible used by 16th-century English Protestant Reformers and was the Bible used by such people as William Shakespeare, John Milton, John Knox, and John Bunyan.

Often considered one of the earliest examples of a study Bible, the Geneva Bible contained detailed notes, verse citations that allowed cross-referencing of passages, and also study aids such as book introductions, maps, and woodcut illustrations. It was printed in at least three different sizes and was reasonably affordable, costing less than a week’s wages even for the lowest paid workers.

The annotations or notes in the Geneva Bible were distinctly Calvinist and Puritan in character, which made the translation unpopular with some of the pro-government Church of England leaders as well as King James I. This led King James I to commission the new translation that would become known as the Authorized Version or the King James Bible. Surprisingly, though, some of the Geneva notes were found in a few editions of the King James Bible up to the 1715 version. The Geneva Bible was also seen as a threat to Roman Catholicism, as some of its notes, written by Protestant Reformers during a time of intense persecution by the Roman Catholic Church, are distinctly anti-Roman Catholic.
I understand that the Geneva bible is an older version, but older doesn always mean better. In this case you have two different translations both using a false Name for the Messiah, thus two opposing factions both using the scripture not to uphold righteousness, but to control a particular aspect of society. The Geneva bible does not have a strongs reference for Hebrew interpretation, though it has an interlinear. We trust the Hebrew first and foremost, and all other translations are secondary, including the King James.

Chez Lopez

Nov 22, 2014
And people wonder why its hard for the oppressed natives and blacks in Brazil to take a stand against Edomite supremacy. They have a big statue of Cesare Borgia over their favelas reminding them the Esau is their Savior. That idol is a heavy brainwashing tool.
Yes the picture is a representation of ceasare Borgia, and it is a heavy brainwashing tool, but also the name jesus is one that is even more powerful. people are even more tied to the name of jesus than to any statue.

My wife found this website

a database with the names of slaves, their tribe of origin and there destination. Most of the records are from 1821 and most are going to south Africa, freetown, but the ships headed here are all from west Africa, the primary destination for the American slave trade that was already established for about 100 years. There are 822 pages full of slaves with the Name of YAH or YAHU in their names, just like in the bible, and these slaves are from the Eboo or Hebo tribes. The book of genesis informs us that the term Hebrew comes from a descendant of shem, Eber, which Eboo and Hebo both are astonishingly similar in etymological foundation. All of the freetown ships were headed to the americas, before being rerouted to south Africa in order to be liberated there. So this means there was at least one hundred years of Hebrew slaves who were shipped to America and whose names were changed to obscure their Hebrew past.

here is a quick list of slave names

504 Enyah 21 62.0 Man Calabar 2323 Anna Maria 1821 Bonny Freetown GO
632 Inyah 38 67.0 Man Calabar 2323 Anna Maria 1821 Bonny Freetown GO
653 Yaho 26 69.0 Man Eboo, Hebo 2323 Anna Maria 1821 Bonny Freetown GO
813 Ahkeyah 16 52.0 Woman Eboo, Hebo 2323 Anna Maria 1821 Bonny Freetown GO
896 Hanyah 23 68.0 Man Eboo, Hebo 2328 Donna Eugenia 1821 Bonny Freetown GO
1004 Henyah 26 63.0 Man Eboo, Hebo 2910 Constante 1821 Freetown GO
1063 Beneyah 19 55.0 Woman Calabar 2910 Constante 1821 Freetown GO
1419 Honyah 10 56.0 Girl Eboo, Hebo 2325 NS de Caridad 1821 Bonny Freetown GO
1429 Enyah 10 43.0 Girl Eboo, Hebo 2325 NS de Caridad 1821 Bonny Freetown GO
1781 Tayaho 28 62.0 Woman Tola 2898 Conde de Villa Flor 1822 Bissau Freetown GO
2434 Cooyah 24 62.0 Male 2917 Estrella 1822 Badagry Freetown GO
5020 Hygayah 14 61.0 Girl 2946 Avizo 1824 Badagry Freetown GO
5106 Bunyah 22 68.0 Man 2947 Bella Eliza 1824 Lagos Freetown GO
5378 Kardayah 11 56.0 Girl 2947 Bella Eliza 1824 Lagos Freetown GO
5566 Yaryah 25 62.0 Man 2333 Espanola 1825 Gallinhas Freetown GO
5570 Barbanyah 26 64.0 Man 2333 Espanola 1825 Gallinhas Freetown GO
5577 Yahfee 26 63.0 Man 2333 Espanola 1825 Gallinhas Freetown GO
5585 Dahyah 29 64.0 Man 2333 Espanola 1825 Gallinhas Freetown GO
5608 Bandayah 27 63.0 Man 2333 Espanola 1825 Gallinhas Freetown GO

A quick list of biblical Hebrew names:

Joshua- Real Name is YAHUsha= “YAHUAH is Salvation”
Isaiah- Real Name is YashaYAHU= “Salvation is YAHUAH”
Jeremiah- Real Name is YirmeYAHU= “The Resurrection/Rising is YAHUAH”
Ezekiel- Real Name is YAHchezqel= “YAHUAH is a Righteous Aluah”
Joel- Real Name is YAHUal= “YAHUAH is Aluah”
Obadiah- Real Name is ObadYAHU= “The Servant of YAHUAH”
Micah- Real Name is MiykahYAHU= “Who is like YAHUAH”
Zephaniah- Real Name is TsphanYAHU= “The Secret is YAHUAH”
Zechariah- Real Name is ZacharYAHU= “YAHUAH Remembers”
Nehemiah- Real Name is NechemYAH= “Consoled by YAHUAH”
Matthew- Real Name is MatithYAHU= “The gift is YAHUAH”
John- Real Name is YAHUchanon= “YAHUAH is Grace”
James- Real Name is YAHcob= “YAHUAH rises up”
Jude- Real Name is YAHUdah= “YAHUAH’s Worshipers and Followers”


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Yes the picture is a representation of ceasare Borgia, and it is a heavy brainwashing tool, but also the name jesus is one that is even more powerful. people are even more tied to the name of jesus than to any statue.

My wife found this website

a database with the names of slaves, their tribe of origin and there destination. Most of the records are from 1821 and most are going to south Africa, freetown, but the ships headed here are all from west Africa, the primary destination for the American slave trade that was already established for about 100 years. There are 822 pages full of slaves with the Name of YAH or YAHU in their names, just like in the bible, and these slaves are from the Eboo or Hebo tribes. The book of genesis informs us that the term Hebrew comes from a descendant of shem, Eber, which Eboo and Hebo both are astonishingly similar in etymological foundation. All of the freetown ships were headed to the americas, before being rerouted to south Africa in order to be liberated there. So this means there was at least one hundred years of Hebrew slaves who were shipped to America and whose names were changed to obscure their Hebrew past.

here is a quick list of slave names

504 Enyah 21 62.0 Man Calabar 2323 Anna Maria 1821 Bonny Freetown GO
632 Inyah 38 67.0 Man Calabar 2323 Anna Maria 1821 Bonny Freetown GO
653 Yaho 26 69.0 Man Eboo, Hebo 2323 Anna Maria 1821 Bonny Freetown GO
813 Ahkeyah 16 52.0 Woman Eboo, Hebo 2323 Anna Maria 1821 Bonny Freetown GO
896 Hanyah 23 68.0 Man Eboo, Hebo 2328 Donna Eugenia 1821 Bonny Freetown GO
1004 Henyah 26 63.0 Man Eboo, Hebo 2910 Constante 1821 Freetown GO
1063 Beneyah 19 55.0 Woman Calabar 2910 Constante 1821 Freetown GO
1419 Honyah 10 56.0 Girl Eboo, Hebo 2325 NS de Caridad 1821 Bonny Freetown GO
1429 Enyah 10 43.0 Girl Eboo, Hebo 2325 NS de Caridad 1821 Bonny Freetown GO
1781 Tayaho 28 62.0 Woman Tola 2898 Conde de Villa Flor 1822 Bissau Freetown GO
2434 Cooyah 24 62.0 Male 2917 Estrella 1822 Badagry Freetown GO
5020 Hygayah 14 61.0 Girl 2946 Avizo 1824 Badagry Freetown GO
5106 Bunyah 22 68.0 Man 2947 Bella Eliza 1824 Lagos Freetown GO
5378 Kardayah 11 56.0 Girl 2947 Bella Eliza 1824 Lagos Freetown GO
5566 Yaryah 25 62.0 Man 2333 Espanola 1825 Gallinhas Freetown GO
5570 Barbanyah 26 64.0 Man 2333 Espanola 1825 Gallinhas Freetown GO
5577 Yahfee 26 63.0 Man 2333 Espanola 1825 Gallinhas Freetown GO
5585 Dahyah 29 64.0 Man 2333 Espanola 1825 Gallinhas Freetown GO
5608 Bandayah 27 63.0 Man 2333 Espanola 1825 Gallinhas Freetown GO

A quick list of biblical Hebrew names:

Joshua- Real Name is YAHUsha= “YAHUAH is Salvation”
Isaiah- Real Name is YashaYAHU= “Salvation is YAHUAH”
Jeremiah- Real Name is YirmeYAHU= “The Resurrection/Rising is YAHUAH”
Ezekiel- Real Name is YAHchezqel= “YAHUAH is a Righteous Aluah”
Joel- Real Name is YAHUal= “YAHUAH is Aluah”
Obadiah- Real Name is ObadYAHU= “The Servant of YAHUAH”
Micah- Real Name is MiykahYAHU= “Who is like YAHUAH”
Zephaniah- Real Name is TsphanYAHU= “The Secret is YAHUAH”
Zechariah- Real Name is ZacharYAHU= “YAHUAH Remembers”
Nehemiah- Real Name is NechemYAH= “Consoled by YAHUAH”
Matthew- Real Name is MatithYAHU= “The gift is YAHUAH”
John- Real Name is YAHUchanon= “YAHUAH is Grace”
James- Real Name is YAHcob= “YAHUAH rises up”
Jude- Real Name is YAHUdah= “YAHUAH’s Worshipers and Followers”

The names Hebo, Eboe, Eboo, etc were later changed to Ibo and Igbo to erase our Hebrew identity. Its all crafty counsel by our enemies. Calabar people are also Hebrew Israelites as well and live close by the the "Igbos". They were all part of Biafra when it tried to break away from the Hamite tribes of Nigeria back in the late 60s.

Also, notice that that they were slaves taken from Spain as well. Showing you that were there. The same people referred to as Moors were Israelites.


Nov 21, 2013
Cheers bro! Will do, I went over some of it with @DoinkTheClown but I can continue in explanation. I understand being careful, which is why I am adamant about sticking to what the word says. I can clear up anything I left out in my response to her(?) in the morning, cheers brother.

I meant the pronunciation of "Yahuah". What is it?

Chez Lopez

Nov 22, 2014
I meant the pronunciation of "Yahuah". What is it?
Sure. In the king James version of the bible everone is aware that the term 'the LORD' is used to replace the actual Name of the Father, and this is done about 7,000 times. In the new testement the same thing happens, but intead of just using the LORD as a replacement, they also use the term god. This designation is obviously a vast generalization for the Name in which we are commanded to call for salvation (Yahuel or joel 2:32)

The four letter hebrew Name of the Father is יהוה . This four letter Name is at the core of Hebrew tradition, as King Solomon was commanded to built the temple 'for Yahuah to put His Name in'. The Name is translated in two approved ways, but it should be transliterated, so that the sound and the meaning in the sound is preserved. These two approved false names are jehovah and yahweh, but both these names break down to Yahuah in the hebrew language.

The first letter, reading from right to left is YOD, which is pronounced as a Y sound. Many translations will distort the sound created by this letter, but based on psalms 68:4 we know it is pronounced YA, not Ye. The hebrew word ידע , pronounced YADA, exemplifies this point, as the Ah, sound is understood. The J was an enlish adaptation, the last infact, that was incorporated in the 1500-1600s, never appearing in hebrew, greek or latin.

The second letter, the hei, is used in conjuction with the first, also based on psalms 68:4, pronounced Yah. The hei at the beginning of a word makes an Ha, sound, but when found inside a word it produces the Ah sound. This is seen in the Name of Yahudah(Judah) יהודה

The third letter is tricky and complicated because there are several languages that this letter is used in, which are all derived from the original hebrew. The third letter is the vav, sometimes pronunced the waw and other times pronounced the 'oo'. This letter produced a sound in anceint hebrew that is different from the current hebrew. In modern hebrew, which is actually yiddish, the vav makes a 'V' sound or a 'W' sound or a 'OO'/'U' sound. The letters v, w and u come from this letter and were given this sonic representation at different stages in history. It originally started as an 'OO' sound but when khazarian and german influence began to affect hebrew, the letter became a w or v. In german today the letter w is pronounced as V. The english influence on this letter also provided that it was pronouced as a W, but this letter's significance is traced even back to its name, 'double U'. In order to achieve the OO sound this letter was created, which is why the word hebrew is pronounced 'hebroo', the same with jew, or matthew. In the 1611 edition of the bible you will also find that the V and the U letters are exchanged, so the phrase 'call upon His Name to be saved' is rendered "call vpon His Name to be saued". This is how we know the v, w, and the u all derived from the differentiation of the hebrew VAV, pronouncing it as an 'OO'. Sometimes based on misinterpreting this correlation between letters, the Vav is also pronounced as an 'o', but this is only in reference to its original sound in english, 'oo' , like the word who. We see this hebrew pronounciation in the word for spirit רוח which is pronounced ruach, or in the word or fast/fasting צום, which is pronounced 'tsoom'.

the last letter is the same as the second, the hei, and is pronounced the same as the second.

So with interpreting ancient hebrew as intended we discern the names of jehovah and yahweh.

jehovah: the j- becomes a Y for Yod, the eh becomes an AH for Hei, the ov becomes an OO or U for vav with the final AH for hei being properly transliterated.

yahweh: the Yod and hei are properly tranliterated for YAH, the w becomes the double u for OO, and the final hei becomes AH.

Both words transliterate directly to YAHUAH.

There are a multitude of other ways we determine the prononciation of the Name, specifically the VAV, one is through biblical translation. the word ירמיהוis the hebrew rendition of the name jeremiah, but pronounced correctly translates to YarmiYAHU. Every prophet in the bible whos name ends in -iah, or begins with Jo-, Je-, Jeho-, Jehu- all render to the proper pronunciation YAHU. YAHU is the method used by hebrews to worship with the Name of Their deity in their name, so almost every name in ancient hebrew was spoken to praise HIm by Name. Jeremiah/YermiYahu means Yahu is exaulted. This is what is meant when people say that all the bibles have tranlation tricks in them, the Name of the Father was taken out everywhere. This ancient mode of praise is still around today in the name of the prime minister of Israel, benjamin netanyahu(נתניהו), even though he does not worship the True Name, its remnant is still preserved in his own name.

There are also many many social references to the actual Name of the Father, for instance the search engine Yahoo was created in order to use the Fathers Name in vain. The classic book, gullivers travels, was also used as a social tool for corrupting the Name of the Father. The main character, whos name Lemuel Gulliver- Lemuel being ancient hebrew 'for god', in the story meets a group of savages whos names were the Yahoos, stating that everything bad has the term 'Yahu' in it. These cultural degredations, as well as the hidden etymological nature and cultural/ historical hebrew significance prove beyond doubt that the Name of the Father is YAHUAH. The Name is hidden by the devil, but for a purpose, The Name is reserved for those that seek it and find it and Him, the Father in heaven.

Psalms 113
1 Praise ye YAHUAH. Praise , O ye servants of YAHUAH, praise the name of YAHUAH .2 Blessed be the name of YAHUAH from this time forth and for evermore.3 From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same YAHUAH'S name is to be praised .

I made a three part video series discussing all of these topics if you want to check it out. cheers!
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