Religion/Spirituality The Official Bible Study Thread


Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements
Do you have the ancient uncorrupted hebrew scrolls? :sas1:
No I do not. Listen, i dont claim to know the 100% truth. However I do know when I see something thats a contradiction, agenda, or just doesn't make sense....I told you throughout the thread, NONE OF US know. None of the hebrew camps know. These camps are no different than a christian church...
Anyone claiming to know the whole 100% is not being truthful and is not to be trusted.

The devils responsible for the corruption know the truth, and they will do anything to keep us from knowing the full truth.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
We human, I'm sure the Most high knows our hearts and intentions. If we honestly didn't know, i doubt we will be punished for it. He sees that we are making strides in the right direction. It's different when you KNOW and intentionally defy the law.

The Most High chooses what you believe in. If he wants you to be ignorant, he can keep you ignorant

2 Thessalonians 2
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Job 12
16 With him is strength and wisdom: the deceived and the deceiver are his.

Paul was ignorant when he went around killing Israelites that believe on Yahawashi. If he was not given a chance to repent and died, his heart and his intentions to feel what he thought was putting blasphemers to death would not have been pardoned. Ignorance is never a pardon in the eyes of the Most High. If a man is ignorant, the Most High made him ignorant because he did not choose him to change (repent) from his ways.


Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements
Clean heart

Psalm 51:10 ESV / 154 helpful votes

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

Proverbs 3:5 ESV / 37 helpful votes
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.


Jul 17, 2013
i don't really give a fuq about none of this bible shyt but on a slow forum check out what's going on in here and drop some verses:takedat: :stopitslime::smugfavre:
then this dude dropped his shyt and waited to see how yall would respond
Just a reminder to everyone in this thread.
Do not follow israelite "camps" on youtube. They preach false doctrine. Wouldn't be surprised if their leaders are agents...

Any "israelite" using the Zondervans bible dictionary is using the devils "tool":

"Zondervan publishers (who publish the New international Version of the Bible) is owned by Harper Collins? Harper Collins also publishes The Joy of Gay Sex and The Satanic Bible. Tragically, many professed Christians know this yet continue to use their corrupted NIV bible. Oh how apostate America has become when even it's professed Christians are using corrupted Bibles that blasphemy and dishonor the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is absolute blasphemy what the NIV translators did to Philippians 2:6...

King James Bible: "Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

New International Version: "Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,"

Verse 5 makes it clear that this Scripture is speaking about Jesus Christ, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:" The NIV butchers have gone 180 degrees the opposite direction of the truth by saying that Jesus couldn't grasp equality with God. The Bible teaches that Jesus is not only equal with God, but Jesus is Almighty God. In fact, Jesus self-proclaimed Himself as Almighty God in Revelation 1:8, "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty."

Jesus said that a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit. There is NO WAY that the Satanic bible can live in harmony with God's Word. There is NO WAY that God would preserve His word (as He promised in Psalm 12:6-8) through a company which also sells a book on how to have enjoyable gay sex. It's sickening in the name of decency. Yet, foolish immature believers promote and continue to use the perverted NIV.

If you are using a NIV, you need to toss it into your garbage pail and beg God to forgive you for using a Satan-inspired counterfeit bible.

i say you gotta have some testosterone to say some shyt here. if you soft then :camby:
if you don't like what niccas say then :camby:

let the hewbrew israelites eat. if you a cac and offended see yourself out of the thread.



Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements
i don't really give a fuq about none of this bible shyt but on a slow forum check out what's going on in here and drop some verses:takedat: :stopitslime::smugfavre:
then this dude dropped his shyt and waited to see how yall would respond


i say you gotta have some testosterone to say some shyt here. if you soft then :camby:
if you don't like what niccas say then :camby:

let the hewbrew israelites eat. if you a cac and offended see yourself out of the thread.

I'm confused by this post. I also think your not aware of my earlier posts. I believe that blacks are the israelites....

I'm just pointing out the contradictions/descrepancies/false teaching on the popular hebrew israelite camps online. The basis of their teaching is from a demonic tool. brahs need to be aware of that.

Im helping my brahs eat, but eat right.


Jul 17, 2013
I'm confused by this post. I also think your not aware of my earlier posts. I believe that blacks are the israelites....

I'm just pointing out the contradictions/descrepancies/false teaching on the popular hebrew israelite camps online. The basis of their teaching is from a demonic tool. brahs need to be aware of that.

Im helping my brahs eat, but eat right.
i wasn't exactly talkin to you. when the person read the post he'll know i was talkin to him...



Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
No I do not. Listen, i dont claim to know the 100% truth. However I do know when I see something thats a contradiction, agenda, or just doesn't make sense....I told you throughout the thread, NONE OF US know. None of the hebrew camps know. These camps are no different than a christian church...
Anyone claiming to know the whole 100% is not being truthful and is not to be trusted.

The devils responsible for the corruption know the truth, and they will do anything to keep us from knowing the full truth.

That means that the Most High is not dealing with anybody, right? That must also mean that like many people say, we are not Israelites, right? That means these prophecies do not apply to us because we do not have the original ancient hebrew scrolls to compare, right? The bible is just one amazingly popular book that is actually fiction, right? Do you see what you are saying?

Here it is you are trying to be a teacher but you do not have faith that you can acquire the Truth...that is being double minded

James 1
8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

As a body, the elect will know all things... If one brother doesn't understand a breakdown on something, there is another brother in the body that has it or the Most High can eventually give it him that does not understand.

1 John 2
20 But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.

That means whatever it is the Most High wants us to know as a body, we know all of that.

Yahawashi said he is the way, the truth and the life and also said that he does not know the hour he will return. Are you going to say he did not know all things that the Most High wants him to know? Are you going to say that he did not have 100% Truth even though he said he is the Truth which an absolute statement?

James 1
5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

You obviously are lacking Faith which is the most important thing in this walk. I prayed to the Most High when I got into this Truth, to get understanding of many things...I fasted at least one day a week for almost the entire year. I did 3 day fast, no food or drink and prayed for understanding on various things and was given it freely and in abundance. Being either led by the spirit to the right sources, the right brethren, the right scriptures, with precepts and breakdowns. All because I had faith that the Most High would give the things and he did.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
I'm confused by this post. I also think your not aware of my earlier posts. I believe that blacks are the israelites....

I'm just pointing out the contradictions/descrepancies/false teaching on the popular hebrew israelite camps online. The basis of their teaching is from a demonic tool. brahs need to be aware of that.

Im helping my brahs eat, but eat right.

Do you believe that other nations outside of Israel can inherit everlasting salvation?


Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements
That means that the Most High is not dealing with anybody, right? That must also mean that like many people say, we are not Israelites, right? That means these prophecies do not apply to us because we do not have the original ancient hebrew scrolls to compare, right? The bible is just one amazingly popular book that is actually fiction, right? Do you see what you are saying?

Here it is you are trying to be a teacher but you do not have faith that you can acquire the Truth...that is being double minded

As a body, the elect will know all things... If one brother doesn't understand a breakdown on something, there is another brother in the body that has it or the Most High can eventually give it him that does not understand.

That means whatever it is the Most High wants us to know as a body, we know all of that.

Yahawashi said he is the way, the truth and the life and also said that he does not know the hour he will return. Are you going to say he did not know all things that the Most High wants him to know? Are you going to say that he did not have 100% Truth even though he said he is the Truth which an absolute statement?

You obviously are lacking Faith which is the most important thing in this walk. I prayed to the Most High when I got into this Truth, to get understanding of many things...I fasted at least one day a week for almost the entire year. I did 3 day fast, no food or drink and prayed for understanding on various things and was given it freely and in abundance. Being either led by the spirit to the right sources, the right brethren, the right scriptures, with precepts and breakdowns. All because I had faith that the Most High would give the things and he did.
Well then go ahead an blindly follow camps that advocate pedophilia, rape, false prophecies, etc. Camps that read from demonic tools like zondervan's. Camps that tear down black woman in public, yet put latina women on a pedestal.

You said "the most high is dealing with the GMS bay area camp." Do I even need to post examples of whats wrong with they train of thought? Thats who you look up? Thats your source of enlightenment? You obviously identify with them the most. I watch them for entertainment purposes. A good laugh at the trolling.

You on the other hand take them literally. Thats very dangerous. Why wasn't the failed Y2k prophecy enough to not take them seriously? You follow them down to a T. you use their slang, terms, agenda, etc... Yeah white man is the devil yet they "deal with the white women" right? SMH
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Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Well then go ahead an blindly follow camps that advocate pedophilia, rape, false prophecies, etc. Camps that read from demonic tools like zondervan's. Camps that tear down black woman in public, yet put latina women on a pedestal.

You said "the most high is dealing with the bay area camp." Do I even need to post examples of whats wrong with they train of thought? Thats who you look up? Thats your source of enlightenment?

Of course you could not respond to ANYTHING I said because you do not have a response to it.

Why would it matter to you whether I respect the bay area camp of GMS when YOU REJECT ALL ISRAELITE CAMPS. If I said I was I followed ISUPK or IUIC and I do watch some of their videos as well. , you would still condemn me because you believe that all Israelite camps are evil.

Yet, you claim to be an Israelite, but will you set up a camp to help deliver the elect from all these Israelite camp doctrines that you claim to be false? The answer is NO.

You didn't even know how to keep the Passover, the most important holy feast day for Israel and now you are a judge on matters. If I were you, I would have just humble myself and became a student first before speaking on things I have no idea about...but for some reason pride has taken control of you.

You have no clue about what it means when they put down the black women...a black women is not getting Israelite woman is getting salvation. That is the mystery when they put down black women or black people.

We are not about salvation for black people, we are about salvation for Israelites. That means repented natives and Latinos and all other scattered that the Most High chooses. You have a mind more geared for black unconsciousness than for the Word. I'm sure you knew that about when black history month was but did not know when the Passover was, which you proved a few days ago.


Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements
Of course you could not respond to ANYTHING I said because you do not have a response to it.

Why would it matter to you whether I respect the bay area camp of GMS when YOU REJECT ALL ISRAELITE CAMPS. If I said I was I followed ISUPK or IUIC and I do watch some of their videos as well. , you would still condemn me because you believe that all Israelite camps are evil.

Yet, you claim to be an Israelite, but will you set up a camp to help deliver the elect from all these Israelite camp doctrines that you claim to be false? The answer is NO.

Of course you could not respond to ANYTHING I said because you do not have a response to it.

Why would it matter to you whether I respect the bay area camp of GMS when YOU REJECT ALL ISRAELITE CAMPS. If I said I was I followed ISUPK or IUIC and I do watch some of their videos as well. , you would still condemn me because you believe that all Israelite camps are evil.

Yet, you claim to be an Israelite, but will you set up a camp to help deliver the elect from all these Israelite camp doctrines that you claim to be false? The answer is NO.

Well then go ahead an blindly follow camps that advocate pedophilia, rape, false prophecies, etc. Camps that read from demonic tools like zondervan's. Camps that tear down black woman in public, yet put latina women on a pedestal.

You said "the most high is dealing with the GMS bay area camp." Do I even need to post examples of whats wrong with they train of thought? Thats who you look up? Thats your source of enlightenment? You obviously identify with them the most. I watch them for entertainment purposes. A good laugh at the trolling.

You on the other hand take them literally. Thats very dangerous. Why wasn't the failed Y2k prophecy enough to not take them seriously? You follow them down to a T. you use their slang, terms, agenda, etc... Yeah white man is the devil yet they "deal with the white women" right? SMH

You will learn one day. You still missing the point

Chez Lopez

Nov 22, 2014
I'm confused by this post. I also think your not aware of my earlier posts. I believe that blacks are the israelites....

I'm just pointing out the contradictions/descrepancies/false teaching on the popular hebrew israelite camps online. The basis of their teaching is from a demonic tool. brahs need to be aware of that.

Im helping my brahs eat, but eat right.


Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements
Now you are using the ESV :mjlol:
That was a quick copy and paste. All you have to do is cross reference with the KJV. Stop grasping for straws. Don't you obviously know to use the KJV?

This proves your intentions.

Since you wanna be petty:

Psalm 51:10King James Version (KJV)
10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Proverbs 3:5King James Version (KJV)
5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

Now whats the difference between:
Psalm 51:10 ESV / 154 helpful votes
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

Proverbs 3:5 ESV / 37 helpful votes
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
@Marvel WHATS THE DIFFERENCE? Stop being petty and ignorant. Humble yourself and get off youtube and gms.

Did you just miss out on what me and @chezlopez said on CROSS REFERENCING? Your lost.... and you need to get out of the mind set that you NEED to follow one of these camps. smh
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Chez Lopez

Nov 22, 2014
Well then go ahead an blindly follow camps that advocate pedophilia, rape, false prophecies, etc. Camps that read from demonic tools like zondervan's. Camps that tear down black woman in public, yet put latina women on a pedestal.

You said "the most high is dealing with the GMS bay area camp." Do I even need to post examples of whats wrong with they train of thought? Thats who you look up? Thats your source of enlightenment? You obviously identify with them the most. I watch them for entertainment purposes. A good laugh at the trolling.

You on the other hand take them literally. Thats very dangerous. Why wasn't the failed Y2k prophecy enough to not take them seriously? You follow them down to a T. you use their slang, terms, agenda, etc... Yeah white man is the devil yet they "deal with the white women" right? SMH
Its beautiful to see that people are aware how dangerous this doctrine is. Imagine how many good brothers and sisters are excluded mentally from learning the truth because of these guys. And even now trying to trap you into a racist debate.

Matthew 28:19-20King James Version (KJV)
19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen

ALL NATIONS who praise the Name of the Father and the Son, and keep His commandments, will be saved. Anyone who says different does not know the Masciach, or the Father.