Religion/Spirituality The Official Bible Study Thread


Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements
1. Just completely remove yourself from the Selassie talk...the dude even based this on his mother's line which is completely off as well. But you would not know that though.

2. I am not a member of GMS. I disagree with some of their stuff which is why I never joined them but I agree with the breakdown of Deuteronomy 22:28. That is how I understood it before their was an uproar about it.

3. If you have a problem with the 12 tribes sign...nobody is going to stop you from making your own. Why don't you make your own and show how wise you are?

4. There is not going to be an 18 year old age limit for women in the kingdom. I perfectly fine keeping the laws of this land, It is not a struggle for me.

5. Maroons were runaways that lived with the natives. Stop trying to act like because they lived a separate lifestyle that they are not the same people as the Jamaicans that adopted a more European lifestyle.

My point is maroons are a very small and separate group in Jamaica. They are not the same people as other jamaicans. They look completely different than the average jamaican. Also you clearly seen that other tribes wouldn't mix them. The bone structure/facially features are completely different.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
YES! Your finally getting it!!!

Do you realize thats exactly why I pointed it out to you?? The same thing would apply to slaves that arrived in ships to the islands and americas claiming to be of Igbo descent! That was simply the customs that they were following while in west africa. Thats why they captured us and your peoples remained in africa you hamite.

Also you need to post PROOF of these "old slave docs." I already posted proof that yoruba was sent over as slaves you hamite.

The tribe o fBenjamin PDF that you posted as proof also had ANOTHER ERROR. It had bob marley listed as a benjamite. Do you realize that his dad was white? That wouldn't make him an israelite you hamite
Your own "proof" is contradicting your doctrine.

I did not created those.I just simply posted it because it had some good info. At least you are able point out something right for a change concerning Bob Marley. Here it is, you are embracing a Hamite in Selassie and have the nerve to call someone a Hamite. You did not even know how to keep the Passover and now you think you can kick knowledge to someone :pachaha:

Again, do and make your own 12 tribes chart. Identify the 10 northern kingdom tribes yourself and share the knowledge on here since you are so deep.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
My point is maroons are a very small and separate group in Jamaica. They are not the same people as other jamaicans. They look completely different than the average jamaican. Also you clearly seen that other tribes wouldn't mix them. The bone structure/facially features are completely different.

Why it is so hard for you to understand that the whole nation is not going to be together until the end and only an elect will make it? Is it that hard to understand that because of the scattering and the different tribulations that we have faced as a nation that you would even have division even within the tribes how much more the entire nation?

Is it that hard to understand that a group of runaway slaves that lived a different lifestyle away from their brethren would almost two centuries later would have a hard time understanding them?

Do you not understand that that is the outcome of the heavy judgement that the Most High put our people?

We have been polluted and brought to a low state. If anything that should make you more fearful of the Most High because all the things he said he would do to us, and it all came to pass.

You think that because a group of our people who are called Maroons have decided to not to grow dreads, speak Jamaican patois, and listen to reggae makes them not Israelites?


Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements
I did not created those.I just simply posted it because it had some good info. At least you are able point out something right for a change concerning Bob Marley. Here it is, you are embracing a Hamite in Selassie and have the nerve to call someone a Hamite. You did not even know how to keep the Passover and now you think you can kick knowledge to someone :pachaha:

Again, do and make your own 12 tribes chart. Identify the 10 northern kingdom tribes yourself and share the knowledge on here since you are so deep.

Derailment again.
*This isn't about me. Don't worry about my personal lfe. I already told you the most high knows my heart and personal situations. Your following the customs/traditions, but your heart isnt clean and your just ignorant to facts that doesn't fit your personal beliefs. You coming off real chatty patty going back to my personal life to detract from being exposed as a hamite.

*You still on selassie? Thats all you have when I clearly told you that I'm not a rasta, nor do i follow selassie? Your really just making yourself look worst. You've been exposed hamite.


Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements
Why it is so hard for you to understand that the whole nation is not going to be together until the end and only an elect will make it? Is it that hard to understand that because of the scattering and the different tribulations that we have faced as a nation that you would even have division even within the tribes how much more the entire nation?

Is it that hard to understand that a group of runaway slaves that lived a different lifestyle away from their brethren would almost two centuries later would have a hard time understanding them?

Do you not understand that that is the outcome of the heavy judgement that the Most High put our people?

We have been polluted and brought to a low state. If anything that should make you more fearful of the Most High because all the things he said he would do to us, and it all came to pass.

You think that because a group of our people who are called Maroons have decided to not to grow dreads, speak Jamaican patois, and listen to reggae makes them not Israelites?

I completely understand all of the above.

Do you understand I brought all this up to point out the holes in your theory on "the Igbos that remained in africa being Judah."

I'm just simply pointing out that your theory contradicts itself. If Igbos are Judah (according to you) then they have to be Judah everywhere else that they are documented as residing in. And Igbos just so happen to be the the most populous tribe in Jamaica according to the stats I posted, Jamaican government, Jamaican history babylon to timbktu, etc.

Fair enough?
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Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Derailment again.
*This isn't about me. Don't worry about my personal lfe. I already told you the most high knows my heart and personal situations. Your following the customs/traditions, but your heart isnt clean and your just ignorant to facts that doesn't fit your personal beliefs. You coming off real chatty patty going back to my personal life to detract from being exposed as a hamite.

*You still on selassie? Thats all you have when I clearly told you that I'm not a rasta, nor do i follow selassie? Your really just making yourself look worst. You've been exposed hamite.

This is what YOU said:

We believe thats he a prophet/hero/leader and simply tribe of Judah.

Matthew 12
34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

You call him a prophet, but you do not call Abba Bivens, Masha, Ahraya prophets...the men that told our people that we are Israelites and pushed this Truth. These are men that all camps agree were the men to put their lives on the line so that we can know what we know today...but you want to give a Cushyte all the way in Ethiopia who gave us nothing but lies honor. That is why nikkas like you need to be rebuked often. You are keeping the Lord's Passover unworthily and you think this is a game. You do not fear the Most High, if you did you would have been meditating on the Passover since the new moon came. This is a time that you are supposed to have fear and trembling but you want to treat this as another movement, another thing to be in...another fad...outside of things I got to take care of in this captivity...this is Word is my life. Let the Most High be the judge between me and you.
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Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
I completely understand all of the above.

Do you understand I brought all this up to point out the holes in your theory on "the Igbos that remained in africa being Judah."

I'm just simply pointing out that your theory contradicts itself. If Igbos are Judah (according to you) then they have to be Judah everywhere else that they are documented as residing in. And Igbos just so happen to be the the most populous tribe in Jamaica according to the stats I posted, Jamaican government, Jamaican history babylon to timbktu, etc.

Fair enough?

It is not fair enough. You think you are slick.

Missed from that same chart the (Unknown) 31.0[

How is that a majority for Jamaica? A university did his own study and said 60% of African American have Igbo completely that assessment. His university sent him to Nigeria to find out more and he said out his own mouth that the Igbos of southeastern Nigeria look just like African-Americans.

Again, if you feel that Jamaicans and African Americans are from the same tribe...provide your own damn chart of the 12 tribes. You will not do it because you are a scoffer...A man who was not even thinking about keeping the Passover is not a man of wisdom.



Nov 25, 2014
4. The fact that you are bringing up Selassie shows that you are a heretic. You also saying that he is a descendant of Solomon is another strike for you. The Selassie/ Rasta stuff is a doctrine of devils...that is why you are as unstable as water. Nobody was able to keep genealogy records going back to Israel, that was all stuff that was kept by the priest and the scribes of Israel and was lost with the destruction of the temple, and our falling away from the Most High.
Hosea 3:4

For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim:

GOD took away our kingship because of how wicked we was. Christ is THE KING that will return. He is the one sitting on the throne of David, not Selassie. No where in the bible does it prophecy that there will be made as king of the Israelites before Christ comes back. If y'all have scriptures from any of the prophets in the OT, Apocrypha, or NT saying, " at the end times there will be one coming before Christ that will sit at the throne of David" then i will believe you.

The Emperor of Ethiopia (Ge'ez: ንጉሠ ነገሥት, nəgusä nägäst, "King of Kings")
^^^ Then they got the nerve to call him a blasphemy title like "king of Kings :usure:

1 Timothy 6:15

Verse Concepts
Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords;

Revelation 1:5

And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

Revelation 17:14
These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

Revelation 19:16
Verse Concepts
And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

Selassie was one of many anti Christs. He's no different than any other crazy person out here claiming to be Jesus in the flesh

Matthew 24:3-5
And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

^^^ Wonder Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushyte Empire
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Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements

Your going off. I seen this video months ago
The only reason Marvel is stuck on Selassie and Ethiopia is to take attention away from the exposal/contradictions he posted. In Jamaica Selassie I is held in the same bracket as Malcolm/Martin Luther/Marcus Garvey. Simple.

You need to read the back and forth to understand.

Judah was scattered throughout ALL nations. Its really simple. Why do you think its impossible for SOME ethiopians to descend from Judah? Keyword: SOME, Not ALL.
You know how many different tribes are in Ethopia?

"Ethiopia's population is highly diverse, containing over 80 different ethnic groups:"
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Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements

This was posted in another thread. The figures are a little different, but it clearly shows that high percentage of slaves brought to the carribbean came from Nigeria.

It is not fair enough. You think you are slick.

Missed from that same chart the (Unknown) 31.0[

How is that a majority for Jamaica? A university did his own study and said 60% of African American have Igbo completely that assessment. His university sent him to Nigeria to find out more and he said out his own mouth that the Igbos of southeastern Nigeria look just like African-Americans.

Again, if you feel that Jamaicans and African Americans are from the same tribe...provide your own damn chart of the 12 tribes. You will not do it because you are a scoffer...A man who was not even thinking about keeping the Passover is not a man of wisdom.

I just posted the percentages for Jamaica before. Do i need to requote myself again?? This is another source showing slighthy different figures, but it still shows that Nigeria is in the top percentile of slaves going to the carribbean.

Its so silly for you to think that the Maroons are a majority in Jamaica. They are a very small minority. The majority is Igbo:
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Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements


Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements
According to @Marvel "Igbos are all Judah."
"The Igbo where dispersed to colonies such as Jamaica,[8]Cuba,[8]Hispaniola,[8]Barbados,[9]United States,[10]Belize,[11]Trinidad and Tobago[12] among others. Elements of Igbo culture can still be found in these places. In the United States the Igbo were found common in the state of Maryland and Virginia.[13]"

"The result of such slaving patterns made Jamaica, after Virginia, the second most common destination for slaves arriving from the Bight of Biafra; as the Igbo formed the majority from the bight, they became largely represented in Jamaica in the 18th and 19th century.[25]"

Understand my point. According to @Marvel, he clearly said that "Igbos are Judah." I told him that the majority of jamaicans is judah. I then showed him that according to his quote "Igbos are Judah" it proves that most jamaicans are judah because the majority of jamaicans descend from "Igbos."

Yet this fool is still trying to push that Jamaicans are Benjamin because of the Maroons, to fit into that MAN MADE 12 TRIBES SIGN.
even tho i pointed out:
15] Igbo people were hardly reported to have been maroons, although Igbo women were paired withCoromantee (Akan) men so as to subdue the latter due to the idea that Igbo women were bound to their first-born sons' birthplace.[16]
Again, the maroons are a VERY small unique group in Jamaica. Its a very small isolated community. A comparison for the US would be something like the Gullah people... very distinct, separated, and small population numbers.
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Nov 25, 2014
Here go yall "Northern Kingdom"

yep thats right. Some native American communities owned slaves in the US.
"Slavery among Native Americans in the United States includes slavery by Native Americans as well as slavery of Native Americans roughly within the present-day United States."

Oh look guys, here a essay about black people owning black slaves

You keep acting like Israelites was so holy and we kept the laws of GOD from Genesis to Revelation. The only reason the blacks and native americans are in this part of the world is BECAUSE WE SINNED AND GOD KICKED US OUT OF THE PROMISE LAND. One of GOD'S commandments we as Israelites should not to force any other Israelite into slavery. So thats just proof they was going off further away from GOD. The Northern and Southern kingdoms was killing each other and split and still until this day is not unified as a whole. Hell blacks are killing each other everyday and so is Hispanics. But for every story you link to about Indians making black slaves, i can pull up 10 articles showing the Native Americans and negroes was unifying against slavery

The first paths to freedom taken by runaway slaves led to American Indian villages, “where black men and women found acceptance and friendship among the original inhabitants of Turtle Island. And though they are rarely mentioned in textbooks and movies, the children of American Indian and African American marriages, would help shape the early days of the fur trade, added new dimensions to frontier diplomacy, and made daring contributions to the fight for American liberty.”

In his book, Black Indians: A Hidden Heritage – Revised, a 240-page highly readable and sad chronology, with new chapters, documents, prints and photographs, William Katz brings to light a part of America’s hidden past, the cultural and racial fusion of American Indians and Africans, and later African Americans, by attempting to reconstruct the parallel tracks of tragedy between two people who, for a while, provided mutual support and refuge from unrelenting atrocities inflicted upon them by early Europeans, and settler groups. Katz explains, “This history is vitally important because for four centuries Africans and Native Americans together fought Europe’s conquest and slavery; and they are still fighting for equal representation and presentation in American classrooms and in discourse today.”

Pretty much what the bible been saying. the northern kingdom (native americans) and the southern kingdom (negroes) have been fighting together against Esau and they are still fighting Esau today.
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Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements
Oh look guys, here a essay about black people owning black slaves

You keep acting like Israelites was so holy and we kept the laws of GOD from Genesis to Revelation. The only reason the blacks and native americans are in this part of the world is BECAUSE WE SINNED AND GOD KICKED US OUT OF THE PROMISE LAND. One of GOD'S commandments we as Israelites should not to force any other Israelite into slavery. So thats just proof they was going off further away from GOD. The Northern and Southern kingdoms was killing each other and split and still until this day is not unified as a whole. Hell blacks are killing each other everyday and so is Hispanics. But for every story you link to about Indians making black slaves, i can pull up 10 articles showing the Native Americans and negroes was unifying against slavery

The first paths to freedom taken by runaway slaves led to American Indian villages, “where black men and women found acceptance and friendship among the original inhabitants of Turtle Island. And though they are rarely mentioned in textbooks and movies, the children of American Indian and African American marriages, would help shape the early days of the fur trade, added new dimensions to frontier diplomacy, and made daring contributions to the fight for American liberty.”

In his book, Black Indians: A Hidden Heritage – Revised, a 240-page highly readable and sad chronology, with new chapters, documents, prints and photographs, William Katz brings to light a part of America’s hidden past, the cultural and racial fusion of American Indians and Africans, and later African Americans, by attempting to reconstruct the parallel tracks of tragedy between two people who, for a while, provided mutual support and refuge from unrelenting atrocities inflicted upon them by early Europeans, and settler groups. Katz explains, “This history is vitally important because for four centuries Africans and Native Americans together fought Europe’s conquest and slavery; and they are still fighting for equal representation and presentation in American classrooms and in discourse today.”

Pretty much what the bible been saying. the northern kingdom (native americans) and the southern kingdom (negroes) have been fighting together against Esau and they are still fighting Esau today.

Duh. Your misunderstanding what i'm trying to say. I'm well aware of the Northern/Southern beef. I just don't think the 10 northern tribes are the Indio/Indian/native tribes in the americas...

Why dont you respond to the whole Igbo/judah issue. Whats your take on that? Did you read the back and forth?


Nov 25, 2014

I'm well aware of the Northern/Southern beef. I just don't think the 10 northern tribes are the Indio/Indian/native tribes in the americas...
We don't care what you think. We are giving you historical evidence that these people are Israelites. We sent out a link with 25 pages of maps, bible verses, pictures, etc. So if you don't believe thats on you.

Zondervan Bible Dictionary

Now go to the Zondervan Bible Dictionary and look up the word - Ham

Ham: The youngest son of Noah, born probably about
96 years before the Flood; and one of eight persons
to live through the Flood. He became the progenitor of
the dark races; not the Negroes, but the Egyptians,
Libyans and Canaanites.

In his book The Mediterranean Race (1901), Sergi argued that there was a distinct Hamitic racial group which could be divided into two sub-groups: the Northern Hamites, which comprised Berbers, Toubou, Fulani and the Guanches; and the Eastern branch, which comprised Egyptians, Nubians, Ethiopians, Oromo, Somali, and Tutsis.[7] Some of these groups had "lost their language" and so had to be identified by visible physical characteristics. In Sergi's theory, the Mediterraneans were the "greatest race in the world", and had expanded north and south from the Horn of Africa, creating superior civilizations.[2][8] Sergi described the original European peoples as "Eurafricans". The ancient Greeks and Italians were born from "Afro-Mediterraneans" who migrated from western Asia and had originally spoken a Hamitic language before the advent of Indo-European languages.[8]

Why dont you respond to the whole Igbo/judah issue. Whats your take on that? Did you read the back and forth?

I already gave my opinion on that. I explained the only reasonable explanation like 2 pages ago.

Isaiah 28:9-13King James Version (KJV)
9 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.

You just learned how to keep the Passover yesterday and trying to tell us who the true Israelites are? God didn't get a chance to reveal any meat to you yet cuz you still learning the ways of GOD. You are still drinking baby formula and trying teach us how to digest a T Bone steak. This is crazy as hell. I hope you realize what you are doing.
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