The Official "Better Call Saul" Season 6 Thread (Final Season)


May 1, 2012
holy shyt i forgot there was an episode Monday and was wondering wtf scene yall talking

fukk work and fukk this episode of mad men (just started...already coming across as overrated), its time for BCS

hey hey hey, watch your damn mouth! :ufdup:

jesus christ, y'all are why too obsessed with whether gus is a homo thug or not. it doesn't even matter.

we all knew it was coming this whole time but finally seeing the end of jimmy and kim... :mjcry:


Aug 23, 2014
No Whammies!!
I don't see it in the cards that she gets murked.

I think we'll see her again in the future, and I do think she and Jimmy will have a bittersweet reunion moment before the show ends. I don't think she dies, though, or at least not by Gus' hands. I don't think we'll see her again until we get to the black and white era, and Gus is dead in that time frame.

The trailers they show before every episode show "Gene" on the phone with someone, and he says "I got made."

He's probably calling Kim.


Jun 16, 2012
Its all fun and games until someone gets hurt. That was ... abrupt, but I think it worked. Kim's lie to Cheryl was gross and it felt like she fully grasped just how gross it was by the time she drove away from Jimmy in the same parking garage where we first saw them together all the way back at the beginning. She looked almost disturbed at how easily it came to her but I mean, I was putting myself in Jimmy and Kim's place and wondering how hard that would be. I'm not saying I was sympathetic to them, just that I was trying to imagine what they were going thru. After Kim told Cheryl the lie about seeing Howard doing drugs, when she then put her hand on her shoulder and said that Cheryl knew Howard better than anyone and would have noticed, I was stunned :wow:. That was a low blow. I was reminded of when Howard said he felt responsible for Chuck's death, and Jimmy said that was his cross to bear.

:russ: at Don Eladio doing his Hector-dinging-the-bell impression. Then Gus staring into the pool was a nice touch.
My impression was that Gus went to the bar specifically for the sommelier :dame:. He was going to invite him to try that special wine, but realized that would mean death to another person via Gus.

I liked the scene with Mike and Nacho's dad. Mike has lost a son and does not want Mr. Varga to be left wondering. And Mike emphasizes justice because that is what worked for him but Mr. Varga knows that "justice" means another father losing a son or vice versa. Very well done.


Jul 5, 2014
hey hey hey, watch your damn mouth! :ufdup:

jesus christ, y'all are why too obsessed with whether gus is a homo thug or not. it doesn't even matter.

we all knew it was coming this whole time but finally seeing the end of jimmy and kim... :mjcry:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Pool scene was absolutely beautiful. All that foreshadowing, so many details.

Twins had to sit there and jot down every letter after every bell ring :damn:shyt must’ve taken hours
must have been hell for the twins to write that out letter by letter:picard:

What else they gonna do? Just stand around the rest of the day, looking hard?

Gus got that man fuming 😤

Man, the fukking salamancas just took L after L after L this season. :mjlol:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
It shouldn't be any secret about Gus' sexuality. I've known this since Breaking Bad. Him and his business partner it was strongly implied were lovers. It's the entire motivation for his revenge.

Everyone being surprised confused me, this was already talking about way back when they showed the flashback of that guy getting killed.

EDIT: WHY ARE THERE 10 PAGES OF PEOPLE ARGUING ABOUT GUS BEING GAY????? So much amazing shyt happened in this episode and that is what y'all care about? I don't get why posters say they don't care about gay shyt and then act all hyper-obsessed with it.

Wheeled that man off into the night, while he was still ringing his bell like :damn:. Eladio's impression of him :laff:

That was :mjlol: and yet so Eladio. I'm 85% sure he was channeling Trump on that one too.

Gave em the ol fukk off

As he deserved.

Yeah but just seems like something out of a lesser show. “Oh your son is dead if you didn’t already know and I was there so don’t worry, it was basically on him for the most part but we got you on them Salamancas:beli:

It's not that this is a lesser show, it's a reminder that Mike is a lesser man. For all his arrogance he always fukks up the interpersonal relationships. He basically got his son killed because he was never straight with him about being a crooked cop. He was a dumbass in the grief circle because he doesn't know how to deal with his own issues. His relationship with his daughter-in-law and granddaughter is fukked because he let choosing a life of crime get in the way. He failed to deal with the Germans effectively and in the end it got two of them killed. He completely failed to handle things right with Kim and Jimmy and didn't protect them at multiple junctures. In Breaking Bad he fukks up dealing with Walt and Jesse, then fails to take care of his granddaughter, and manages to let down all of his henchmen as well.

Mike is a highly competent and careful cop. But he's not some master strategist or communicator, and the way he fukked up the convo with Nacho's dad is in line with how he's fukked up his other relationships too.

Powerful scene.

Unexpected and beautiful. Mike really deserves a huge fukk you for all the shyt he's helped cause. Thinks he's in there helping something somehow and is never gonna do a lick of good for anybody.
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
This notion that Lalo kept Jimmy alive because he thought Jimmy may one day be useful doesn’t make any sense. It’s like y’all are conveniently forgetting that he was originally planning on sending Jimmy on the suicide mission to Gus’s house. He was done with Jimmy. Killing Jimmy wouldn’t have been “random”, it would have been the most logical thing to do in the situation.

Taking the time to tie him up after Kim left was an illogical waste of time that added unnecessary risk. What if that chair fell apart as Jimmy fell to the ground? At the very least, that could’ve resulted in Jimmy being able to alert the police (which from Lalo’s perspective would have been Jimmy’s most logical move since, as hex pointed out, he doesn’t know that Jimmy know Mike).

The only good reason to not kill Jimmy was cuz Jimmy needed to be alive in BB.

There is zero chance Jimmy calls the police because he has a dead lawyer on his floor, a shytload of drug money in the house he can't explain, and the whole Lalo business that is going to blow up if anyone looks too deep.

You're right that Jimmy was gonna be used first, but it would have been for a purpose and in that case he still might have gotten info from Kim. Lalo doesn't kill for no purpose, and there is literally zero reason to kill Jimmy. He's not going to pose a danger to Lalo under any circumstances.

Imagine that Jimmy did call the police. What difference does that make? Lalo is already a wanted fugitive. Jimmy has no idea where he's gone. Any drama from the police messing around isn't going to affect his mission and might even pay off by distracting Mike's men that much more. There's no risk at all to Lalo in leaving Saul alive.

Avisible Man

S/N: 52093850
May 24, 2022
Unexpected and beautiful. Mike really deserves a huge fukk you for all the shyt he's helped cause. Thinks he's in there helping something somehow and is never gonna do a lick of good for anybody.

Notice, too, in that scene, how Mike says "your son fell in with some bad people. But he was never like them. Not really." Mike, you one of the bad people Nacho fell in with. But he doesn't see it that way. He disassociates himself from these bad people and thinks he just out there doing his job. And we supposed to like him cuz he has a "code." fukk that. I was nodding with a grin when Nacho's pops said "you gangsters, you're all the same." He saw Mikey for what he truly was. That put Mike right in his place where he belonged.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

Yo whoever said last week that Patrick Fabian is just always Howard in real life was dead-on accurate. :russ:

They declared him dead that quick

Yeah, you can get it done fast if all the circumstances are obvious, even without a body. You just have to petition the court to make a declaration. In many cases the family is pressing to get it done for legal reasons, settling estates and collecting the insurance claim and all that shyt. It happened to my friends' dad when I was growing up and he disappeared. [plot twist - he wasn't dead and reappeared years later]

Elite level scumbags :snoop: Kim gonna fukk around an commit that
Real clever and fukked up gaslighting how Kim implied that Cheryl either led to Howard's 'cocaine abuse' and/or wasn't aware of it--when she let it be known that she knew about their marital problems and when they got worse, and saying "you knew him better than anyone".

Multiple layers to the gaslighting.

Cold blooded.

Man, that was one of the most cringy fukked up gaslighting demos I've ever seen. They seriously fukked her up, messed up her whole reality and everything she knew about him, just out of self-preservation.

it was her, saul didnt even want to fuk with hamlin

It was both of them. That speech she made in the end was dead-on accurate. If it hadn't been for Jimmy then Kim would just be a law partner doing pro-bono on the side still and not getting into any trouble at all. If it hadn't been for Kim then Jimmy would just be pulling the smaller cons and never would have pushed as hard as he did. They were bad for each other.

Kim leaving was quick but that's the type of person she has been throughout the show when it comes to decision making. Hopefully we can find out what type of life she's been living since. She was not a good person and probably let guilt take over her.

Not a good person compared to who?

She legitimately cared about Jimmy and she legitimately cared about a ton of clients. She also did terrible things. But so far as the BCS/BB universe goes she had more redeeming features than nearly anyone else.