I have a question but it might be a little silly but
I never watched Breaking Bad while it was airing on TV. I watched it on Netflix.
Actually, I saw some of the episodes while it was still on TV but I wasn't able to follow but once it was on Netflix I watched it
Third time now
Now.... On Netflix, BB had curses. They cursed all the time.
From watching those 2 episodes of BCS, it's been fairly clean. I don't think they said the words fukk, shyt, or anything not even once.
Do they show the explicit version once it hits Netflix? @hexagram23
They shoot it unedited (with all the cursing, nudity, etc.) then edit (or reshoot) based on what they know they can't show/say on AMC. The Netflix/DVD/Blu-Rays are unedited.
"BCS" has had a bit of cursing, a few "shyts", and the twin said "fukk" but the scene changed before he got the word out.