What is death. Look up the jeopardy archives. It's about King Saul. Vince dropped jewels in this episode. Now this episode laid the cards out. Jimmy getting played something serious by Hamlin and Kim. I'm positive this is betrayal that sets him on the Saul path. He turns too strippers and escorts he gets burned so bad. Now Coli detectives going to say I'm wrong. Jimmy goes after Hamlin and fails to drum up any real business, Kim on orders from Hamlin tells her to push him into elder law, man went from custom suits to on the rack clothes on her word. I would think Hamlin has money to set him up with a ringer client who screws Jimmy in a big way. Nothing hardens a man like screwed over by a woman you love. Also you notice that Mike is so low key that He isn't on Gus radar yet.