This new writer is golden and they need to keep him or her.I'm far from an action junkie like those cats who critique WDs eps, but these first couple of eps are not seeing BB's firsts. I was enthralled from the jump. Blasted through the whole series in a week with no wane of enthusiasm,
the whole time. Here I find myself tuning out the dialogs between Saul and Chuck and that lawyer chick. And whats up with him trying to copy that other lawyer?
But the writer of this last ep is new. Need to toss him in the bushes.
This new writer is golden and they need to keep him or her.
This episode was easily on par with the last one in my mind.
The Chuck scene a are some of the best ones and Micheal McKeans giving a great performance.
Maybe you should stop trying to compare this show to Breaking Bad because if it's showed anything in these five episodes it's that the show isn't trying to he that and clearly has it's own tone that either you adjust to or the shows just not for you.
Oh, and for the record that is the same retirement home Hector was in:
i understand the desire to have this show focus on characterization rather than action, but plenty of writers are able to provide insight into a character with an exciting plot. If this show was not associated with Breaking Bad I think the network would have required them to squeeze the few developments in the first 4 episodes into 1.
lastly, i am sure the writers want this show to stand alone on its own. i think they could have done a better job establishing this as its own show then later incorporating the breaking bad drama into it. it seems like there are more breaking bad characters on here than not, so a lot of viewers are justified in expecting breaking bad type drama