The server compensates for high ping players with shytty connections so it frequently feels like you got one shotted when on their screen they shot you 5 times.
Or on there screen you'll be in line of site but on your own screen you'll be in cover already resulting in getting killed around corners.
It's every game mode cause it's the net code. That's why you'll see a lot of 'no region hoppers' and 'no Brazil or Latin American players' in server names.
It also has to do with what's called the tick rate. Basically the frequency with which the consoles updates your inputs with dices servers. I think they updated it to 120hz on PC only. Basically the more time per second your inputs are communicated with dices servers the more accurate it will represent what's happening in real time.
Since the console games are capped at 60fps I don't think 120hz means much past 60hz. Cause our screen only updates 60 times a second max anyway.
Pretty sure consoles are only 10hz which compared to most competitive shooters is extremely slow.
That means for every movement or input you make the server is only told 10 times a second. Where in say counter strike it can be like 100 times a second making split second movements and subtle inputs much more accurate.
Well what you said about the hz is just incorrect, which makes everything you said afterwards.. incorrect?
Its well known that 240hz is ideal for 3D gaming/movies amongst other things
As for the thee 10hz for console gaming.. not sure what you mean, never heard of that.
When you have your High Frequency Update turned on, its 30hz from my understanding.
The lag is I guess when you play people who are not using the HFU, and with this newest update.. its needs to be tweaked. The game was running fine at 10hz, what you claim isn't the cause. Its just the popular internet reasoning
Now I had the same things happen to me.. in the normal mode. But in hardcore (ranked)
I reckon less people from bolivia play that mode, so the connections be spot on more often. Just a guess, but it be true. All you ladies need to do is try the mode out and make sure to record when it messes up.
Hard heads make for lagging.. behinds