so this were u dudes went
Most these other leagues are emptying out their accounts to pay for url/ex url names to be on their fliers to get the quick views and attention to recoup their money back. Let's be honest here. They could take a quarter of that money find their own talent and properly brand and market those guys then spend more money to keep them from url. Instead these guys want to skip the line and jump from something to nothing and produce a url nome or summer madness kind of card then disappear.If the other leagues aren't financially capable of getting a top battler to remain loyal to them, what do you expect them to do? URL does 20 + events. URL can give a guy like Charron 3 battles in 2 months because they can. KOTD couldn't afford to keep him. But URL can afford to keep him even if it's just to keep him away from RBE.