I hear this criticism alot and I am curious as to what exactly is "doing it right"? Doing it like Marvel? Y'know copying Marvel isn't the only way to create a movie universe for their heroes and considering it is Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman (all characters with familiarity among the majority of people who would see a film like this) it is not necessary to do individual films introducing each character one at a time.
Plus all we know about this movie is that it is going to focus on Superman and Batman...Wonder Woman's part is likely to not be that big and their hasn't even been an official announcement of who the villain is yet. So considering how little we know about the film it seems a bit too soon to shyt on it for "rushing" things.
sorry this is super late
i mean they dont necessarily have to have individual films but it helps introduce the character for the audience, unless they just want the audience to go off of the nolan films. or maybe they will spend a good portion of the movie introducing Affleck Batman. it would be a disservice to the character to just have him as a side guy or maybe thats the goal since its a "superman" movie.
just seems like its being rushed so they can get some of this comic book movie money and slow down marvel.
i take it for example the amazing spiderman you thought that was unnecessary then since spiderman is a notable character. but toby pete parker/spiderman and garfield pete parker/spiderman are different im sure you'd agree.
we'll see how it is. im sure visually it will be nice, we'll see how it is plot wise unless they are shooting for just a popcorn flick for the summer