I honestly don't really care what the reviews are saying
From the Collider reviews... It's pretty much what I expected. Batman to be dope, Superman to be less dark (to please his whiney fanbase) Wonder Woman to be underused, Lex to be an OCD having fakkit, action will be great, story direction could be better, etc.
I'm a big enough comic Stan to enjoy the film but not big enough to bytch over all the minor things...
I like MOS (watching it now) and if Batman is nearly as good as people saying then I would be cool with this kickstarting the DCEU.
Like I said... I think it was Warner Bros. more than anything. Could be Snyder but Watchmen was great. 300 was great, I didn't even mind Sucksr Punch (forgettable but ok), and I liked MOS.
I don't care if Batman or Superman killing people... Like I said before, people must've missed Frank Millers Dark Knight and Flashpoint Paradox where EVERYONE was killing... Which is what I think Snyder was going for at least with Batman
In that it's Thomas Wayne as Batman, who kills cause Bruce died and his wife became the Joker