So... if I get it right...
... what the three of you are saying...
... is that they're using this movie to address the criticisms people had against MoS...
I guess MoS didn't do its job too well then if they needed to do that in this one.
MoS can't stand on its own = confirmed, by the makers of the film itself and its most hardcore online defenders.
We've certainly come a long way from the times when all acknowledgment of the destruction in Metropolis was this:
That's right indifferent shallow army woman, we can always acknowledge that shyt...
in the sequel.
(For the record, I'm happy they're implementing these elements but if you think that shyt is included because they planned it ahead, and not because they
had to address it after all the criticisms, you are unbearably naive. So you should all actually thank me for my hard work of crusading against MoS for two full years just to get these film makers to step their game up.)