This was probably the most enjoyable movie experience I've had ever. No filler just straight into Thanos catching bodies and stones, the way he stole off Hulk was

played possum and unleashed a prime Mike Tyson ass whuppin. Had Hulk wanting no more smoke
Never thought I'd be sad to see Loki go but he got that slow painful death, at least Heimdall got it quick (even Thanos had to kill the brotha first

) Thor's whole fam is dead, his best friend and his people.
Spidey man

that shyt hurt and almost made me shed a few tears. You got to see that although he's a superhero he was still just a scared kid underneath it all. Tony really is a Stark through and through, that surname is cursed (word to Winterfell) held Pete in his arms and watched him fade away.

It was crazy seeing Thanos show emotion for the one person he truly loved no matter how twisted it was. He killed half the people on her planet, stole her and then sacrifices her for the soul stone.
The whole back and forth with Thor and Quill was hilarious, same for Tony, Peter and Strange. They played well off each other and delivered some great lighthearted moments in an otherwise heart wrenching movie.
Everyone in the theater got hype when Cap came out of the shadows and caught Proxima's weapon, same for when T'Challa appeared.
I knew Strange wouldn't sacrifice Tony over handing over the Time Stone but damn they almost had the Gauntlet had Quill kept a level head.
That shyt with Vision almost worked but Thanos getting that Time Stone was the end of that.
Thor came through in the clutch on Wakanda and almost saved the day until them fingers snapped, the fact that it didn't happen instantaneously made it all the more sadder to watch BP, Wanda, Falcon, Drax, Quill, Groot and all the rest slowly turn to ash. A lot of people were confused by that it seemed, having read the comic it was obvious but he even said it during the movie. That smile he gave at the end was

killed half the universe and
The ten year journey was worth it, they really outdid themselves. It was an action, drama, suspense, comedy and thriller all in one.