Aint that cut and dry. Bucky killed his parents and tons of other people. Was he brainwashed? Yes. But in the real world you don't get off for murder because you went crazy/psycho. You still pay for your crimes. Tony also wasn't wrong that they caused collateral damage and are essentially walking nukes. People dying because of their negligence. That's not cool either. Cap was right too though because the Accords was just a way for the world governments to enslave them. I agree with Cap more there even if I do feel for the black mom who told Tony off in the beginning of the movie but, I don't know. Both sides had very good points on the Accords. The only hard line I had was with Bucky. Cap's argument was basically I know he's killed all these people but, he's my friend

irl breh would be locked up in a nuthouse. Temporary insanity don't wipe away murders breh.