I saw it again earlier this afternoon yo this guy Strange tried to put him into the mirror dimension

Thanos broke it and transformed it into a blackhole an sent it back

Only for Strange to turn it into butterflies
"You might regret that. He brought you face to face with the master of the mystic arts"
yup, i caught that too.
i was not expecting Thanos to get all of the Infinity Jems in this movie so when Strange busted out the Mirror Dimension
i thought he was going to try to use what he learned from the one possible victory out of millions of defeats that he witnessed.
the Thanos, Strange battle reminded me of a fencing match.
the thrust.
the parry.
the counter.
the counter counter....and then the butterflies.
Thanos was like "I see you playa."
Strange: "Game recognize game."
Thanos: "Personally, I prefer bubbles."
when they first showed the Red Skull i thought it was Mistress Death.
I don't know how many of you have read "The Infinity Gauntlet" comic books but
the reason Thanos wanted to restore balance to the universe is because he was
in love with the embodiment of Death.
Mistress Death felt that there was an imbalance in the universe because there were
more beings alive then had ever died.
Thanos thought that by killing half of the beings in the universe and thus rectifying
Mistress Death's perceived imbalance that he would win her love.
she wore a black cloak and her face would sometimes be a skull and sometimes that of a regular women.
when i saw the black cloak and the skull face i immediately thought it was Mistress Death.
then they got closer with the camera and i realized that it was the Red Skull.
i really believe the way the presented the Red Skull was a nod to Mistress Death.